  • 她一时疏忽,竟把她的全部财产转移她的子女们了。
    In an unguarded moment, she transferred all her property to her children.
  • 这些歪风了我们很多损害,有些坏影响现在还未肃清,有的将来还要自食其恶果。
    These unhealthy practices have done us much harm; some still remain to do so, and others will cause us to suffer in the future.
  • 给演员发制服
    Issued uniforms to the players.
  • 第三十七条 从林区运出木材,必须持有林业主管部门发的运输证件,国家统一调拨的木材除外。
    Article 37 The transport timber out of forest districts, it shall be necessary to present the transport documentation issued by the competent forestry authorities with the exception of timber uniformly allocated and transferred by the State.
  • 公司工人提供制服,但希望他们定期把制服洗干净。
    The firm provides its workers with their uniforms, but they are expected to keep them regularly cleaned.
  • 即使这样做也需要小心谨慎,要知道一只560磅重的家伙可在无意中人以很大伤害。
    Even this required care,since a 560 pound creature could do a lot of damage to a human unintentionally.
  • 虽经我方努力,买方仍无兴趣,除非按上次建议,同意予特别折扣。
    Buyer uninterested despite our effort unless you agree special discount according to our previous advice
  • "如果北京得到举办奥运会的机会,将使东西方的联系更加密切,奥林匹克运动带来新鲜血液,并且在真正意义上实现奥林匹克运动所体现的广泛性,"。
    " A chance for Beijing to host the Games would provide a closer link between the eastern and western worlds, bring fresh blood to the Olympic Movement and a true meaning of universality which the Olympics represents," Liu said.
  • 趁你现在修车,请我加1加仑左右的无铅汽油把油箱灌满。
    While you are about it, top me with a gallon or so of unleaded.
  • 趁你现在修车,请我加1加仑左右的无铅汽油把油箱灌满。
    While you is about it, top me with a gallon or so of unleaded.
  • 趁你现在修车,请我加1加仑左右的无铅汽油把油箱灌满。
    While you're about it, top me with a gallon or so of unleaded.
  • 你得先改掉以前钢琴老师教你的一切坏习惯!
    You must start by unlearning all the bad habits your previous piano teacher taught you!
  • 今天下午我把孩子托付你,你不介意吧?
    Do you mind if I unload the children onto you this afternoon?
  • “把他带回去,”监狱长对看守笑道,“他一些衣服,明天早上7点他开锁后让他到我这里来。
    “Take him back,” the warden said to the guard smiling, “and give him some clothes. Unlock him at seven in the morning and let him come to me.
  • 此一法则所着重的,并非一些意料之外的回报(例如让位老年人所得到的回报),而是诚恳和热心的付出。
    The issue here is not some unlooked-for benefit,such as might come from offering a chair to a senior citizen.It is a matter of honesty and earnest effort.
  • 为了腾出位子主任的儿子,吉姆不幸被开除了。
    Jim was unluckily shoved out to make way for the director's son.
  • 他在遗嘱中没有他的未婚姐妹留下财产。
    His unmarried sisters were left quite unprovided for in the will.
  • 在关系结束后付一方的生活补助款。
    support paid by one half of an unmarried partnership after the relationship ends.
  • 亲友会互相贺年送礼,派发红封包小孩和未婚的成年人。
    Friends and relatives exchange visits and gifts while children and unmarried adults receive lai see, or 'lucky' money.
  • 而即便不是嫁孩子的亲生父亲,生男孩后再嫁人的可能性也比生女孩的要多11%。
    Unmarried mothers of boys were 11 percent more likely to find a husband -- even a husband who was not the child's biological father -- than those with girls.
  • 我不会你添加任何不必要的麻烦。
    I will not cause you any unnecessary trouble.
  • 整个工程都毫无必要,只是了为自己人找个好差事。
    The whole project's unnecessary. It's just jobs for the boys.
  • 这门课的教授应该试图他的学生显示怎样能以看见那些在他们面前一现而过的东西来增添他们生活的乐趣。
    The professor would try to show his pupils how they could add joy to their lives by really seeing what passes unnoticed before them.
  • 从官方角度看,他对此问题一无所知,但他却对此问题非官方地我们提出了许多意见。
    Officially he know nothing about the problem, but unofficially he have give us a lot of advice about it.
  •  搬到新家后感觉好多了,我知道我必须把衬衫还妈。
    Unpacking in our new home and feeling much better, I knew I had to get the shirt back to Mother.
  • 在条件差的地区工作,公司多酬金。
    The firm pays over the odds for working in unpopular area.
  • 家长们抱怨,一些不受欢迎的课程正被灌输学生们。
    The parentsare complaining that some unpopular subjects are being pushed down the students'throats.
  • 在这些应用中,dna指纹会判决带来空前的近乎完美的准确度。
    In these applications, DNA fingerprints bring an unprecedented, nearly perfect accuracy to the determination.
  • 为此目的,他把公司的第一辆跑车研制交他在加利福利亚的设计组来主管,予它前所未有的掌控大权。
    To that end, he handed his California design team unprecedented control over the company's first sport-utillity vehicle.
  • 这个新兴的行业他带来了赚钱和走向成功的机会,也将有助于他从对戏剧观众喧嚷起哄的担忧中解脱出来。
    He was determined to master this new medium. It offered him the chance of money and success -- and it would set him free from the unpredictability of live audience.
  • 当此徐州失守武汉紧张的时候,这种亡国论痛驳一驳,我想不是无益的。
    Now that Hsuchow has fallen and Wuhan is in danger, it will not be unprofitable, I think, to knock the bottom out of the theory of national subjugation.
  • 未经审核或者经审核不合格的,建设行政主管部门不得发施工许可证,建设单位不得施工。
    for project not going through review and approval formalities or considered unqualified after the review and examination, the competent construction administrative department shall not issue the license for construction and the construction unit shall not carry out the construction.