  • 染料或其他色材料,在显微镜观察中使结构可见。
    a dye or other coloring material that is used in microscopy to make structures visible.
  • 据ngio论坛的市场推广主席兼sun公司i/o部门经理的查尔斯·安德烈斯称,对最终用户的ngio成本"将为每台机器20美元左右,随时间的推移,成本会下降的。"
    The cost of NGIO for the end user will be "roughly $20 per machine," says Charles Andres, chairman of marketing at the NGIO Forum and Group Manager for I/O at Sun Microsystems."Over time the cost will come down."
  • 被正午的太阳炙烤的沙漠
    A desert burning under the midday sun.
  • 有些新的中间商,如(加州)圣何塞市的ebay公司经营拍卖站点,它们使用动态定价,这是一个利用web的实时功能,让价格随供求关系自由波动的模型。
    Some of the new middlemen, like eBay Inc. in San Jose, are operating auction sites that use dynamic pricing, a model that exploits the real-time capabilities of the Web to let pricing fluctuate freely based on supply and demand.
  • 中长裙;她穿中长裙。
    midiskirts; wore her dresses midi length.
  • 卓越成就的军官;处于漫长教书生涯之中的老师
    An officer with a distinguished career; a teacher in the midst of a long career.
  • 时间的流逝,村民们逐渐习惯了与这个陌生人相处。
    As time/months went by, the willagers gradually got accustomed to the stranger in their midst.
  • 首先,你的主人不想还要为你送的花寻找合适的花瓶,因为他/她忙要做许多别的事情。
    First,your host doesn't want to search for the right size vase in the midst of all his or her other duties.
  • 仲夏的太阳炙烤大地
    The midsummer sun parched the earth.
  • 在南岛的中部屹立新西兰的最高峰,海拔3754米的库克山,其周围是巨大的冰河。
    About midway down the South Island stands Mount Cook, the highest peak in the country at 3,754m, surrounded by giant glaciers.
  • parking是后中西部使用的词中指位于人行道和街道之间且常栽有林荫树木的草坪的词。这个词在西部各州的出现,表明由于社区规格的缘故在后中西部和西部之间存在紧密的语言上的联系
    Parking is an Upper Midwestern term for the grass strip, often planted with shade trees, between a sidewalk and a street. The presence of this word also in Western states attests to the close linguistic connection, owing to settlement patterns, between the Upper Midwest and the West.
  • 画中的年轻女孩带一副沉思而又严肃的神态。
    The young girl in the picture has a thoughtful and solemn mien.
  • 他用尽全身力气开门,可门还是关
    He tried with all his might to open the door but it stayed shut.
  • 你不妨试着用。
    You might as well try.
  • 他用双手拿原稿并且给它一个有力的撕破。
    he took the manuscript in both hands and gave it a mighty tear.
  • 从前牧民们为了寻找新鲜的草原赶牛羊一起迁移。
    Herdsmen used migrate with their cattle and sheep in search of fresh grass.
  • 迈克也学我这么做。
    Mike did the same thing.
  • 他伸手到后面的裤袋里掏出一个厚厚的皮夹,里面装些单据,旅行里程记录本和一卷钞票。
    He reached down in his hip pocket and took out a fat purse. It was filled with slips of paper, some mileage books, a roll of greenbacks.
  • 上述都是主要的废物处理设施,当局提供这些设施,标志一九八九年公布实施的废物处置计划的其中一个重要里程。
    Provision of these essential waste management facilities marks an important milestone in the implementation of the Waste Disposal Plan, which was published in 1989.
  • 一九九七年二月二十日,政府飞行服务队的一架空中超级霸王定翼飞机首次在新香港国际机场降落,标志机场核心工程已到达另一重要里程碑。
    The first landing at the new HKIA - by a Government Flying Service Super King Air fixed wing aircraft on February 20,1997 - represented a major milestone in the Airport Core Programme.
  • 网络正颠覆人类原有的生活方式,在全球大气候下,新加坡为了保持竞争能力,在多方面已有放宽管制的迹象。
    The Internet is transforming human life as we know it. In this global milieu, Singapore is gradually loosening its grip in many areas in order to maintain its competitive edge.
  • 但是当革命在国内有本国无产阶级的勇猛参加,在国外有国际无产阶级的积极援助,对于其欲达到大资产阶级地位的阶级的发展感觉到威胁时,他们又怀疑革命。
    But become suspicious of the revolution when they sense that, with the militant participation of the proletariat at home and the active support of the international proletariat abroad, the revolution is threatening the hope of their class to attain the status of a big bourgeoisie.
  • 2.尽管两极军事对峙的历史已经结束,数十个有独特历史的新的民族国家出人意料地出现了,它们每一个都在为确立自己的地位而进行竞争。
    2.While we as a planet withdraw from a bipolar militaristic stand off,we unexpectedly find ourselves joined by dozens of new nation-states filled with unique nation-state histories,each competing for its own identity.
  • 他由一个民兵看守
    He was watched over by a militiaman.
  • 民兵抓了一个特务。
    The militiamen have caught a spy.
  • 摩托车的民兵追上了逃跑的罪犯。
    The militiamen on motorbikes rode down the escaping criminal.
  • 挤奶的时候,她用手指挤奶头,这挤奶机如此可爱,使羊奶也显得更加乳白香甜;
    In milking a Cow, and straining the teats through her fingers, it seems that so sweet a milk-press makes the milk the whiter or sweeter;
  • 把牛奶瓶子好好洗一下再还给送奶工。
    Remember to wash the bottle out properly before returning it to the milkman.
  • 鼻涕有些粘稠、浑浊不清或者浅黄色的黏液意味伤风加重了。
    Thicker, milky or light yellowish mucus means your cold is progressing.
  • 夜的沉默,如一个深深的灯盏,银河便是它燃的灯光。
    The night's silence, like a deep lamp, is burning with the light of its milky way.
  • 牛群在田里乱走着。
    The cattle were milling about in the field.
  • 米勒先生手里拿大篮子从山坡上走下来。
    Mr Miller stepped down from the hillside with a big basket in this hand.