  • 她很快地用针线缝补袜子。
    She needled the wool rapidly through the sock she was mending.
  • 这期间,人们挣扎使自己不屈从于周围的仇恨,当男人们互相拼杀并谈论必要的牺牲时,女人们必须进行自己的战斗。
    It is a time of struggle not to succumb to the hatred all around. As the menfolk kill and talk of necessary sacrifice,these women must fight battles of their own.
  • 排卵期前的紧随排卵的月经周期的一个阶段的或与其有关的,以黄体激素的隐藏为特征
    Of or relating to the phase of the menstrual cycle immediately following ovulation, characterized by secretion of progesterone.
  • (帮助安排客人入座)不要急,早餐已为你们准备好了,请您先看菜单。
    (Helping to seat the guests) Don't worry about that. Breakfast is ready for you. Here are the menus.
  • 我瞧所有这些东西,每一件都使我联想到那个可怜的姑娘的一次肉体买卖。我心想,天主对她尚算仁慈,没有让她遭受通常的那种惩罚,而是让她在晚年之前,带她那花容月貌,死在穷奢极侈的豪华生活之中。对这些妓女来说,衰老就是她们的第一次死亡。
    As I contemplated all these things, each to my mind standing for a separate prostitution of the poor girl, I reflected that God had been merciful to her since He had not suffered her to live long enough to undergo the usual punishment but had allowed her to die at the height of her wealth and beauty, long before the coming of old age, that first death of courtesans.
  • 在她向我传授她的智慧和经验时,我总是了迷似地倾听这个"时间机器"。
    I was always mesmerized listening to this “ time machine” as she shared her wisdom and experience with me.
  • 太平洋深海岩芯表明,伴随太平洋北部的普遍降温开始了美索不达米亚旱灾。这次降温可能影响了供给美索不达米亚河的降雨量。
    Atlantic deep-sea cores suggest that the start of the Mesopotamian drought coincides with widespread cooling in the northern part of the ocean, which could have affected rainfall that typically fed Mesopotamia's rivers.
  • 跋涉在灌木缠绕的生长物中。
    toiled through entangled growths of mesquite.
  • 这部戏有重要的寓意。
    The play has a serious message.
  • 我房间的留言灯在亮
    My message light is on.
  • 使者喘气说出那消息。
    The messenger panted out the news.
  • “长官先生和各位先生,”主教说,“我知道什么事使你们感到丢人,你们一定认为一个贫苦的牧师跨耶稣基督的坐骑未免妄自尊大。
    "Monsieur the Mayor," said the Bishop, "and Messieurs Citizens, I perceive that I shock you. You think it very arrogant in a poor priest to ride an animal which was used by Jesus Christ.
  • 肮脏、凌乱;覆盖泥土或者粪土。
    dirty and messy; covered with mud or muck.
  • 念大学期间,它都在我身边,在上那些会把人搞脏的课时穿它总是很舒服。
    All during college, it stayed with me, always comfortable to throw over my clothes during messy projects.
  • 在他骗我去干脏活而他却做日常文书工作以前,我们一直很好地共同干这一工作。
    We were sharing the work quite well until he bowled a fast on and left me with all the messy jobs while he did the paper work.
  • 黑变病,黑素沉病因色素代谢失常而引起的皮肤或其他组织中黑色素沉积的状况
    Abnormally dark pigmentation of the skin or other tissues, resulting from a disorder of pigment metabolism.
  • 推广进程的缓慢暗含美国种/民族融合的缓慢步伐。
    The slow pace of that process itself could be a metaphor for gradual racial and ethnic intermixing in this country.
  • 这只碗一会儿;他手里拿一本书。
    Hold this bowl for a moment, please; also metaphorically: A crazy idea took hold of him.
  • 横梁支撑屋顶;当我在横梁上时,他用一支手支撑我平衡。
    The beam holds up the roof; He supported me with one hand while I balanced on the beam; What's holding that mirror?; also metaphorically: Her efforts support us morally.
  • 当地球绕太阳作循环往复的公转时,流星团如果遭遇地球大气层上层时,就会出现"流星雨"这种"大自然烟火"的壮丽景观。
    Nature's spectacular fireworks show, a "meteor shower," comes into view when the swarms encounter the upper layer of the earth's atmosphere during the earth's perpetual revolution around the sun.
  • 这些巨大的天体成功陆后便被重新命名为陨石。
    After successful landings upon the earth, these huge bodies are renamed meteorites.
  • 它意味这层膜化合物可能来自陨石或慧星。在太阳系形成初期当陨石或慧星与地球相撞时被送到了地球。
    It is possible that such membranous compounds could have arrived on earth as stowaways on the meteorites or comets that pounded the planet during the early history of the solar system.
  • 铁路走大约100公尺。
    Follow the railroad track about100 meter.
  • 他说:"这绝不是一面50米(164英尺)高的冰墙降低2米那么简单,这个数字意味大量的冰雪已经消失了。"
    "That's more than two meter's worth of ice lost from a wall 164 feet (50 meters) high," said Thompson. "That's an enormous amount of ice."
  • 所有这些,都是战略进攻的任务,目的在于乘敌取守势之时,有效地发展自己的军事的和民众的力量,有效地缩小敌人的力量,并准备敌人再度向我进攻时又能有计划地和有力地打破之。
    These are all tasks of the strategic offensive, and the purpose is to take advantage of the fact that the enemy is on the defensive so that we may effectively build up our own military and mass strength, effectively reduce the enemy's strength and prepare to smash the enemy methodically and vigorously when he mounts an offensive again.
  • 自然资源的开发和生态环境的保护都要本科学的态度和方法,不该开发利用的绝不开发,需要开发的必须目标明确、方式科学,坚决防止对生态功能造成不必要的负面影响。
    A scientific attitude and methodology must be adopted in exploring natural resources and protecting the ecological environment. Natural resources that are not to be explored and used should be strictly protected, while the exploration and utilization of needed resources should be done scientifically with a definite goal, to prevent any unwanted impact on the ecological functions.
  • 菲利普斯先生还活,不过现在他和女儿一家生活在一起。他肯定很老很老了,我还是小孩子的时候他就有一把白胡子了。
    Mr Phillips is still alive, but living with his daughter's family now. He must be as old as Methuselah—he was a grey-bearded old man when I was a boy.
  • “菲利普先生仍活,现在和他女儿家住在一起。”“咳,你说的话真使我吃惊!他一定老不堪言—我还是个孩子的时候,他就是一个两鬓苍白的老人了。”
    "Mr Philips is still alive, but living with his daughter's family now." "Well, you do surprise me! He must be as old as Methuselah—he was a grey-bearded old man when I was a boy."
  • 出租汽车的计程表在滴答滴答地走
    The taxi 's metre was ticking away.
  • 在两个非重读音节或短音节中间夹一个重读音节或长音节,如单词remember。
    a metrical unit with unstressed-stressed-unstressed syllables (e.g., `remember').
  • 短长短三音节音步一种三音节音步,在两个非重读音节或短音节中间夹一个重读音节或长音节,如单词remember
    A trisyllabic metrical foot having one accented or long syllable between two unaccented or short syllables, as in the word remember.
  • 在录音室里对话筒讲话,是自得其乐,因为你不会想到观众,只想到两三个人的聚会;想到围坐在炉火旁的一家人,一个不断点烟斗的学者。
    To speak into a microphone in a studio is a private pleasure, because you do not think of an audience. You think of two of three gathered together. You picture the family by the fire, the student lighting and relighting his pipe.