  • 棒球俱乐部的资金仍空如往昔。
    The treasury of the baseball club is as empty as ever.
  • 你不把我放在眼里。既你要这样待我,一开始又干嘛要请我来?
    Treating me like dirt. Why'd you invite me here in the first place if you were going to treat me like dirt?
  • 我们突听到巨大的爆炸声。
    We heard a tremendous explosion all of a sudden.
  • 在一阵轻微的地震中,一大块岩石突从地下露出地面。
    During the earth tremor a large piece of rock chopped out of the ground.
  • 微震,脉动由自现象,如风或强海波引起的轻微地球震动
    A faint earth tremor caused by natural phenomena, such as winds and strong ocean waves.
  • 微震,脉动由自现象,如风或强海波引起的轻微地球震动
    A faint earth tremor caused by natural phenomena, such as winds and strong ocean waves.
  • 由于从紧张状态中获得解脱太突,所以她又处于一处悲喜交加的不安状态。
    The sudden relief from strain left her in a tremulous state between laughter and tears.
  • 他们虽慷慨,但是如果我们再多拿,就太过分了。
    It would be trespassing upon their generosity to accept any more.
  • 所谓线条,并不是指一条直线,一个圆圈,或一个三角形,而是大自的嶙峋的线条。
    By line one does not mean a straight line, or a circle or a triangle,but the rugged lines of nature.
  • 图腾一种动物、植物或自物体,在某一部落或传统民族中作为一氏族或家庭的象征,有时被尊为其创建者、祖先或守护者
    An animal, a plant, or a natural object serving among certain tribal or traditional peoples as the emblem of a clan or family and sometimes revered as its founder, ancestor, or guardian.
  • 这一点,我们还可以从原始氏族首领和其成员的首要任务和崇高义务,就是维护自己血缘氏族的生存利益中一目了
    Actually, it is not difficult to understand why ancient rulers behaved in this manner. In primeval times, tribal chiefs and their members had to resort to power to ensure the survival of their whole community.
  • 这一点,我们还可以从原始氏族首领和其成员的首要任务和崇高义务,就是维护自己血缘氏族的生存利益中一目了
    Actually, it is not difficult to understand why ancient rulers behaved in this manner. In primeval times, tribal chiefs and their members had to resort to power to ensure the survival of their whole community, which was their primary responsibility.
  • 这可以理解,而这毕竟是个大遗憾。因为不论过去或现在,许多品格崇高,才华横溢而又坎坷一生的艺术家往往并不长寿,甚至英年早逝。
    Though we can understand why such a condition was imposed, this is really unfortunate as a number of writers, whose great talents enable them to produce brilliant literary works, tend to encounter tribulations in their lives and die at the height of their profession.
  • 水量小过河流的自水流,常常充当河流的支流。
    a natural stream of water smaller than a river (and often a tributary of a river).
  • 而,古典芭蕾已经表明它是主流正如民间舞和交际舞一样,现代的剧场舞蹈是古典芭蕾舞的支流。
    But classical ballet has shown that it is the mainstream; modern theatrical dance like folk and social dance is its tributary.
  • 但是恐惧死亡,以之为我们对自应纳的贡献,则是愚弱的。
    but the fear of it, as a tribute due unto nature, is weak.
  • 屋顶上的小洞你没有补好,仍往下浸水。
    You didn't mend that hole in the roof very well, there is still a little rain trickling in.
  • 股票价格突下跌给政府出了一个难题
    The sudden drop in share price had set the government a tricky problem
  • 即使做了这么多变动,影片所迭的公映时间仍大为不妙。
    Even with the changes, however, the film will open at a tricky moment in Japan.
  • 而它在社会上。哲学上所引起的震动才刚刚开始。
    The social and philosophical temblors it triggers, however, have merely begun.
  • 这消息透露出来的经过是这样的--他看到第二个女儿在装饰帽子,就突对她说:“我希望彬格莱先生会喜欢你这顶帽子,丽萃。”
    It was then disclosed in the following manner. Observing his second daughter employed in trimming a hat, he suddenly addressed her with,"I hope Mr. Bingley will like it, Lizzy."
  • 例如:有关低体重出生研究方面,研究者们已考虑到这样的事实,即那些想通过医学手段而受精生育的夫妻们年龄比一般生育年龄大些,而且一次多胎--双胞胎、三胞胎等等。
    In the low-birth-weight study,for example,the researchers allowed for the fact that parents who use assisted reproduction tend to be older than average and to have more multiple births--twins,triplets and so on.
  • 美德本应占上风,而其影响却锐减。
    Virtue, which should have been triumphant, had taken a bad tumble.
  • 我内心充满了胜利的喜悦---这种心情与其说是因为征服了蛇,倒不如说是因为征服了只是在片刻之前使我毛骨悚的环境。
    I felt triumphant --not so much over the snake as over circumstances that only moments before had overwhelmed me.
  • 在玛头工人中这一场面以前显从未出现过,他们为工友的释放而欢呼,把它看作是一个大胜利,他们兴奋地用手把被释放的工友高高地举起来,穿过一条条街道。
    Such a view was clearly not shared by the dockers, who greeted the release of their colleagues as a triumphant victory, and carried them through the streets shoulder high.
  • 伍德豪斯先生年事已高,又爱为琐事发愁,自无法给女儿作伴儿。
    Woodhouse was too old and too fond of worrying about trivialities to be a companion for his daughter.
  • 国家的独立虽使中国人民的生命不再遭受外国侵略者的蹂躏,但是,还必须在此基础上使人民享有基本的生活保障,才能真正解决生存权问题。
    National independence has protected the Chinese people from being trodden under the heels of foreign invaders. However, the problem of the people's right to subsistence can be truly solved only when their basic means of livelihood are guaranteed.
  • 在这些事件包围之中,“樵夫”和“农民”仍悄悄地干着活,而那两位大下巴和另外两张平常的和姣好的面孔却都威风凛凛,专横地运用着他们神授的君权。
    Environed by them, while the Woodman and the Farmer worked unheeded, those two of the large jaws, and those other two of the plain and the fair laces, trod with stir enough, and carried their divine rights with a high hand.
  • 乘102路无轨车到动物园,后在那里换乘334路汽车。
    Take a No.102 trolley-bus to the zoo and change there to a 334 bus.
  • 乘102路无轨车到动物园,后在那里换乘334路汽车。
    Take a no. 102 trolley - bus to the zoo and change there to a 334 bus.
  • 在热带地区的许多国家,仍允许使用ddt。
    Many countries, especially in the tropics, still permit the use of DDT.
  • 在留学生遍及全球的时代背景下,英国牛津大学这样的世界一流大学,忽发现自己与哈佛大学在争抢英国学生,他们面临着严峻的挑战。
    In the context of student globe trotters, as world class British universities like Oxford suddenly find themselves fighting over British students with the Harvards of the world, they face major challenges.