| - 就在我们公司要关门停业的时候,幸好市议会主动提供了款项。
Our company was about to close when luckily the city council pitched in with an offer of money. - 目前值得一提的是,米歇尔正在着手开发一项赢利性的网上音乐销售业务,即与vodaphoneairtouch公司合作,把seagram的音乐产品通过vizzazi欧洲因特网端口传送到用户那里。
In particular, Messier is looking to develop a lucrative online music distribution business, delivering Seagram's music catalogue to consumers via the Vizzavi European Internet portal Vivendi has launched in partnership with Vodafone AirTouch. - 清廷早于一七九九年明令禁止输入鸦片,但自一八三四年东印度公司丧失与中国贸易的特权后,外商为图暴利,竟加入鸦片商贩行列,使中国银元外流的情况,更趋严重。
The outflow of silver became more marked from 1834, after the East India Company lost its monopoly of the China trade, and the foreign free traders, hoping to get rich quickly, joined the lucrative opium trade which the Chinese had made illegal in 1799. - 如今人人都想拿一个工商管理硕士学位,然后到家公司找一份高薪的工作。拿文学学位是很不实际的,就业机会也很少。不过我这个人从来都不很实际,总是把个人兴趣摆在第一位。
I know the modern trend is to get a degree in MBA and seek a lucrative job with a business firm,and a degree in literature is not at all practical and offers very few job opportunities,but I' ve never been a very practical man,personal interest always comes first with me. - 卡尔大公
Karl Ludwig Johann,Erzherzog (1771~1847) - 他人给我这么多样品和公司简介。太多了,现在带起来可真吃力。
They give me so many sample and company brochures, it's a heck of lot to lug around now. - 他人给我这么多样品和公司简介。太多了,现在带起来可真吃力。
They gave me so many samples and company brochures. It 's a heck of lot to lug around now. - 他人给我这么多样品和公司简介。太多了,现在带起来可真吃力。
They give me so many samples and company brochures. it 's a heck of lot to lug around now. - 他们发现钱被盗时就我一个人在办公室,我可真是跳进黄河也洗不清。
When they discovered that I had been the only person in the office when the money had been stolen I was really in dead lumber. - 公益林业建设,一是对地域内的森林,无论是天然林还是人工林,全部停止商业性采伐,并要逐步划定为保护区,依法严加保护;
The development of forests with social benefits shall be in line with the following principles . First, stopping all lumbering activities with commercial purposes in both natural forests and plantations, gradually demarcating nature reserves and conserving them according to law. - 农历年初一,我去了马鞍山,探访两户公共屋恏家庭,其中一家姓陈,另一家姓林。
On the first day of the Lunar New Year, I visited two families, the Chans and the Lams in the public housing estates in Ma On Shan. - 犹太人用的日历:自公元年(传说中的创世纪)开始;天的阴历年用闰年调整以和阳历年对齐。
the calendar used by the Jews; dates from 3761 BC (the assumed date of the creation of the world); a lunar year of 354 days is adjusted to the solar year by periodic leap years. - 这就好比鲁迅《狂人日记》里的主人公那样,在当时其他人眼里,他是个不懂得礼教条规的狂人,但在当今所有读者心里,大家都很清楚,狂人其实才是最正常的。
The hero in A Madman's Diary, a well-known story by Lu Xun, was a lunatic in the eyes of other people, because he challenged and ignored the values and beliefs of his time. To all readers today, however, it is the madman that was sober-minded and psychologically normal. - 这就好比鲁迅《狂人日记》里的主人公那样,在当时封建社会的人们眼里,他是个不懂得礼教条规的狂人,但在所有读者心里,大家都很清楚,狂人其实才是最正常的。
The hero in A Madman's Diary, a well-known story by the late Chinese writer Lu Xun, was a lunatic in the eyes of other people, because he challenged and ignored the values and beliefs of his time. To all readers today, however, it is the madman that was sober-minded and psychologically normal. - 乔治是主张让公司发午餐券的地起者。
George was the prime mover in getting the firm to provide luncheon vouchers. - 有些公司发给职工午餐券,用以购买膳食。
Some firms give their workers luncheon voucher, which they can use to buy a meal. - 我有机会在这个盛会上,跟大家讲几句话,感到非常荣幸,更要特别多谢香港贸易发展局和法国公会安排今天的午餐会。
I am most grateful to the Hong Kong Trade Development Council and the CNPF for organising this luncheon. - 正当公司开始有些赢利时,一些主要投资人抽回了他们的资金,从而使公司陷入困境。
Just when the company was coming into profit the principal backers withdrew their support and left the firm in the lurch. - 通常这个时候海外股东已停止财务支持公司的业务,终止和他联络,而让他自生自灭。
Quite frequently, all the foreign shareholders would have stopped funding the operations of the company by then and ceased all forms of communication with the 'reluctant' resident director, leaving the latter in a lurch. - 用夸大的或耸人听闻的言词来获得公众注意的人。
someone who uses exaggerated or lurid material in order to gain public attention. - 琵琶早在2000年前就有了它的雏形。东汉年间(公元前25--220年)一位学者刘熙在《释名》一书中这样写到:"枇杷,推手前曰枇,引手却曰杷,像其鼓时,因此为名"。
The pipa is a four-stringed Lute, one of the oldest Chinese musical instruments which appeared in Chinese written texts of the second century BC. Xi Liu of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 AD) described in his book, The definition of Terms -- On Musical Instruments, that the name of the instrument pipa originally refers to two finger techniques. - 在社会上,教会不仅是一种宗教力量,而且也是一种社会力量,但长老会、卫理公会、路德会、罗马天主教会和犹太教会等教派教徒在社会生活中并不各成体系。
The church has become a social as well as a religious force in the community, but community life is not broken up into Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran, Roman Catholic, and Jewish groups. - 这项业务由卢森堡的一家公司管理。
The business are controlled by a company based in Luxembourg. - 这项业务由卢森堡的一家公司管理。
The business is controlled by a company based in Luxembourg. - 山坡上是茂密的原始森林,面积有100多万公顷。
The slopes are covered with luxuriant virgin forests spreading over a million hectares of land. - 年内,该公司共载客1430万人次,行车达1500万公里。
In 1998, LW carried 14.3 million residents and travelled 15 million kilometres. - 龙运巴士有限公司(龙运)自一九九七年六月起在北大屿山及新机场经营。
The Long Win Bus Company Limited (LW) commenced bus operations for North Lantau and the new airport in June 1997. - 若论真正价值,他们相信,新公司在很多关键方面都比业界巨擘梅林公司健全。
Pound for pound, the new entity is stronger in many key respects, they believe, than Merrill Lynch & Company, the industry giant. - 更有一些人,虽然没有受过正式的金融管理训练,却在顶尖的公司,例如美林和高盛,有杰出的工作表现。
Others, despite their lack of formal training in finance, have gone on to do good work in top-notch companies like Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs. - 公共电话吗?太太?
The public phone, ma'am? - 弗莱明尼斯,提图斯·昆克提斯227?-174罗马政治家和将军,在锡诺斯克法莱山(公元前197年)击败马其顿军队
Roman politician and general who defeated the Macedonian forces at Cynoscephalae(197). - 公元前168年马其顿人战胜罗马人的一次主要的胜利;导致古马其顿王国的垮台。
a major victory by the Romans over the Macedonians in 168 BC; resulted in the downfall of the ancient Macedonian kingdom.