  • 对不起,我来迟了,因为会议开得超过了规定时
    Sorry I'm late; the meeting overran.
  • 那个无线电广播节目超过了规定的时
    The radio program overran the time allowed it.
  • 这家企业超过了本工厂限定完工的时期限。
    The company overruns the time limit set to complete the factory.
  • 你的演讲超过了时间
    Your speech has overrun the time limit.
  • 在彩色套印技术中,两种颜色接合处的一小点儿重叠,为防止由于套准不好而可能出现的隙。参阅register。
    In printing, a small overlap where two colours meet to safeguard against a gap which might otherwise occur due to a lack of register.
  • 你的访问与我的访问恐怕正好在同一时
    Your visit and mine will just overlap.
  • 大多数程序化的编程语言都提供了某种形式的控制语句,这在语言通常是共通的。
    Most procedural programming languages have some kind of control statements, and there is often overlap among languages.
  • 其主要目的是为了避免复杂化、重载,并且能用最小的编程代价和运行时来提供对适当层次的注册信息的直接访问。
    Care has been taken to avoid complexity, overlap, and also to provide direct access to the appropriate levels of registered information with a minimum of programming overhead and round tripping.
  • 他的假期兴我的有一部分在同一时
    His vacation overlaps with mine.
  • 在前一行的中开始下一行的缝制的一种搭接的缝制方法。
    overlapping stitch made by starting next stitch at middle of preceding one.
  • 卡农,卡农曲一首乐曲或乐段,其中同样的旋律被一个或多个声部重复,同一调或相关调彼此在时上重合
    A composition or passage in which the same melody is repeated by one or more voices, overlapping in time in the same or a related key.
  • 我的房间俯瞰花园。
    My room overlooked the garden.
  • 我们想要一个能居高临下看到花园而不是停车场的房
    We want a room which overlook the garden, not one overlook the car park.
  • 你们有一临海的房吗?
    Have you get a room overlook the sea?
  • 她不小看正误之的任何差别。
    She does not overlook whatever difference there is between what bis right and what is wrong.
  • 当然,所有安排您在10日晚夜宿的费用,皆将由本公司代您支付。
    All arrangements for your stay overnight on April10 will, of course, be made by us at our expense.
  • 他在一夜之膊成名。
    He became famous overnight.
  • 一夜之变成了一个悲剧人物形象
    Became a tragic figure overnight.
  • 那首歌一夜之流行开来。
    The song took on overnight.
  • 但我们不能期望一夜之就取得成功。
    But we should not expect success overnight.
  • 大雨一夜之冲毁了三条重要的道路。
    Heavy rain washed out three important roads overnight.
  • 一夜风力已增加到八级。
    The wind had piped up to a gale overnight.
  • 这年轻人几乎是一夜名扬四海的。
    This young man rose to international fame almost overnight.
  • 一夜之海水把许多垃圾冲上了岸。
    Overnight the sea had washed up a lot of rubbish.
  • 在短时内横渡一条河
    overpass a river in a short time
  • 他的发言超过了规定时
    His speech -ran the time allowed.
  • 贫富之过于明显的差别
    the oversharp distinction between the rich and the poor
  • 在估计这项工作持续时的长短上,她显然夸张了。
    She clearly overshot the mark in her estimate of how long the job would last.
  • 前行政协调委员会水资源问题小组委员会于1998年开始编写《世界水发展报告》,并于2000年拟订了世界水评估方案,作为前小组委员会监督下的机构方案,由方案秘书处协调,教科文组织主办。
    In 1998, the former ACC Subcommittee on Water Resources launched the World Water Development Report, and in 2000 initiated the World Water Assessment Programme as an inter-agency initiative under the oversight of the former Subcommittee, coordinated by the Programme secretariat and hosted by UNESCO.
  • 我们看望索菲姨妈逗留的时太长了。
    We've already overstayed our visit to Aunt Sophie.
  • 我们失掉很多时了吗?
    Do not overtake, it's dangerous.
  • 我们失掉很多时了吗?
    Do not overtake, it 's dangerous.