  • 这意味着什么呢?
    What does this mean?
  • 这究竟意味甚麽呢?
    "What does that mean?
  • 他说自他太太死后,他活已经没有什么意义。
    He says his life has lost meaning since his wife died.
  • 我希望我的老师知道他们对我意味什么,知道我是多么赞赏他们为使我的生命更加有意义所付出的一切。
    I hope my teachers know how much they mean to me and how much I appreciate all they did to make my life more meaningful.
  • 他一点也不怕我; 他朝我看似乎我是不堪一击的。
    He was not afraid of me; he looked at me as if I were meat.
  • 调解人又尽力劝导另一方说,既然人家已经“给面子”了,便理当还这个人情,同样也接受妥协方案才是。
    Next, the mediator will try to convince the other party that "face has been given" and that he or she is obliged to return the favour by agreeing to the settlement as well.
  • 回教纪元公元622年穆罕默德从麦加到麦地那的逃亡,标志伊斯兰教纪元的开始
    The flight of Mohammed from Mecca to Medina in622, marking the beginning of the Moslem era.
  • 他沉思过去的生活。
    He meditates on his past life.
  • 他坐在那儿思索自己不幸的事。
    He sat there -ting on his misfortunes.
  • 他数天来一直静思死亡。
    He meditated on death for many days.
  • 注视风景;策划他的行动
    Gazed on the vista; meditated on his actions.
  • 我正在玩味:一个漂亮女人的美丽的眼睛竟会给人这么大的快乐。”
    I have been meditating on the very great pleasure which a pair of fine eyes in the face of a pretty woman can bestow."
  • 萨沙走后,医师久久地瞧大烛台,搔耳背,沉思不语。
    After Sasha’s departure the doctor looked for a long time at the candelabra, scratched behind his ear and meditated.
  • 原来人们认为他会拒捕的,但结果他像小羊一样,老老实实地随警察到了警察局。
    It was thought he might have resisted arrest, but in the event he accompanied the officers to the Police Station, as meek as a lamb.
  • 黑色素沉病头发、皮肤、毛皮或羽毛因黑色素沉积而变黑
    Dark coloration of the skin, hair, fur, or feathers because of a high concentration of melanin.
  • 时间的推移,这位长者愈来愈有涵养,他在议会发言中已不再有往日的激愤了。
    As time went by and the old man became mellow, the fury went out of his parliamentary speeches.
  • 年龄的增长,他更成熟了。
    With age, he mellowed.
  • 太阳的落去,色泽变得柔和了。
    The colours mellowed as the sun went down.
  • 我的引导者呵,领导我在光明逝去之前,进到沉静的山谷里去吧。在那里,一生的收获将会成熟为黄金的智慧。
    Lead me, my Guide, before the light fades, into the valley of quiet where life's harvest mellows into golden wisdom.
  • 她拉一手悦耳的大提琴。
    She plays a melodious cello.
  • 杰夫:是的,升、降会旗时,运动场上空也回荡它悠扬的旋律。
    Jeff: Yes, when the flag is raised or lowered,the playground re-sounds its melodious rhythm.
  • 她哼哼悦耳的乐调。
    She hummed a melody.
  • 你的故事使我了迷。
    Your story melted away my soul.
  • 这个国家正在手改革中等教育制度。
    The organization of secondary education in this country is in the melting-pot.
  • 某些水鸟或哺乳动物脚趾间连的膜。
    membrane connecting the toes of some aquatic birds and mammals.
  • 岁时更易,人事变迁,到现在来,并此唯一的纪念品,也早就不知去向了,为什么我还在怀念她呢?
    As the years pass, many things change. Today, the only memento from my native land is long gone. I do not even know where it is. Yet why do I still yearn for the native land ?
  • 这七个德高望重的人物的画像一直点缀那间长厅,“一七一四年七月二十九日”这个值得纪念的日子,也用金字刻在厅里的一张白大理石碑上。
    The portraits of these seven reverend personages decorated this apartment; and this memorable date, the 29th of July, 1714, was there engraved in letters of gold on a table of white marble.
  • 据民间传说(姑且不说当代史吧),爱德华·格雷创造了一个注意的短语。1941年战争爆发的那天早晨,这位外交大臣从他的办公室窗口向外眺望,看见伦敦的煤气灯光正在纷纷熄灭,不禁带一丝儿他那因年事越高而显得越严重的忧伤情绪说道:整个欧洲的灯光快要熄灭了,而且在他有生之年再也不会亮了。
    Folk-memory, let alone contemporary history, has attributed to Edward Grey one memorable phrase. On the morning war broke out in 1941, the Foreign Secretary looked out of his office window and noticed the gas-lights of London being extinguished. He observed, with a touch of that melancholy which marked him increasingly as he approached old age, that the lights were going out all over Europe and would not be lit again in his lifetime.
  • 为克服工作阻碍,找出英语记忆规律,黎教授凭顽强的毅力翻了十几本英语字典。
    In the interest of conquering handicaps in his job and to find a orderly system of memorizing English words, professor Li thumbed through dozens of English dictionaries with an iron perseverance.
  • 我对我们学校有幸福的回忆。
    I had happy memories of my school.
  • 人们慢骑马跑远了。
    The men cantered away.
  • 他威胁着说。
    He spoke with menace.