  • 您可以直接从这儿乘26路电车,后到花园街下车。
    You can take No. 26 tram right here, and then get off at park street.
  • 您可以直接从这儿乘26路电车,后到花园街下车。
    You can take a No.26 tram right here, and then get off at Park Street.
  • 您可以直接从这儿乘26路电车,后到花园街下车。
    You can take s No.26 tram right here, and then get off at park street.
  • 那个流浪者忽双膝落地。
    The tramp dropped to his knees.
  • 那流浪者不知怎么的使我毛骨悚
    There's something about that old tramp that gives me the creeps.
  • 于是,天主上帝使他昏睡,在他昏睡时,取他的一条肋骨,后使伤口愈合。
    And so the Lord God put the man into a trance, and while he slept, he took one of his ribs and closed the flesh over the place.
  • 二零零一年十一月十二日,127813位仍持有原本获分配的盈富基金单位的合资格投资者,获配发第二批盈富基金特别红股基金单位。
    On November 12, 2001, the second tranche of TraHK Loyalty Bonus Units was allocated to 127 813 qualified investors who were still holding their original TraHK units on that date.
  • 受某种平静的自法则的支配,这个过程不会引起混乱,无须付出努力,没有任何反作用。
    The thing is accomplished without trouble, without effort,without reaction,--following a natural and tranquil law.
  • 夜里各城门紧闭,全城两端用几根粗大铁链拦住沟面,巴黎便可安睡觉了。
    At night, the gates were shut, the river was barred at both ends of the city with huge iron chains, and Paris slept tranquilly.
  • 不来梅港德国西北部一城市,位于北海附近的威悉河河口。该市有一个天深港,是重要的航运中心。1847年该市开通了横渡大西洋直达美国的航线。人口135,095
    A city of northwest Germany at the mouth of the Weser River near the North Sea. It has a deep natural harbor and is an important shipping center. Transatlantic service to the United States was inaugurated here in1847. Population,135, 095.
  • 我凝视著那幅气势磅?Z的画,一种堪称超凡的感受油而生。
    Gazing at that majestic painting is for me an almost transcendental experience.
  • 我凝视著那幅气势磅圸的画,一种堪称超凡的感受油而生
    Gazing at that majestic painting is for me an almost transcendental experience
  • 我凝视着那幅气势磅?的画,一种堪称超凡的感受油而生.
    Gazing at that majestic painting was for me an almost transcendental experience.
  • 爱默生,拉尔夫·沃尔朵1803-1882美国作家、哲学家和美国超越主义的中心人物。其诗歌、演说,特别是他的论文,例如自(1836年),被认为是美国思想与文学表达发展的里程碑
    American writer, philosopher, and central figure of American transcendentalism. His poems, orations, and especially his essays, such as Nature(1836), are regarded as landmarks in the development of American thought and literary expression.
  • 存储装置中的数据被传送到其它设备或同一设备其它位置之后,此数据仍保持在存储装置中的功能。
    The function of retaining information in one storage device after transferring it to another device or to another location in the same device.
  • 医生靠输血使他仍活着。
    The doctor kept him alive by a blood transfusion.
  • “俱乐部秘书对她的出格行为感到有点惊讶,走到我跟前说,‘我想这是头一回有女士到那里,当啦,不能说这是头一回有女王到那里。’
    “ The secretary of the club came over to me, slightly shocked at her transgression,and said ‘ I think that's the first time a lady has been in there, but of course you can't say it's the first time a queen has'.
  • 联合观察访厂虽并非执法行动,但有助增进美国方面对香港各项打击非法转运措施的了解。
    The visits, while not acts of law enforcement, help to promote understanding of Hong Kong's anti-transhipment efforts.
  • 而,在近10秒的切换期间,也会有一些瞬时呼叫掉线。
    However, for approximately 10 seconds during the switchover, some transient calls may be lost.
  • 但是,虽现在看来似乎不太可能,这些成就却可以是短暂的。如果有一天,它们不再带给我们骄傲,我们的认同和归属感也可能失去依赖。
    But unlikely as it may seem now, these things may be transient, and should they fall from grace one day (touch wood!), what will we do for a sense of identification and belonging?
  • 依我看,损坏显是在运输过程中造成的。
    In my opinion, it's evident that damages must have occur during transit.
  • 这样的一个突变化一定会影响她,使她变得冷淡而克制起来。
    Such a sudden transition must affect her and ice her over.
  • 突变,大变突或重大的转变,如从一个职业或一个主题转到其他
    A sudden or major transition, as from one career or subject to another.
  • 在这种模式下,整个文件传送给基于网络的服务器,它存储文件,后再把它发送到目的地。
    In this mode, the entire document is transmitted to a network-based server that stores it and then transmits it to the destination.
  • ,我们愿意装直达船。但是如果你们弄不到直达船,我可以同意将这批货物大连、上海甚至香港转船。
    I prefer direct shipment,of course, but if you can't get hold of a direct vessel, I may agree to have the goods transshipped at any port like Dalian, Shanghai or even Hongkong.
  • 联合观察访厂虽并非执法行动,但有助增进美国方面对香港各项打击非法转运措施的了解。
    The visits, while not in themselves acts of law enforcement, help promote understanding of the anti-transshipment efforts by Hong Kong.
  • 工厂制造的东西过一个时期就用坏了,后就作为垃圾扔掉。
    Things made in factories wear out after a while and are thrown away as trash.
  • 我偶然踩了他的脚。
    I trod on his foot by accident.
  • 而叛国就要另当别论了。
    But treason is another matter.
  • 而叛国就要另当别论了。
    But treason is another matter.
  • 会场的气氛突紧张起来。
    the feel of the city excited him; a clergyman improved the tone of the meeting; it had the smell of treason.
  • 会场的气氛突紧张起来。
    the feel of the city excited him; a clergyman improved the tone of the meeting; it had the smell of treason.