  • 研究社会群体交互动力的社会心理学支。
    the branch of social psychology that studies the dynamics of interaction in social groups.
  • 该委员会下设火箭残骸析、整流罩析、动力学耦合析、录像析、遥测数据析等六个调查小组。
    The committee had under it six failure analysis groups for rocket debris analysis, fairing analysis, dynamics coupling analysis, video-tape analysis and telemetry date analysis.
  • 小提琴用弓演奏的一种弦乐器,具有在第五音的音程上调音的四根弦和不格指板,形体较古提琴浅,音域、音色和强弱相当灵活
    A stringed instrument played with a bow, having four strings tuned at intervals of a fifth, an unfretted fingerboard, and a shallower body than the viol and capable of great flexibility in range, tone, and dynamics.
  • 根据科技进步和奥运建设发展的需求,突出奥运科技工作的开放性和动态性,积极采取招投标方式,整体规划,批、期滚动实施。
    According to the requirement for S&T progress and the development of the Olympics construction, we should highlight the opening up and dynamics of the Olympics S&T work and actively adopt the mode of bidding and inviting tenders and completely Plan this work and implement it by batches, by stages and in succession.
  • 迪纳摩队仍然保持2比1的比
    Dynamo still kept the score of2-1.
  • 迪纳摩队仍然保持2比1的比
    Dynamo still kept the score of 2 - 1.
  • 电枢电机的转子部,主要包括绕在软铁心上的铜线
    The rotating part of a dynamo, consisting essentially of copper wire wound around an iron core.
  • 代偿作用生物体或器官的一部在尺寸或活力上的增加,弥补另一部的损失或机能失调
    The increase in size or activity of one part of an organism or organ that makes up for the loss or dysfunction of another.
  • 别审查每一证据。
    He examined each piece of evidence in isolation.
  • 他说他将别约见我们每一个人。
    He said he would see each of us separately.
  • 每张是10美分。
    They are 10 cents each.
  • 每张是10美分。
    They be 10 cents each.
  • 配给每个人20钟讲话时间
    Allotted20 minutes to each speaker.
  • 每一罐售价为5美分。
    Each drink sold for 5 cents.
  • 每节历史课是四十钟。
    Each history lesson lasts 40 minutes.
  • 每个工种别开发票。
    Each job is invoiced separately.
  • 每局3分钟。
    Each round lasts thre minutes.
  • "商店里的那个女售货员总是十殷勤,希望使人人满意。"
    The saleswoman in the shop is always eager to please everybody.
  • 极端或过热情的;有激情的或热烈的
    Extremely or extravagantly eager; impassioned or zealous.
  • 他注意力十集中地听这个故事。
    He listened to the story with eager attention.
  • 这些是汀州市人民群众的实际问题,十盼望我们帮助他们去解决。
    These were practical problems for the masses of the people of Tingchow and they eagerly looked to us for help in solving them.
  • 他盼每一个人都快乐是十明显的。
    His eagerness that everyone be happy was quite clear.
  • 这往往使我们不能冷静地析主客观方面的情况,从而违反客观世界发展的规律。
    But often our very eagerness has prevented us from making a sober analysis of subjective and objective conditions, and we have therefore acted in contradiction to the laws governing the development of the objective world.
  • 非洲和部亚洲地区呈褐色的鹰。
    brownish eagle of Africa and parts of Asia.
  • 锤骨柄与耳膜中央部连接的锤骨的长而渐细的突起
    The long tapering process of the malleus attached to the central portion of the eardrum.
  • 北美洲西部的长耳鹿,鹿角的叉大而尖。
    long-eared deer of western North America with two-pronged antlers.
  • 敏捷驯服的长耳哺乳动物,和一般兔子比它有开的上唇和更长的后腿;新幼兔有毛且眼睛睁开。
    swift timid long-eared mammal larger than a rabbit having a divided upper lip and long hind legs; young born furred and with open eyes.
  • 他到十点四十五才来,所以最早也得十一点。
    He won't be in till 10.45, so the earliest would be 11.
  • 有耳状部的有着耳形、耳叶形、或耳廓形部或附加物的
    Having ears, auricles, or earlobe-shaped parts or extensions.
  • 耳饰一种耳朵上戴的或从上面垂下来的修饰物,尤指耳垂部的装饰
    An ornament worn on or pendent from the ear, especially the earlobe.
  • 耳形的形状类似耳或耳廓的;有着耳形部或延展的
    Shaped like an ear or an earlobe; having earlike parts or extensions.
  • 船早到了30分钟。
    The ship arrived 30 minutes early.