  • "这头牛一直同情地望着醉汉,直到醉汉不见了才重新把注意力转向斗牛士。"
    The bull looked on sympathetically until the drunk was out of the way before once more turning its attention to the matador.
  • 我为一家大司工作,但我仅是个小人物,20名管理定货者之一。
    I work for a large company but I'm only a small fish, one of twenty looking after the stock ordering.
  • 新兴的有发展前途的
    A young forward-looking company
  • 大埔海滨园是新界区最大的园,占地22顷,园内设有一个特别设计的了望塔,是该园的主要特色之一。
    Tai Po Waterfront Park is the largest park in the New Territories, covering 22 hectares. It has a specially designed lookout tower which forms a major feature of the park.
  • 他用绳子打个圈,套在这头小牛的角上。
    He looped the rope around the steer's horns.
  • 卡车从共汽车后驶出,准备超车。
    The lorry pulled out from behind the bus.
  • 这家司在落杉矶指派了一些他们的代理商。
    The company located some of their agents in Los Angeles.
  • 我在车站拾到一个钱包後,便设法寻找失主。
    I find a wallet at the bus stop and then tried to look for the loser.
  • 由9月13日布的这份排名来看,排名在首位的全球首富仍然是微软司的创始人之一比尔·盖茨,不过他也是身价缩水最为严重的富豪。
    The biggest loser on the list released Friday was also the richest person: Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates.
  • 他们司去年在生意上接二连三地亏本。
    Their company suffered loss on loss in business last year.
  • 我的公文包遗失了。
    I lost my suitcase.
  • 星期天,园里的人很多。
    There are lots and lots of people in the parks on sundays.
  • 赌博游戏一种与抽彩票相似的赌博游戏,玩法是每个比赛者下一定数目的赌注形成共基金,赢者将全部获得这笔钱
    A game of chance, resembling a lottery, in which the contestants put staked money into a common fund that is later paid to the winner.
  • 据第二位的是lotus司的notes,占7%;而微软司的exchange占5%的市常
    Next in line is Lotus Notes with 7% and Microsoft Exchange with 5% of the market.
  • 让我们先关注一下容易做的决定,安全/多用途因特网邮件扩展(s/mime)应该是信息加密和数字签名的格式,因为它是已被认可的标准,被做进了主要的电子邮件客户端软件中,如微软的outlook98/2000和莲花司的notesr5。
    Let's take care of the easy decisions.Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) should be the message encryption and digital signature format because it's the accepted standard and is built into leading e-mail clients such as Microsoft Outlook 98/2000 and Lotus Notes R5.
  • 文件和打印服务今天主要还是属于网络操作系统的范畴(因为这方面没有web标准),所以莲花司建议,由oracle和sun司领导的网络计算机(nc)联盟采纳esuite台式环境中所用的文件和打印技术。
    While file and print services remain largely the domain of the network operating system today -- due to the fact there isn't a Web standard for them yet -- Lotus has proposed that the file and print technology included in its eSuite desktop environment be adopted by the network computer (NC) alliance led by Oracle and Sun Microsystems.
  • 科克特尔厅内空无一人,可共酒吧屋内倒还是有几个人喝酒。
    The Cocktail Lounge was almost empty but there was a fair-to-middling number of drinkers in the Public Bar.
  • 对于新成立的司,70小时工作周并不是夸耀的资本,只不过是对糟糕的、以时间来计算的管理方式的认可。
    For the new breed, a 70-hour working week isn't something to boast about, it's an admission of lousy time management.
  • 园里到处可见一对对情侣在草地上拥抱亲吻。
    The park was full of lovers making out on the grass.
  • “为人要道一点,让那对情人安安静静地去谈情说爱吧。
    "Try to stand upright, and let the lovers make love without interruption.
  • 他们本着和平的精神相见;热爱和平的民。
    they met in a peaceable spirit; peace-loving citizens.
  • 我们未得到那份合同的生意, 最後是让一家出价低的司击败了我们.
    We didn't win the contract: we were pipped at the post by a firm whose price was lower.
  • 由于价格一再下跌,亨利的司前途不妙。
    As prices dropped lower and lower, things looked black for Henry's company.
  • 有些人认为进化是从简单生物体到非常复杂的生物体的这么一个不断向上的进程;一条笔直的、狭窄的三车道路径直穿过低地。
    some people see evolution as an undeviating upward march from simple organisms to the very complex; a straight and narrow tree-lined road unswerving across the lowlands.
  •  第三点,对司的忠诚,可说是荡然无存;
    Third, loyalty to one's company is gone and lost.
  • 目前,朗讯司正对cisco司提起诉讼认为该司有侵权行为。
    Lucent is suing for patent violation.
  • 这项举措使cisco系统司与朗讯科技司和北方电信发生了严重的冲突。
    " This strategy has put Cisco on a collision course with heavyweights Lucent Technologies and Northern Telecom.
  • lucent司也在研究发音验证技术,该技术给用户更大的说话自由度,并带来更高的精度。
    Lucent is also working on utterance-verification technology, which "gives the user more freedom in speaking and leads to higher accuracy".
  • 这个问题已经无数次地折磨过你:为什么我没有在去年每股摸高70美元时卖掉朗讯司的股票?
    You've tortured yourself with the question a million times: Why didn't I sell Lucent last year when it hit 70 bucks a share?
  • 经过十几年的引进,迄今全球500强跨国司中,已有17家司在深圳投资高新技术产业,如计算机产业的ibm、康柏、希捷、三洋、施乐,通信产业的菲利蒲、北方电信、朗讯科技,新材料产业的杜邦等等,还有几家像爱普生、奥林巴斯这些实力雄厚的大企业,也在深圳投资兴业,目前有30家大跨国司在深圳投资兴办高新技术企业。
    Up to the present, 30 multinationals have invested in Shenzhen hi-tech industries, including 17 Fortune 500 Companies. Among them are IBM, Compaq, Seagate, Sanyo and Xerox in computer industry, and Phillips, Northern Telecom, Lucent Technologies in telecom industry, Du pont in new materials industry and other corporations such as Epson and Olympus.
  • 露西亚在办室给男朋友打电话被老板逮住了,她感到很难为情。
    Lucia was covered in confusion when her boss caught her telephoning to her boy friend at the office.
  • "我真幸运,赶上了最后一班共汽车。"
    I was luck enough to catch the last bus.