  • 这个损失相当于他动用到的资金7240元的40.9%。在同一时里,此指数期货跌幅8.2%。
    On total cash outflows of $7,240, the loss comes to 40.9% while the index drops by a relatively small 8.2%.
  • 这个损失相当于他动用到的资金7240元(5000元加上补仓2240元)的40.9%。在同一时里,此指数期货的价格从180.0点跌到165.2点,跌幅8.2%。
    On total cash outflows of $7,240, the loss of $2,960 amounts to a 40.9% loss while the index drops by a relatively small 8.2%.
  • 她在户外的一小屋里洗衣服。
    She did her washing in one of the outhouses.
  • 河川可以受到一段时的封堵,而使水流受到控制,但终将决堤而出。
    A river may be dammed, and its water controlled for a time, but eventually, it will force an outlet.
  • 在黑暗中我能看出一房屋的轮廓。
    I could trace the outlines of a house in the darkness.
  • 食物环境卫生署在本港旧区设有37公众浴室,其中11在港岛、15在九龙、11在新界及离岛。
    In older districts, the FEHD provides 37 public bathhouses — 11 on Hong Kong Island, 15 in Kowloon and 11 in the New Territories and outlying islands.
  • 一九九七年,在780艘小轮和渡轮中,有100艘由3家主要的渡轮公司营运,提供定时航班服务,行走市区与离岛之,运载乘客超逾8000万人次。
    In 1997, 100 of the 780 launches and ferries were operated by three major ferry companies providing scheduled services for ferrying more than 80 million passengers between urban areas and outlying islands.
  • 然而这中有个"圈套":你借的那部分钱要付利息,通常利率都高得吓人。
    However,there is a catch there.You have to pay interest for that borrowed amount.Usually the interest rate is outrageously high.
  • 年内,临时市政局举办了其他各式各样的推广活动,包括书籍及艺术展览、兴趣小组、专题讲座、儿童时和参观图书馆。
    A wide range of other outreach programmes including books and arts exhibitions, interest clubs, subject talks, children's hours and library visits were organised.
  • 开始我们一百个人挤在一草顶的房子里。
    At the outset a hundred of us crowded into a thatched building.
  • 外面比这屋子里暖和。
    It's warmer outside than in this room.
  • 同一组织成员的冲突(通常隐藏在无取胜希望者中)。
    conflict between members of the same organization (usually concealed from outsiders).
  • 相互之都明白他/她不是十全十美的,而且都明白伴侣的优点盖过了缺点。
    Each knows he or she is not perfect. Both understand that their partner's virtues outweigh his or her flaws.
  • 只容站立的空;起立鼓掌。
    standing room only; a standing ovation.
  • 梅纽因表演伴随着15分钟长时起立鼓掌。
    Menuhin's playing was attended by a 15-minute standing ovation.
  • 惊奇的观众对魔术师对表演长时起立鼓掌;我迷醉的站着,惊奇于大教堂的巨大宏伟;惊骇的观众扫阅着俄克拉荷马州城市轰炸的照片;他站着,惊讶的说不出话来;科学家们震惊的发现不只一个而是至少有三种病毒。
    an amazed audience gave the magician a standing ovation; I stood enthralled, astonished by the vastness and majesty of the cathedral; astounded viewers wept at the pictures from the Oklahoma City bombing; stood in stunned silence; stunned scientists found not one but at least three viruses.
  • 暴风雨期很多人从船上掉进海里。
    During the storm many people went overboard.
  • 为什么下载网站页面要花很长时有多个原因,但其中有两个最常见的:因特网连接慢以及过度的负担将服务器推到了极限。
    There are many reasons why Web pages can take a long time to download, but two of the most common causes are slow Internet connections and overburdened Web servers pushed to their limits.
  • 它们似乎会很好地掌握所意识到的困难的障碍和如果克服了这种障碍后应该得到的愉悦之的标准。”
    They appeared to finely calibrate their awareness of a difficult obstacle versus the pleasure they would receive if they overcame it," he said.
  • 在他和昏暗的灯光之形成了一个朦胧的身影;星星穿过云层发出微弱的光;只能朦胧地听见他在远处的呼喊;谣言根本一点也不真实。
    between him and the dim light a form was outlined faintly; stars shining faintly through the overcast; could hear his distant shouts only faintly; the rumors weren't even faintly true.
  • 因为到那时菜肴或许会因烹饪时过长而失去应有的美味。你应约去人家吃饭时,不妨带件小礼物以示礼貌。
    Dinner might be overcooked and ruined by then, When you're invited to someone's home for a meal, it's polite to bring a small gift.
  • 房间里堆满了桌椅。
    The room is overcrowded with desks and chairs.
  • 这一理论认为由于我们头脑中塞进了过多的信息,用来储存产品信息的空就非常有限了。
    This theory asserts that because of the overcrowding of information in our minds, we only have so much room for storing information about products.
  • 我认为他们把这房弄得太红了。
    I think they've rather overdone the red in this room, ie used too much red paint, wallpaper, etc.
  • 她们懂得珍惜时来读书、学习并进行创造性活动并且远离小伙伴,如果父母把女儿的时安排过满,她们怎能学会去做自己感兴趣的事并且乐此不疲呢?
    They learned to value time reading, writing and creating away from peers. If parents overfill their daughters' time, girls don't learn to keep themselves interested and busy.
  • 回程用的时比平时长,因为飞机不能飞越战区
    The journey back takes longer than normal, because the plane can not overfly the war zone
  • 回程用的时比平时长,因为飞机不能飞越战区.
    The journey back took longer than normal, because the plane could not overfly the war zone.
  • 在一个长时的降雨之后,河水会漫过河岸。
    After a long period of rain the river may overflow its banks.
  • 花钱彻底大修这台机器,是购置一台新机器和继续花钱每天小修小补之的折中办法。
    Spending money on a complete overhaul of the machine it half-way house between buying a new one and continuing to pay for minor day-to-day repairs.
  • 1986年里根成功地进行了税收法典的改革,扫除了许多克扣制度——免除了数百万低收人者的税赋,在他任职末期,是美国历史上持续时最长的、没有经济衰退和经济萧条的和平时期。
    In l986 Reagan obtained an overhaul of the income tax code, which eliminated many deductions and exempted millions of people with low incomes. At the end of his administration, the Nation was enjoying its longest recorded period of peacetime prosperity without recession or depression.
  • 因此,当局决定先推行临时措施,以缩短现时制备法定规划图则的程序──这项建议在咨询期得到市民的广泛支持,其他修订和与全面修订法例有关的各个问题则待进一步研究。立法机关其后于一九九八年三月通过《1998年城市规划(修订)条例》,将考虑对法定规划图则的反对意见的期限,定为九个月。修订条例于同年四月实施。
    The administration therefore decided to introduce interim measures, pending further study on the various issues relating to the comprehensive overhaul of the Ordinance, to shorten the existing statutory plan-making process. This proposed change received widespread support during the consultation. The Town Planning (Amendment) Ordinance 1998 which imposed a statutory nine-month period within which objections to the statutory plans should be considered was subsequently introduced into the legislature in March 1998 and came into operation in April 1998. The administration is continuing to review the rest of the Ordinance and aims at introducing a comprehensive bill.
  • 由于加强了宏观调控,使中国在两年多一点的时解决了经济过热问题,改革开放和社会主义建设取得了很大成绩。
    Thanks to these 16 measures adopted aimed at strengthening macro regulation and control,within a period of a little more than two years,China successfully resolved the problem of economic overheating and resumed the momentum of economic growth,and also scored great achievements in socialist development.