  • 由此也就可知,从整个的抗日战争看来,只有将正规战和游击战的战役和战斗的进攻战集合了很多,即从进攻战中打了很多的胜仗,才达到战略防御之目的,最后战胜日本帝国主义。
    Thus it can also be seen that, if we take the War of Resistance as a whole, we can attain the aim of our strategic defensive and finally defeat Japanese imperialism only through the cumulative effect of many offensive campaigns and battles in both regular and guerrilla warfare, namely, through the cumulative effect of many victories in offensive actions.
  • 研究者说:“有大量的证据表明:这些一份份微不足道的享受和快乐时光的积累使我们大家都够活得更长。”
    "There is a wealth of evidence to suggest that the cumulative effect of these little pleasures and happy moments can make us all live longer”, they said.
  • 只有战役和战斗的速决战集合了很多,即是使得很多战役和战斗的进攻战都因迅速解决战斗之故而取得了胜利,才达到战略持久的目的,一方面争取时间加强抗战力量,同时促进和等候国际形势的变动和敌人的内溃,以便举行战略反攻,驱逐日寇出中国。
    Only through the cumulative effect of many campaigns and battles of quick decision, namely, the cumulative effect of many victories achieved through quick decision in offensive campaigns and battles, can we attain our goal of strategic protractedness, which means gaining time to increase our capacity to resist while hastening or awaiting changes in the international situation and the internal collapse of the enemy, in order to be able to launch a strategic counter-offensive and drive the Japanese invaders out of China.
  • 随着建造工程不断推展,当局现正进行大规模的环境监察和审核计划,确保各项工程所造成的影响维持在可接受的水平,此外,又设立了环境监察办事处,监察和审核工程对环境的累积影响,并确保迅速找出环境问题,以及采取适当行动。
    As construction proceeds, extensive environmental monitoring and audit programmes are being conducted to ensure the acceptable performance of individual projects. In addition, environmental project offices have been established to monitor and audit the cumulative effects of the works and to ensure that environmental issues are quickly identified and acted upon.
  • 雷云大片充满电且制造雷声和闪电的乌云;积雨云
    A large dark cloud charged with electricity and producing thunder and lightning; a cumulonimbus cloud.
  • 积雨云一种极其浓密的、垂直扩展的积云,其轮廓比较模糊,顶部覆有冰晶且向上伸入高空,通常产生大雨、雷暴或雹暴
    An extremely dense, vertically developed cumulus with a relatively hazy outline and a glaciated top extending to great heights, usually producing heavy rains, thunderstorms, or hailstorms.
  • 深思熟虑认真的、常是机敏的对可结果的估计和计划,特指为提高个人的利益
    Careful, often cunning estimation and planning of likely outcomes, especially to advance one's own interests.
  • 解释一下“世界杯”吗?
    Can you explain the World Cup?
  • 你说你还往那个碗橱里再塞进多少碟子?
    How many more plates do you think you can pile into that cupboard?
  • 这个食橱装下足够一个月之用的食物.
    This cupboard can store enough food for a month.
  • 一个防苍蝇等虫的即通风又起冷冻作用的食物储存处。
    a ventilated or refrigerated cupboard for securing provisions from pests.
  • 我听一位权威人士说,这个病治好。
    I hear from an authority that this disease is curable.
  • 能不能治好?
    Is it curable or not?
  •  建设项目的环境影响报告书,必须对建设项目可产生的大气污染和对生态环境的影响作出评价,规定防治措施,并按照规定的程序报环境保护行政主管部门审查批准。
    An environmental impact statement on construction projects shall include an assessment of the atmospheric pollution the project is likely to produce and its impact on the ecosystem, stipulate the preventive and curative measures. The statement shall be submitted, according to the specified procedure, to the administrative department of environmental protection concerned for examination and approval.
  • 汽车都开到人行道上使消防车够开过去。
    The cars moved to the curb so that the fire engine could get by.
  • 我希望医生治好我肩上的疼痛。
    I hope the doctor can cure the pain in my shoulder.
  • 治愈仍然是有可的。
    a cure is still conceivable.
  • 但是没有一个人治好她的病。
    But no one could cure her.
  • 以不可治愈的方式。
    in a manner impossible to cure.
  • 它如果不治愈别的疾病,至少够治愈人类的狂妄自大的病。
    If it can cure nothing else, it can cure man of megalomania.
  • 处于不可治愈的情况下。
    being such that a cure is impossible.
  • 够平抚除了绝望的所有悲悯。
    Have power to cure all sadneess-but despair.
  • 不能断言为有效对策
    Makes no claim to be a cure.
  • 尚未有人够治愈爱滋病。
    No one has been able to cure aids.
  • 你的意思是能治好?
    You mean it can be cured?
  • 病人的病能够治好
    The patient's illness can be cured.
  • 你认为这个病人治好吗?
    Do you think the patient can be cured?
  • 你认为这个病人很快治好吗?
    Do you think the patient can be cured soon?
  • 有位医生说这种缺陷只有通过异常开心的事才治好。
    One doctor said this defect could be cured only by great amusement.
  • 他们可在西海岸实行宵禁。
    They might impose a curfew along their western sea coast.
  • 皮埃尔·居里和我立刻着手这一研究,并希望这种新元素的浓度达到百分之几。
    Pierre Curie and I at once carried out this research, hoping that the proportion of the new element might reach several per cent.
  • 他推断到2000年研究出治愈该病的方法.
    He postulated that a cure for the disease will have been found by the year 2000.