  • 你总是可以把自己的心事倾诉父母,他们是永远可以信任的。
    You can always unload your troubles on your parents, they are trustworthy.
  • 别理那套奉承话。如果说我了解他的话,那他只不过是在做把戏你看。
    Don't pay attention to all that sweet talk. If I know him, it'll just be a try-on (=he'll just be trying it on).
  • 我还没来得及他盖好被子,他就睡着了。
    He was asleep before I tucked him in.
  • 给我把被子掖好。
    Came to tuck me in.
  • 孩子的母亲每晚走进卧室孩子盖被子。
    The boy's mother came into the bedroom every evening to tuck him up.
  • 学生甲:王平,你昨天不是说要我们介绍“有趣的中外拔河赛”吗?
    Student A: Wang Ping, yesterday you said you would introduce the "interesting tug of war competitions in China and abroad".
  • 辅助性的船只指补船或供船,主要用于辅助及服务而非战事
    A vessel, such as a supply ship or a tug, that is designed for and used in instances and services other than combat.
  • 我看今天咱们就先谈到这儿吧,明天中午,我毛遂自荐,大家介绍“有趣的中外拔河赛”。
    Let's stop here today. Tomorrow at noon, I will volunteer my services and introduce the "interesting matches of tug of war in China and foreign countries".
  • 学校不会将学费再退还完不成学业的学生。
    The university is unable to refund tuition fees to students who fail to complete the course.
  • 据经营这家网吧的科内说,光顾这里的大部分是18到20岁的女孩子,她们向往欧洲、加拿大或者美国的舒适生活,希望能找到一个白人自己提供一张到达那里的机票。
    Kone Adjouma, who runs the Cyber Center where Mohammed works, says most of his customers are 18-to-20-year-old girls who see a white man as their ticket to a better life in Europe, Canada or the United States.
  • 我哼唱了这支曲子。
    He hummed the tune to me.
  • 这是毛泽东写中共中央的报告。
    This was a report submitted by Comrude Mao Tse-tung to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.
  • 天主上帝用皮革亚当和他的妻子做了两件长上衣,让他们披上。
    The Lord God made tunics of skins for Adam and his wife and clothed them.
  • 这倒不像布切尔先生,他在代表英格兰队踢球时在场上用头撞击突尼斯队队员,从而别人树立了多么好的榜样!
    Unlike Mr Butcher, who set them such a fine example by head-butting Tunisians on the field while playing for England.
  • 火鸡里什么填料也没加。
    She stuffed the turkey with nothing.
  • 火鸡里什么填料也没加。
    She stuffed the turkey with nothing.
  • 埋在宪法里的真正定时炸弹,是予土耳其族(少数)对希腊族(多数)立法是提议否决权的那些条款。
    The real time bombs in the constitution were the clauses that gave the Turkish (minority) the right to veto the … legislative proposals of the Greek (majority).(Maclean's)
  • 这次亚洲金融风波,予我们机会,就这些负面因素加快作出调整。
    The Asian financial turmoil gives us an opportunity to make quicker adjustments to these negative factors.
  • 哪伯是最迟钝的人,只要事先予指导,也会转动磨盘,但要是没有人驱赶和照管,马是不会转动磨盘的。
    The dullest human being, instructed beforehand, is capable of turning a mill; but a horse cannot turn it without somebody to drive and watch him.
  • 用松节油处理,…加入松节油
    To apply turpentine to or mix turpentine with.
  • 坦克的枪支装弹时又不断地弄伤自己。
    "He was forever injuring himself when loading shells into the gun turret of the tank.
  • 威廉被派校外的一位男指导教师指导了一个学期。
    William was farmed out one term with a man tutor.
  • 每个学生每星期到导师的办公室去一次,每次1小时,坐在扶手椅上把写好的论文念导师听,然后与导师进行讨论。
    Each student goes to his tutor's room for an hour every week to sit in an armchair and read out an essay which he and the tutor then discuss.
  • 指导师把书房里收藏的书籍借学生们。
    The tutor had in his study collection of books which he lent out to the students.
  • 我将晚礼服借给他。
    I loaned him my tuxedo.=I loaned my tuxedo to him.
  • 我5张20元的和10张1元的。
    Five twenties and ten single, please.
  • 我5张20元和10张一元的。
    Five twenties and ten singles, please.
  • 你工钱不是让你整天游手好闲, 明白吗!
    You're not being paid to twiddle your thumbs all day, you know!
  • 我你不喜欢的任何食物;牛奶一点也没剩下;每个孩子都知道;任选一张牌;现在的每一天;几乎每个机场都有汽车租;在黎明或其他任何时候。
    give me any peaches you don't want; not any milk is left; any child would know that; pick any card; any day now; cars can be rented at almost any airport; at twilight or any other time; beyond any doubt; need any help we can get; give me whatever peaches you don't want; no milk whatsoever is left.
  • 你要是硬要她把汽车借你,她就借你。
    She'll let you borrow the car if you twist her arm.
  • 稿件一旦被接受出版,就立即交编辑去仔细审阅。编辑随后的审稿任务包括对作者的文稿进行增删,并标出排字工人应该用哪些型号的字体。
    When a manuscript has been accepted for publication, it is passed to an editor for detailed scruting. The editor's subsequent marking up of the manuscript consists of deletions or additions to the author's text, together with instructions to the printer on the typefaces to be used.
  • 谁给你的信件打字?
    Who types the letter for you?