  • 湿的火柴划不着。
    Damp matches won't strike.
  • 他总是带火柴点烟管。
    he always carries matches to light his pipe.
  • 火柴潮湿就擦不着。
    Matches will not strike if they are damp.
  • 在黑暗中摸索找一盒火柴
    Feel after a box of matches in the dark
  • 另外,他还与你们大家一样,有一样我所缺乏的、无可比拟的幸事——那就是,他有妻子儿女,有一个幸福的家庭。
    And he has one matchless blessing, enjoyed by so many of you, and not bestowed on me a happy home with his wife and children.
  • 在拜物主义的牵引下,最大程度地追逐个人实利已经主导青年人的思维。
    The lure of materialism has dominated the thinking of young people and led them to pursue as much personal gains as possible.
  • 从这前后两个八十年的比较中,中国人民和中华民族一切爱国力量深深认识到,中国能从最悲惨的境遇向光明的前途实现伟大的历史转变,就是因为有了中国共产党的领导。
    The comparison of the two periods of 80 years has made the Chinese people and all the patriotic forces of the Chinese nation fully aware that it is precisely the leadership of the Communist Party of China that has enabled the country to materialize the great historical transformation from the most miserable circumstances to a situation that promises a bright future.
  • 海伦心里充满强烈的母爱,其强烈的程度远远超越她的任何其它爱心。
    In Helen maternal love was stronger beyond comparison than any other.
  • 孕妇期待着做母亲。
    The pregnant woman looked forward to her maternity.
  • 背对照相机的人是位数学家。
    The man with his back to the camera is a mathematician.
  • “马特”我大叫,紧紧地拥抱他,“我喜欢花。”
    “Oh, Matt,” I cried, hugging him hard “I love flowers!
  • 十三岁的儿子——马持,随一声“一会见”,老早就跑出去了,根本没有提我的生日。
    My 13?year?old son, Matt, had run out earlier with a “see you later”, never mentioning my birthday.
  • 像马修那样一辈子跟船打交道的人,用不你出主意。
    A man like Matthew that's had to do with boats all his life doesn't need advice from you.
  • 森林的地面上铺一层厚厚的松针做的席子
    The forest floor had a thick matting of pine needles.
  • 逐渐成熟,许多年轻的激进分子对 生活和社会渐持较为宽容的态度。
    As they mature, many young radicals mellow into a more tolerant attitude towards life and society.
  • 静静坐不合男孩的本性。
    Sitting still is foreign to a boy's mature.
  • 内地改革政策取得成功,现在内的开放程度越来越高,市场机制日趋成熟,国际商界对中国的认识也日益加深。
    Now, with the success of her reforms, China is becoming more open and her market mechanisms are maturing. The international business community has acquired a deeper understanding of China.
  • 乔看莫德的样子肯定会使人们说长道短的。
    The way Joe was looking at Maud will surely cause some tongues to wag.
  • 这些人充满伤感情调,一点点打趣的话也会使大家感到很愉快。
    The company were in that maudlin mood when a little wit goes a great way.
  • 后来当大自然的舞台技师把灯光渐渐弄暗时,那紫色军把那橙黄色军克服了,吞没了,变成更深的红紫色和灰色,在最后五分钟里表现一片不可言状的悲剧和黑暗的灾难的奇观,然后所有的光线才消灭了去。
    Then as Nature's stage technicians gradually dimmed the lights, the purple overcame and swallowed up the orange, and changed into deeper and deeper mauve and gray, presenting for the last five minutes a spectacle of unspeakable tragedy and black disaster before the lights went out.
  • (中国)内有写箴言小纸片的折叠薄饼。
    (Chinese) thin folded wafer containing a maxim on a slip of paper.
  • 诚如副总理李显龙在政府奖学金颁奖仪式上所言,“把奖学金当成是雇佣合约,并以为可以借它来开拓个人的事业和前途,这不只错误,也是自私自利的想法。”
    Deputy Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong was certainly right when he pointed out this at the recent government scholarship presentation:"It is wrong for scholars to think that the scholarship is a purely mercenary contract, and that they are entitled to try to maximise their own careers and prospects in this selfish way."
  • 马克斯韦尔转过身,手中仍拿文件和电报纸。
    Maxwell turned around with his hands full of papers and ticker tape.
  • 中美州是那些喜欢远离喧嚣人群的旅行者的理想之地。对他们而言,那里埋藏太多的秘密宝藏,其中包括远古玛雅人的遗址。
    Central American is home to many secret treasures for tourists who like to avoid the crowds, including numerous ancient Maya settlements.
  • 姑娘们围站朔节花柱轻快地跳起了舞。
    The girls danced lightly round about the maypole.
  • 一辆自行车撞了我,使我在地上翻了个筋斗。
    A bicycle hit me and rolled me over.
  • 一辆自行车撞了我,把我在地上翻了个个儿。
    A bicycle this me and rolled me over.
  • 有家人在身边在我看来就是意味幸福。
    Having my family around me means happiness to me.
  • 我们不得不溅泼穿过这片湿草地。
    We had to splosh across the wet meadow.
  • 这个箱子装她所有批发的财产。
    the trunk held all her meager treasures.
  • 被粉的覆盖粉灰或粉末的
    Covered with mealy dust or powder.
  • 一些人批评老板,但是他们很虚伪,当老板的面从不提这事。
    Some people criticize the boss, but they're too mealy-mouthed to say so in her presence.