  • 竖直的象树似的灌木,形成了密集的灌木丛,有带白色或粉色花的下垂的圆锥花序和红的象浆果的核果;布在加利福尼亚。
    erect treelike shrub forming dense thickets and having drooping panicles of white or pink flowers and red berrylike drupes; California.
  • 在足球比赛中通过踢一个反弹球来得
    score (a goal) by making a dropkick, in football.
  • 两重性有两部的状态;二元性
    The condition of being double; duality.
  • 这项被称作100baseradio的技术利用了三个高数据率通信系统专用的、(美国)新近配的无需许可的国家信息基础设施(u-nii)频段。
    Dubbed 100BaseRadio, the technology takes advantage of three newly allocated Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U-NII) frequency bands dedicated to high data rate communications systems.
  • 勃兰登堡历史上的宗教领地和原公爵领地,位于德国中北部,普鲁士王国在其周围发展起来。该地区现被波兰和德国
    A historical region and former duchy of north-central Germany around which the kingdom of Prussia developed. The region is now divided between Poland and Germany.
  • 马希法国历史上中部的一个地区,是一个以前的省份。它这么叫是因为它原是阿基泰恩公爵领地中北部边界的一块封地。它于1531年成为法国王室土地的一部
    A historical region and former province of central France. So called because of its location as a northern border fief of the duchy of Aquitaine, it became part of the French crown lands in1531.
  • 黑森德国中部一地区,从前为大公爵领地。中世纪时该领域曾扩展到西至莱茵河、南到梅因河的地区,但1567年后裂为四个由黑森家庭的不同支统治的离地区
    A region and former grand duchy of west-central Germany. In medieval times the territory was expanded west to the Rhine River and south to the Main River, but after1567 it was divided into four separate regions ruled by various branches of the Hesse family.
  • 鸭需要三下钟才能做好。
    The duck takes 30 minutes.
  • 他因得零分而退场。
    He was bowled out for a duck.
  • 10点30分开。
    It's due off at 10:30.
  • 按时刻表是17点28分。
    It 's due in at 17:28.
  • 10点30分开。
    It 's due off at 10:30.
  • 第一声部合(重)奏或合(重)唱中最主要的部
    The principal part in a duet or ensemble composition.
  • 这几封信及时交了上去,副本则发给了新闻界代表。
    These letters were duly handed in, and copies given to the press representatives.
  • 随函附上我方第345号合同一式两,请会签并回寄一份。
    Enclosed is our contract No.345 in duplicate, of which please return us one copy, duly countersign.
  • 因为布袋十沉重,他把布袋砰的一声抛在柜台上。
    As it was extremely heavy, he dumped it on the counter.
  • 为防止船舶和港口污染海洋,各类船舶均按规定装备了油水离装置,编制了《船上油污应急计划》。
    Besides, a number of sewage treatment plants have been built to control new pollution sources and reduce the amount of land-sourced pollutants dumped into the sea. To prevent marine pollution resulting from ship and port discharge, in addition to the formulation of the Crash Program to Combat Ships' Oil Pollution, oil-water separators have been installed aboard ships of all types in accordance with relevant stipulations, and oil-polluted water treatment equipment, including emergency treatment equipment, has been installed at all sea ports.
  • 那天她的年轻朋友因为最近一次跟情人手而垂头丧气。
    The other day her young friend was down in the dumps about the end of the most recent relationship.
  • 这时,拿未曾改造的知识子和工人农民比较,就觉得知识子不干净了,最干净的还是工人农民,尽管他们手是黑的,脚上有牛屎,还是比资产阶级和小资产阶级知识子都干净。
    I came to feel that compared with the workers and peasants the unremoulded intellectuals were not clean and that, in the last analysis, the workers and peasants were the cleanest people and, even though their hands were soiled and their feet smeared with cow-dung, they were really cleaner than the bourgeois and petty-bourgeois intellectuals.
  • 其中有几部,如《匈牙利嬉游曲》、《幻想曲》和《大二重奏》是他的最杰出的作品的一部
    some of them like the Hungarian Divertimento, the Fantasy, and the Grand, Duo, arc among his most splendid pieces.
  • 库柏:就是在馅饼上加一勺冰淇淋,你们二位,叫两瓶啤酒,一起享如何?
    It means it has a scoop of ice cream on top. Do you guys want to split a couple of beers?
  • 他花了几钟详细讲述了那个观点。
    He dwell upon that point for several minute.
  • 重复讲说或写并不断重复达到一种过和枯燥的程度;细细琢磨
    To talk or write about to an excessive and tedious degree; dwell on.
  • 生活在墨西哥和美国西南部南方大部地区的多岩山脉地带。
    mountain rock dweller of Mexico and most southern parts of United States southwest.
  • 大房子或大构架里离的住所
    A separate dwelling in a large house or structure.
  • 算法的数学结果;如果df/dx=f(x)则f(x)是f(x)的积
    the result of a mathematical integration; F(x) is the integral of f(x) if dF/dx = f(x).
  • 属于或关于二体,或以二为基础。
    of or relating to a dyad or based on two.
  • 把这块布浸入染料里20钟。
    Immerse the cloth in the dye for twenty minutes.
  • 为抢救那些即将饿死的人而秒必争。
    It was a race against time to stop people dying from starvation.
  • 蓄洪区就近高地和重点垸年建设集中居民点和小城镇。
    Residential quarters and small towns will be built on highlands and major dyke- enclosed places in flood-water discharge areas.
  • 至少在理论上,单一处理器可以划到多个逻辑区,或者内存和磁盘等资源能动态地在区之间共享。
    In theory, at least, a single processor can be divided among multiple logical partitions, or resources such as memory and disks can be shared dynamically between partitions.
  • 流体力学关于流动的液体,尤其是不可压缩的液体的动力的一个科学
    The branch of science that deals with the dynamics of fluids, especially incompressible fluids, in motion.