  • 那位花花子从没想过要和她生活在一起,但他倒很乐意带她上剧院或下馆子。
    The playboy wouldn’t ever like to live with her, but he’s nothing loath to take her out to the theatre or a restaurant.
  • 他们建议雇游说司和关事务所来做纠正的工作。
    And they suggest that we hire lobby companies and public relations firms to do the correcting job.
  • 有时,在美国我们以共事务、政府关系或别的名称来称呼说客。
    Sometimes in America we call the lobbyist public affairs,government relations or other names.
  • 新建的高速路影响了整个地区。
    The entire locality has been affected by the new motorway.
  • 此外,在本港再处理的废纸、金属、塑胶及玻璃等超过40万吨。
    More than 400000 tonnes of waste paper, metals, plastic and glass were reprocessed locally.
  • 凡列于本法附件三之法律,由香港特别行政区在当地布或立法实施。
    The laws listed therein shall be applied locally by way of promulgation or legislation by the Region.
  • 司的一位负责人说,目前阿根廷市场上自然生长的头发价格是每5盎司11美元左右。
    The market rate for locally-grown human hair is around $11 per five ounces, a company official said.
  • 第一,市内大多数共巴士站只有车号,没有线路川行图表,巴士车内也少有标示,相信本地人也未必都清楚。
    First of all, only bus numbers are displayed at most bus stops in the city. There are no diagrams of bus routes at the bus stops, nor in the buses themselves. Even the locals may not be able to figure out the various bus routes.
  • 鼓励跨国司在华设立地区总部和研发中心。
    Transnational companies are encouraged to locate their regional headquarters and R&D centers in China.
  • 路上收费处入口的地方。
    an area where tollbooths are located.
  • 司提供了迪林厄姆所说的“道义支持”——继续雇用比斯尔,给他找医生治疗,寻找捐款人帮他支付医疗费。
    The company extended what Dillingham calls moral support keeping Bissell employed, finding him a therapist, locating donors to help pay for his treatment.
  • 防护板火车机车或共汽车前端用来推开障碍物的装置
    A device at the front end of a locomotive or streetcar designed to push aside obstructions.
  • 一接到通知后司立即进行上诉。
    On receipt of the notification, the company lodge an appeal.
  • 市民如欲投诉廉政署职员,可向廉政署事宜投诉委员会正式提出。
    The public may lodge formal complaints against ICAC officers to the ICAC Complaints Committee.
  • 我们要对贵司的停车习惯提出投诉。
    We would like to lodge a complaint with your business about your parking habits.
  • 旅馆,客栈为旅游者提供食品和饮料的共寄宿机构;旅馆
    A public lodging house serving food and drink to travelers; a hotel.
  • 我们期望在布中提出的这些远大目标早日全面实现。
    We now look forward to the full implementation of these lofty intentions as contained in the declaration.
  • 2000年4月《护戒使者》上映前,新线司在自己的电影网站上发布了该片的预告片。仅仅24小时之内就有170万用户访问并进行了下载。
    In April 2000, New Line previewed film clips from "Fellowhip of the Ring" on the movie's own Web site, and 1.7 million downloads were logged in the first 24 hours.
  • 总之,中国政府将为外商来华投资创造稳定的政策环境、平统一的市场环境、完善的法律环境、优化的人才环境、高效廉洁的政府运作环境和现代的物流环境。
    All in all, the Chinese government will build a stable policy climate, a fair and uniform market, a perfect legal regime, an ever-improved talent resources, clean and highly efficient government, and an updated logistic environment for all foreign business people.
  • 目前中国仍有32名军事观察员分别在“联合国中东停战监督组织”、“联合国伊拉克--科威特观察团”、“联合国西撒哈拉民投票特派团”3个维和任务区执行任务。1997年5月,中国政府决定原则上参加联合国维和待命安排,并将在适当时候向联合国维和行动提供军事观察员、民事警察和工程、医疗、运输等后勤保障分队。
    China still has 32 military observers serving with the UNTSO, UNIKOM and MINURSO. In May 1997, the Chinese government decided that in principle China would take part in the UN's stand-by arrangements and would provide military observers, civilian policemen, and engineering, medical, transportation and other logistic service teams in due time for UN peace-keeping operations.
  • bbn司也开发了基于internet技术的speech,该技术能让战场上的战士不用双手就能与远地的后勤或其它数据库通信。
    BBN also has developed Speech on the Internet technology, which could give a soldier in the field a hand-free means of communication with remote logistics or other databases.
  • 根据美国商标注册号2347676,表示悲伤的表情“:-)”,作为一个司标识,与其他类似的知识产权一样,受到商标保护。
    With U.S. trademark registration number 2,347,676, the "sad" emotion ":-)" gets the same trademark protection as a corporate logo or other similar intellectual property.
  • 国际年标志设计已获得核准,正用于网站、巡回展览和其他国际年共认识活动:
    The following logo design for the Year was approved and is being used for the web site,travelling exhibit and other public awareness activities for the Year:
  • 随着安然能源司的丑闻曝光,曾经风光无限地在司休斯顿总部门口装点门面的标志图案"e"也身价大跌。近日,在安然司的破产拍卖会上,其中一个"e"的售价仅为1万多美金,而两个月前,另一个完全相同的图案"e"价钱是它的四倍。
    One of the famed tilted "E" Enron logo signs that once adorned the front of the fallen energy giant's Houston headquarters sold for a paltry $10,500, less than a fourth of what a virtually identical sign sold for two months ago.
  • 以sony(索尼)为例,它那由四个字母组成的司标志,用于立体声音响、电视机、或计算机游戏等产品,代表着所有以索尼品牌售出的产品具有高水平的性能、优良的品质和一丝不苟的精神。
    Take Sony,for example. Its corporate logo of four block letters, whether applied to a stereo,a television,or a computer game, stands for the high level of competence, quality, and care for detail shared by all the products that are sold under the Sony name.
  • 共汽车站溜达着回家
    loiter on one's way home from the bus stop
  • 司里呆的时间超乎寻常地长;她长期以来一直是明星
    Had unusual longevity in the company; her longevity as a star.
  • 导游:颐和园占地290顷,包括昆明湖和万寿山。
    The Summer Palace covers an area of 290 hectares, including the areas of Kuming Lake and Longevity Hill.
  • 哈里这个人非常守旧,至今仍然用普通写法写所有的函。
    Harry is one of the old school and still writes all his business letters in longhand.
  • 长期与微软合作的软件开发司和用户称,他们可能坚持微软面向pc机的方向。
    Longtime Microsoft developers and users said they would probably stick with Microsoft's PC-oriented direction.
  • 但是杰克不愿在老板面前说出这些,因为他是一个在伯氏馅饼司供职多年的很受人尊敬的员工。
    However, Jack is reluctant to speak out against his boss, who is highly respected, longtime employee of Burt's Burgers.
  • 在通用电器司,作为在位很久的总裁杰克·韦尔奇的继位者,杰弗里·伊梅尔特的上台不仅平息了"韦尔奇的位子由谁来坐"这个长达数月的猜测,也使司进入了一段相对时间比较长的权力交接的过渡期。
    At General Electric, Jeffrey Immelt's recent succession of longtime chair Jack Welch brought to a close many months of speculation about Welch's successor, and resulted in a relatively long transition period.