  • 本体感受由身体本身的内部刺激引起的对于运动和空定向的不自觉的感受
    The unconscious perception of movement and spatial orientation arising from stimuli within the body itself.
  • 到neworleans需要多少时
    How long does it take to get to new orleans?
  • 在1895年到1896年,波尔顿在新奥尔良的乐师中曾被誉为乐界“皇帝”。
    In 1895 and 1896 Bolden was known as the King among New Orleans musicians.
  • 也就是在这种情况下,在20世纪最初的20年中,这一种新型的音乐在新奥尔良城斯托里维尔区一带风行起来。这个地区的街道两侧全是舞厅。酒吧和一些更不登大雅之堂的寻欢作乐的场所。
    Thus, in New Orleans, this young style of music became popular during the first twenty years of the twentieth century in Storyville, a section of the city where streets were lined with dance halls and bars, along with even less acceptable places for entertainment.
  • 我用鲜花装饰房间。
    I ornamented my room with flowers.
  • 人必在善恶之摇摆不定。
    Human nature oscillates between good and evil.
  • 在不同状态振荡的过程。
    the process of oscillating between states.
  • 选民们的意见在同意和反对之摇摆不定。
    The opinions of the voters have been oscillating between approval and opposition.
  • 波形图瞬即完成的示波器轨迹或照片
    An instantaneous oscilloscope trace or photograph.
  • 也许换个时间吧。
    Perhaps some other time.
  • 那么,另找一个时吧。
    Some other time then?
  • 二者相互之产生作用或影响。
    act together or towards others or with others.
  • 我们的管理部门已决定错开工作时
    Our management has decided to stagger our working hour.
  • 我们的是一大房子。
    Ours is a large house.
  • 我们给自己建了一新的外科手术室。
    We built ourselves a new surgery.
  • 我们有一段时情绪不大正常。
    We were not ourselves for sometime.
  • 人生天地,并非为自己。
    We are not born for ourselves.
  • 我们觉得开心的时候时过得飞快。
    Time takes wings when we're enjoying ourselves.
  • 我九月早报发表的文稿内,曾详细提及:半途退学,对国家与个人而言,都是一种教育损失;
    I have pointed out in an article published in Lianhe Zaobao in September that, school drop-outs constitute a serious wastage of education, for both the nation and the individual.
  • --空科学取得众多成果,在世界空科学领域占有较重要的地位,开展有特色的深空探测和研究。
    - To obtain a more important place in the world in the field of space science with more achievements and carry out explorations and studies of outer space.
  • --空科学取得众多成果,在世界空科学领域占有较重要的地位,开展有特色的深空探测和研究。
    - To obtain a more important place in the world in the field of space science with more achievements and carry out characteristic explorations and studies of outer space.
  • 当保存请求中包含有对”checked”命名空的引用时,如果校验服务不可用(因为服务中断或者其他原因)或者在验证时服务报错,那么操作入口站点必须拒绝这样的请求。
    Operator Sites must reject any save request that contains (in either the identifierBag or categoryBag) a reference to a “checked” namespace where the validation service is either unavailable (due to outage or other conditions) or returns an error indication during the validation step.
  • 估计某事物的成果或持续时
    estimate the duration or outcome of something.
  • 农民大部分时都在户外。
    Farm workers spend most of their time outdoors.
  • 我不是说她真在外层空--这只是打个比方.
    I didn't really mean she was in outer space it's just a figure of speech.
  • 开拓外层空间的火箭
    Rockets that pioneered outer space.
  • 和平利用外层空委员会
    Committee of Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
  • 在星际空还有其它恒星。
    There are other suns in outer space.
  • 探险队整装只用了半个月时
    The outfit of the explore party take only half a month.
  • 老式的灰衣服;干净、阳光充足但完全没有品位的房
    a dowdy gray outfit; a clean and sunny but completely dowdy room.
  • 他在那男服店买了一件甲克
    He bought a jacket at the gentleman's outfitters.
  • 第三次反“围剿”虽是那样急风暴雨的局面,千里回师,又被敌人发觉了我们迂回其侧后的计划,但我们仍忍耐折回,改用中突破,终于在莲塘打着第一个好仗。
    In our third counter-campaign, although the storm was breaking all around us and we had made a detour of a thousand li, and although the enemy had discovered our plan to outflank him, we nevertheless exercised patience, turned back, changed our tactics to a breakthrough in the centre, and finally fought the first battle successfully at Lientang.