  • 普通的发出两个不同音节杜鹃;在其它鸟的巢中生蛋。
    common European cuckoo having a distinctive two-note call; lays eggs in the nests of other birds.
  • 并非每个人都在危急时刻保持镇静。
    It is not everybody who can keep as cool as a cucumber in an emergency.
  • 并不是人人都在危急时刻保持镇定自若的。
    It's not everybody who can keep as cool as a cucumber in an emergency.
  • 搂着绒毛玩具睡觉有可引起婴儿窒息,因此应该杜绝。
    Sorry, but cuddly stuffed animals--another infant suffocation danger---should get evicted.
  • 你不说刺猬逗人喜爱——那个说法,词语自相矛盾。
    You can't call a hedgehog cuddly – that's a contradiction in terms!
  • 接上提示,接错提示
    To miss a stage cue.
  • 作为一名优秀演员最重要的因素之一是要够适时而准确地接上台词。
    One of the most important factors of being a good actor is to be able to pick up his cue properly.
  • 对不起,我不毫无准备地回答你的问题。
    I'm afraid I can't answer your question off the cuff.
  • 然后他俩可会去一家中国餐馆吃晚饭,以此来结束一天的活动。
    After that, they might end their day dining in a restaurant that serves Chinese cuisine.
  • 我对中国烹饪感兴趣,你给我推荐几种菜吗?
    I would you be interested in Chinese cuisine.Would you recommend something to me?
  • 在华英双语这道“菜谱”中,先让华语“下锅煮熟”,才享有“美肴”。
    To produce a fine "Sino-Anglo" cuisine, Chinese language must be "cooked " first.
  • 这台发动机还用好长时间
    The engine has plenty of wear left.
  • 我们需要对它们的数量进行更多的研究,而且可会增加人工淘汰的数量。”
    We need to do more research into their population, and we may need to cull more.
  • 全国公安、海关、铁路、交通、民航、林业、邮电等有关部门,充分发挥各自职,缉毒成效显著。
    The functions of relevant organs such as the public security, customs, forestry, posts and telecommunications, railway, civil aviation and other transport departments have been brought into full play, culminating in a signal victory in the battle against drugs.
  • 5.把充满压力的局势变成积极的富有建设性的局势,这是上述四种方法的终极--也是衡量是否具有真正承受压力力的尺度。
    5. Transform stressful situations into positive ones. This is a culmination of the first four ideas, and the measure of becoming truly stress-tolerant.
  • (把他们的错误)归咎於我.
    I cannot be held culpable (for their mistakes).
  • 领导力无须盲目崇拜“大人物”领导者。
    6. Leadership Don't get blinded by the cult-hero worshipof "Big L" leaders;
  • 马克思一家存在着真正的莎士比亚崇拜,马克思的三个女儿够背诵莎士比亚戏剧的许多段落。”
    There was a veritable Shakespeare cult in the Marx family, and the three daughters knew much of Shakespeare by heart.
  • 对于“法轮功”这样一个已经对社会造成了严重危害的邪教组织,我国政府不坐视不管。
    The Chinese Government cannot sit back and do nothing about Falun Gong, a cult organization that has seriously endangered the society.
  • 李洪志也和这些邪教教主一样,说地球即将毁灭,他推迟地球爆炸的时间,度人去天国。
    Like these cult founders, Li Hongzhi has also predicted the imminent end of the earth and that he alone can postpone the explosion of the earth and send people to the heaven.
  • 城区的迅速扩大在很多情况下侵占了宝贵的可耕地,使人们普遍认识到发展不以牺牲农业为代价。
    The rapid expansion of urban areas has in many cases encroached on valuable cultivatable land , and led to a general recognition that development must not be carried at the cost of agriculture .
  • 他不知道怎样才赢得她的好感。
    He didn’t know how to cultivate her friendship.
  • 培养你的音乐欣赏力。
    Cultivate your musical taste; Train your tastebuds; She is well schooled in poetry.
  • 华文方面的外来人才,只补充我们的需要,而负责领导工作的必须是我们自己培养的本地人才。
    Foreign Chinese-language talent can only supplement our needs. We must cultivate local talent ourselves to assume the leadership roles.
  • 所以从文化上来说,我们必须使自己具备新的功,而不是停留在陆军、海军、空军和海军陆战队文化的思维模式中。
    So culturally, we have to get ourselves in this minkset of new functions and not stay in the mindset of the culrure of the Army,Navy, Air Force, and Marines.
  • 这样看来,如果全国最高的艺术奖项,由国家最高领导人,总统或总理来颁发,肯定激励艺术工作者和他们的支持者。
    It would certainly spur the artistes and their backers if the highest arts awards are conferred by the most eminent officers of the land, the President or Prime Minister, which is a common practice among the culturally advanced countries.
  • 在中国共产党的领导下,全国各族人民坚强团结,不懈奋斗,建设富强民主文明的社会主义现代化国家的伟大目标,就一定够达到!
    Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the lofty goal to build China into a strong, modern, prosperous, democratic and culturally advanced socialist country will surely be achieved through the firm unity and unremitting struggle of the people of all nationalities.
  • 在任何时候任何情况下,全党同志都绝不固步自封,绝不畏惧艰险,必须紧紧团结全国各族人民,把我们伟大的祖国建设成为富强民主文明的社会主义现代化国家,争取对人类作出新的更大的贡献!
    Under no circumstances should all comrades of the Party stand still and refuse to move forward, nor should they fear hardship and difficulties. All comrades must closely unite with the people of all ethnic groups in China and strive to build our great motherland into a strong, prosperous, democratic and culturally advanced modern socialist country so as to make new and even greater contributions to humanity.
  • 我们还要付出许多努力,才加入具有文化修养国家的行列。
    Much still needs to be done before it can join the ranks of cultured nations.
  • 在观众提问时间,有人问他:“在人们面对饥饿的时候来谈文化是否实际?”高教授在回答时说,这种情形固然令人关切,但并不是说一个饿肚子的穷光蛋就不够同时做一个有文化修养的人,他还强调要推动文化的发展,需要教育与经济的发展。
    When asked if it would be realistic to talk about culture when one is struck by hunger, Prof. Gao expressed concern over such a dilemma and emphasized that a poor man can be one who is cultured. He also mentioned the importance of education and economic growth in sustaining cultural development.
  • 在观众提问时间,有人问他:“在人们面对饥饿的时候来谈文化是否实际?”高教授在回答时说,这种情形固然令人关切,但并不是说一个饿肚子的穷光蛋就不够同时做一个有文化修养的人,他还强调要推动文化的发展,需要教育与经济的发展。
    When asked if it would be realistic to talk about culture when one is struck by hunger, Prof Kao expressed concern over such a dilemma and emphasised that a poor man can be one who is cultured. He also mentioned the importance of education and economic growth in sustaining cultural development.
  • 任何一个昆布兰的伯爵都不屈辱我。
    All the counts in Cumberland will not cut the comb of me.