  • 在任何奉行自由市场经济的社会?,总会有部分人给遗忘,而我相信,香港是一个有爱心和富同情心的社会,有责任向这些人伸援手。
    Now, in any free market economy there will always be a sector of the community which is left behind and I believe we have a duty as a caring and compassionate community to give them a helping hand.
  • 在这里现是为了与uddi规范1.0版保持兼容。
    Used for UDDI Version 1.0 compatibility.
  • 在这里现是为了与uddi规范1.0版保持兼容。
    Used for UDDI Version 1.0 compatibility only.
  • 而为了兼容大多数工具包,uddi规范2.0版允许即使用1.0的处理方法(为了兼容),也可以让这个字段包含api消息的名字,而这个名字同时也会在soapbody元素内现的。
    For maximum tool compatibility, UDDI version 2.0 allows either the 1.0 treatment (for compatibility) or for this field to contain the name of the API message contained within the SOAP Body element found within the request.
  • 修饰或说明计算机系统部件的标准化的程度,模块化设计允许部件组合和现很多种类的兼容部件。
    Pertaining to a degree of standardization of computer system components to allow for combinations and large variety of compatible units.
  • 它们还可以做其他选择,并不是所有的选择都能彼此包容。
    There are other alternatives, and not all of them are compatible.
  • 水利工程的环境影响评价应在规划设计各阶段作相应深度的工作。
    The depth of work for environmental assessment should be compatible with stage of planning and design.
  • 从这个方向发,将电子邮件和其他操作结合起来,确实是个合理的进步。不过使用这种系统,必先要求收信人备有相应的可接收来信的计算机设备。
    Combining E-mail with other operations is a logic step in that direction, although the use of this system is dependent on receivers having compatible computer equipment to accept one's message.
  • 向…发书面训令给…以书面训令或以书面训令相威胁
    To serve or compel with such a writ.
  • 期满不起诉又不履行的,由作处罚决定的机关申请人民法院强制执行。
    If the party neither files a suit nor complies with the decision within the time limit, the agency that made the decision shall request the people's court to compel execution of the decision.
  • 但是,就在这种条件下,这些党员也仍然有权保留自己的意见,并且仍然有权向所属的党组织和高级的党组织提自己的意见,党组织不应该用纪律迫使他们放弃这些意见。
    Yet these members still have the right to reserve their own opinions and, moreover, the right to submit them to the Party organizations to which they belong and to higher bodies, and the Party organizations, on their part, should not compel them to give up their opinions by force of discipline.
  • 但是,一些西方大国顽固坚持冷战时期的思维方式,将人权问题政治化、意识形态化,在国际舞台上把人权作为迫使发展中国家就范、推行霸权主义和强权政治的手段,使人权领域的政治对抗倾向变得愈加突
    However, some large Western countries stubbornly adhere to the modes of thinking of the cold war period to inject politics and ideology into the issue of human rights. On the international stage they take human rights as a means to compel developing countries to submit and a means to pursue hegemony and power politics, encouraging political confrontations in the human rights field.
  • 如果我们能够在思想上提正确的革命理论,对于他们的反革命理论给以坚决的打击;如果我们在政治上采取适合时宜的策略步骤,对于他们的反共反进步政策给以坚决的打击;如果我们采取适当的军事步骤,对于他们的军事进攻给以坚决的打击;那末,就有可能限制他们实施反动政策的范围,就有可能逼迫他们承认进步势力的地位,就有可能发展进步势力,争取中间势力,而使他们陷于孤立。
    If in the ideological sphere we can put forward correct revolutionary theory and strike hard at their counter-revolutionary theory, if in the political sphere we adopt tactics suited to the times and strike hard at their anti-Communist and anti-progressive policies, and if in the military sphere we take appropriate measures and strike back hard at their attacks, then we shall be able to restrict the effective range of their reactionary policy and compel them to recognize the status of the progressive forces, and we shall be able to expand the progressive forces, win over the middle forces and isolate the die-hard forces.
  • 受伤的左前锋只好退比赛,在剩下的时间里坐在一旁。
    The injured left forward was compelled to sit out the rest of the play.
  • 受伤的右中卫只好退比赛,在剩下的时间里坐在一旁。
    The injured right halfback was compelled to sit out the rest of the play.
  • 采用武力的方式,将是最后不得已而被迫作的选择。
    Resort to force would only be the last choice made under compelling circumstances.
  • 从这个人现的那一刻起爱伦就感到了一种难以自抑的心动,那感觉美妙极了。
    From the first Helen felt a marvelous and compelling thrill in the presence of this man.
  • 亲自递送程序(强迫席在法庭上的文书)或法庭文件给被告人的人。
    someone who personally delivers a process (a writ compelling attendance in court) or court papers to the defendant.
  • 戴尔的历史是如此引人注目,使得在几年前曾计划推一部由著名影星johncusack饰演迈克尔的电影。
    The Dell story is so compelling that several years ago a movie was planned starring actor John Cusack as Michael.
  • 谢泼德家的律师今天说,从挖掘的塞姆·谢泼德大夫尸体中提取的新的dna证据提供了最令人信服的证明,说明四十多年前在使美国人民震惊的谋杀案中他被错判为谋杀了他的妻子。证据还有力地说明,正如谢泼德大夫所声称的那样,杀人犯确实是一个有浓密头发的入室行凶者。
    New DNA evidence taken from the exhumied body of Dr.Sam Sheppard provides the most compelling piece of evidence that he was wrongfully convicted of murdering his wife in a trial that transfixed America more than four decades ago, and suggests strongly that the killer really was a "bushy-haired" intruder, as Dr.Sheppard claimed, a lawyer for the Sheppard family said today.
  • 在实行适当调剂种子吃粮的政策时,不可采取开仓济贫的办法,亦不可强迫地富拿粮食救济贫民,而应提倡低利或无利借贷的社会互助办法,或者采取由政府从没收或征收的公粮中抽一部分举办生产贷粮或临时救济的办法。
    In readjusting the supplies of seed and various grain, we should not do this by using our grain reserves to relieve the poor or by compelling landlords and rich peasants to take out grain for the same purpose. Instead we should encourage mutual aid, such as extending interest-free loans or loans at low interest rates, have the government extend grain loans for production or as temporary relief for the poor by taking out a portion of the grain that was confiscated or levied.
  • 法律权威发的正式文件,通常强迫被告在民事诉讼中席。
    a writ issued by authority of law; usually compels the defendant's attendance in a civil suit; failure to appear results in a default judgment against the defendant.
  • 从北到南可以领略到挪威自然的概貌。穿越茂密的松树林和沿海的湖泊和峡湾后,现在面前的将是雷鸣的瀑布、奔流的山溪和冰川旁边的坦途。
    The itinerary from north to south is a compendium of Norwegian nature: thundering waterfalls, rushing mountain streams and roads that run along glaciers, after having gone through dense pine forests and coastal lakes and fjords.
  • 故障自动保险的当机械装置或电源现故障时,能自动和安全提供保障的
    Capable of compensating automatically and safely for a failure, as of a mechanism or power source.
  • 他们提出赔偿要求。
    They have put in a claim for compensation.
  • 提出索赔,要求索赔
    To send in one 's claim for compensation
  • 为获50,000美元赔偿,他正在向该公司提起诉。
    He is suing the company for $50, 000 compensation.
  • 它已经超法院的权限。
    It has beyond the competence of the court.
  • 最初的尝试(通常指超能力范围的领域)。
    an initial attempt (especially outside your usual areas of competence).
  • 陈云同志提,我们选干部,要注意德才兼备。
    Comrade Chen Yun said that in selecting cadres we should stress political integrity and professional competence.
  • 一九九九年,锅炉及压力容器科共处理2363宗压力器登记申请,巡查6519家工厂、检验5098具压力器,以及发和批署336份合格证书。
    In 1999, the division processed 2 363 equipment registration applications, inspected 6 519 factories and 5 098 items of pressure equipment, and issued 336 certificates of competency and endorsements.
  • 第十二条进口货物涉嫌侵犯奥林匹克标志专有权的,由海关参照《中华人民共和国海关法》和《中华人民共和国知识产权海关保护条例》规定的权限和程序查处。
    Article 12 If the imported and exported cargoes were suspected of infringing the exclusive rights of the Olympic Symbols, it shall be investigated and dealt with by the custom according to the competency and procedures of Custom Law of The People's Republic of China and Regulations on the Custom Protection of Intellectual Property Rights of The People's Republic of China.