  • 收听英国广播司国际新闻节目
    Listening in to the BBC World Service
  • 把第一个用式表示出来地层学的基本原理的荣誉归功于李斯特是给错人了。
    to credit Lister with the first formulation of the basic principle of stratigraphy would be to bestow credit falsely.
  • 节目单用于开介绍的按事件和其他相关信息发生顺序而列的单子
    A listing of the order of events and other pertinent information for a public presentation.
  • 一个月之后,信用卡司给我寄来帐单,列出我购买的所有东西和金额。
    The credit card company would send me a bill a month later,listing all my purchased items and amounts.
  • 内地亦对发展创业板市场作为内地高增长司的上市场所表示强烈兴趣。
    The Mainland has also expressed strong interest in the development of the GEM as a listing venue for the high-growth companies in the Mainland.
  • 出口商品目录向办室索取即可获得。
    Export lists may be had for the asking at the office.
  •  国家保护的有益的或者有重要经济、科学研究价值的陆生野生动物名录及其调整,由国务院野生动物行政主管部门制定并布。
    Lists or revised lists of terrestrial wildlife under state protection, which are beneficial or of important economic or scientific value, shall be drawn up and announced by the department of wildlife administration under the State Council.
  • 国家重点保护的野生动物名录及其调整,由国务院野生动物行政主管部门制定,报国务院批准布。
    Lists or revised lists of wildlife under special state protection shall be drawn up by the department of wildlife administration under the State Council and announced after being submitted to and approved by the State Council.
  • 本联盟各国应在适当的时候使众可以得到用这样方法通知的清单。
    Each country of the Union shall in due course make available to the public the lists so communicated.
  • 包装:每瓶一升,每箱15瓶。
    Packing one liter bottle15 bottle per carton.
  • 分升容量的制单位之一,等于1/10(10-1)升
    A metric unit of volume equal to one-tenth(10-1) of a liter.
  • 升汽油的质量比一升水的质量小。
    A liter of gas have less mass than a liter of water.
  • 总理署及社会发展部政务次长曾士生1月30日为国大中文系主办的文学与社会研讨会主持开幕,畅谈他修读华文文学作品的经验,并希望本地文人和社团,重振过去文艺创作的热诚,使我国华文文艺再次蓬勃发展。
    Mr Chan Soo Sen, Parliamentary Secretary, Prime Minister's Office and Ministry of Community Development, officiated at the Seminar on Literature and Society organised by the Chinese Studies Department, NUS on January 30. He called on local literati and Chinese clan associations to work together to further develop Chinese literature in Singapore.
  • 法律援助的具体形式包括解答咨询、刑事辩护和诉讼代理以及办理证等。
    The specific forms of legal aid include advice, criminal defense, procurator in litigation and notarization, etc.
  • 为给民起诉提供方便,最高人民法院规定,如果当事人确有经济困难,诉讼费可以缓交、减交或免交。
    For the convenience of citizens, the Supreme People's Court has stipulated that if litigants have financial difficulties, their litigation costs may be paid later or partially, or be exempted.
  • [5]但是这个问题在1964年没有得到解决,在1997年还是没有解决,尽管确实又进行了数千项研究——且提起的诉讼已迫使至少一家烟草司承认一些禁烟活动积极分子的说法,其实也是他们一直都明白的:吸烟对人体有危害。
    [5] But the issue wasn't settled in 1964, nor is it settled in 1997, despite literally thousands more studies--and litigation that has forced at least one tobacco company to admit what some activists say they knew all along: cigarette smoke is hazardous to your health.
  • 依据中国行政诉讼法,人民法院对民、法人和其他组织因不服知识产权行政管理机关处理的知识产权纠纷决定提起的行政诉讼,有责任进行审理,并依法作出维持、撤销或变更行政决定的判决。
    According to China's Administrative Procedure Law, if a citizen, legal person or organization wishes to contest a judgement or order of an administrative department for intellectual property protection in a dispute concerning intellectual property rights and to initiate administrative procedure litigation, the people's court shall try the case and shall, in accordance with the law, make a decision to maintain, rescind, or alter it.
  • 这辆汽车每升汽油跑10里。
    The car does ten km. to the litre.
  • (在共场所)乱扔废物的人
    Person who leaves litter untidily in public places
  • 众场所遗弃杂物是妨害众利益的。
    It is antisocial to leave one's litter in public places.
  • 我住在布里奇大街的一套寓里。
    I live in a flat in Bridge Street.
  • 从前, 有一位非常美丽的主。
    Once upon a time, there lived a princess who was very beautiful.
  • 国家和社会帮助安排盲、聋、哑和其他有残疾的民的劳动、生活和教育。
    The state and society help make arrangements for the work, livelihood and education of the blind, deaf-mute and other handicapped citizens.
  • 你可能不喜欢办室工作,但厌弃自己的职业是无益的,因为你没有其它的生活手段。
    You may not like office work but it is no use to quarrel with your bread and butter, you have no other means of livelihood.
  • (二)政治上,充分发扬人民民主,保证全体人民真正享有通过各种有效形式管理国家、特别是管理基层地方政权和各项企业事业的权力,享有各项民权利,健全革命法制,正确处理人民内部矛盾,打击一切敌对力量和犯罪活动,调动人民群众的积极性,巩固和发展安定团结、生动活泼的政治局面;
    In the political sphere, to practise people's democracy to the full, ensuring that through various effective forms, all the people truly enjoy the right to manage state affairs and particularly state organs at the grass-roots level and to run enterprises and institutions, and that they truly enjoy all the other rights of citizens; To perfect the revolutionary legal system; To handle contradictions among the people correctly; To crack down on all hostile forces and criminal activities; And to arouse the enthusiasm of the people and consolidate and develop a political situation marked by stability, unity and liveliness.
  • (穿制服的)同业会会员
    Member of a livery company
  •  (三)民的林木、牲畜和家禽;
    his forest trees, livestock and poultry;
  • 随着本港和内地的经济、社会连系日益密切,过境交通的数量大幅增长,罗湖是目前唯一通往内地的铁路边界通道,所处理的客量已接近饱和,在平日达165000人次,众假期和周末更超过每日20万人次的水平。
    Cross-boundary traffic has increased significantly over the years, with the growth in economic and social activities between Hong Kong and the Mainland. Lo Wu is currently the only rail crossing to the Mainland. It is operating at near to full capacity, handling some 165 000 passengers every weekday in 1998. The volume of passengers at Lo Wu may well exceed 200 000 during festive seasons and weekends.
  • 他们坐进公共汽车。
    They loaded into the bus.
  • 我们在园里闲逛了几个小时。
    We loafed for hours in the park.
  • 四磅重的面包一块重约四磅(1。81斤)的面包
    A loaf of bread weighing about4 pounds(1.81 kilograms).
  • 司为它的职员提供无息贷款。
    The company gives its staff interest-free loan.