  • 品牌创造共同利益。
    They create common ground.
  • 捐资者与他人一起捐或提供;为公共基金或共同目的捐献
    To give or supply in common with others; give to a common fund or for a common purpose.
  • 身微贱的不是贵族的;普通的
    Not of the nobility; common.
  • 新娘是一位平民,做过女招待,曾现在奥斯陆放荡的私人聚会场合里。
    The bride is a commoner who once worked as a waitress and was part of Oslo's wild "house party" circle.
  • 桑佳本人也是平民身,她和哈康五世苦等了9年,最终才得到哈拉德的父亲欧拉夫四世的同意,结为百年之好。
    Sonja herself was a commoner, and she and Harald waited nine years before his father, King Olav V, finally granted permission for them to marry.
  • 多用以表达直接引语
    Saybis commonly used with direct speech
  • 在非结论性的情况下一般被当作真实的提来或者被接受。
    commonly put forth or accepted as true on inconclusive grounds.
  • 他毫不奇,实际上平庸得很.
    He's not at all exciting, in fact he's really rather commonplace.
  • 站台上一个脸颊瘦削,模样普通的妇女认嘉莉,急忙迎上前来。
    A lean-faced, rather commonplace woman recognised Carrie on the platform and hurried forward.
  • 该调查为普遍吸烟、酗酒和患肥胖症的英国青年勾勒一幅可怕的画像。
    The survey painted a grim picture of Britain's youth with smoking,drinking and obesity commonplace.
  • 到国外“避年”也日渐普遍,有时是整个家庭,有时甚至是一个大家庭里的几个小家庭,相约一齐国。
    Going away during the New Year is now commonplace, sometimes involving whole families or extended families.
  • 杜尚,马塞尔1887-1968法裔美籍现代派艺术家,纽约城达达运动领袖,第一个将普通物品作为艺术品展,其绘画作品包括下楼梯的裸者(1912年)等
    French-born modernist artist and a leader of the Dada movement in New York City who was the first to exhibit commonplace objects as art. His paintings include Nude Descending a Staircase(1912).
  • 这时,我想起了对于每天的阳光我也是经常无动于衷,只关注于琐碎甚至是无意义的小事,而忽略了对于司空见惯的经历做反应:生活的礼物是珍贵的--但是我们却忽视了它们。
    Then I remembered how often I, too, had been indifferent to the grandeur of each day, too preoccupied with petty and sometimes even mean concerns to respond from that experience is really as commonplace as was the experience itself: life's gifts are precious -- but we are too heedless of them.
  • 这个问题此刻正在下议院特别委员会被提讨论。
    The question is before a Select Committee of the House of Commons at this very moment.
  • 由所罗门群岛构成的从英联邦独立来的一个岛国。
    the southern Solomon Islands that form an independent state in the British Commonwealth.
  • 就拿共和联邦运动会来说吧!我国公民向新加坡运动员喝倒彩一事就可看得,我们的体育精神去了哪里?
    For instance, the booing of the Singaporean contingent by our citizens during the Commonwealth Games showed up our total lack of sportsmanship.
  • 警队为准备这些活动,在一九九四至一九九七年间先后派警务人员到海外考察大型的国际会议,其中包括在马德里和华盛顿举行的世界银行/国际货币基金组织理事会年会,在亚特兰大举行的奥林匹克运动会,在新西兰举行的英联邦政府首脑会议和在新加坡举行的世界贸易组织会议。
    To prepare for this, Police officers were sent abroad between 1994 and1997 to observe major international conferences and meetings. These included the WB/IMF Annual Meetings in Madrid and Washington, DC, the Olympic Games in Atlanta, the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in New Zealand and the World Trade Organisation Meeting in Singapore.
  • 表现短时间的吵杂和骚乱的特征。
    characterized by short periods of noisy commotion.
  • 喧哗,吵闹一大群人发的吵闹声和骚扰
    The din and commotion of a great crowd.
  • 他一现在舞台上,人群就大喊大叫骚乱起来,致使演不得不停止。
    As soon as he appeared on stage the crowd set up such a commotion that the show had to be stopped.
  • 傅立叶空想社会主义由查尔斯·傅立叶于19世纪早期提的社会改革形式,设想建立由自给自主的基层组织构成的理想社会
    A system for social reform advocated by Charles Fourier in the early19th century, proposing that society be organized into small self-sustaining communal groups.
  • 我们曾经历过不幸的种族冲突事件,付了血泪的惨重代价,好不容易才把家园重建。
    We had been through unfortunate communal clashes and paid a heavy price for them before we embarked on the formidable task of nation-building.
  • 为23个警区及60个分区接驳单位资讯通用系统的工程,已于六月完成。这个系统可协助警务人员处理向警方提的举报、罪案投诉、失物事宜,以及由警方看管人士的管理工作。
    The roll-out of the Formation Information Communal System, which assists officers in handling reports to the Police, dealing with complaints of crime, processing lost and found properties, and managing persons in police custody, was completed in June for all 23 districts and 60 divisions.
  • 一种急性传染疾病,通常发烧或
    an acute communicable disease (usually in children) characterized by fever and a red rash.
  • 表达既定的意图或印象。
    communicate the intended meaning or impression.
  • 女士们需要的是将这些要求明确地说来。
    Women need to communicate this more clearly.
  • 最早现的电话是现代通讯网的雏型.
    Thefirst telephone was the precursor of modern communications networks.
  • 从组织或团体中退
    withdraw from an organization or communion.
  • 政府在最近的一份公报中指,双方不久将达成一项协议。
    In its latest communique the government suggests that both sides will soon reach an agreement.
  • 公报没有提要参加委员会的国家的名字。
    The communique did not name the nations which will be asked to serve on the commission.
  • 从公报上不难看,两国的外交部长要在一周的会谈中达成协议是不可能的。
    It was clear from the communique that no agreement was likely to emerge from the week-long talks between the foreign ministers of the two countries.
  • 如果现了这样或类似的事情,我们肯定会认为美国政府的决策已经改变了中美建交公报和上海公报的原则。
    If this or similar events occur, we shall definitely consider it a policy decision of the U.S. government, that it has deviated from the principles as defined in the Communique on the Establishment of Sino-U.S. Diplomatic Relations and the Shanghai Communique.