  • 随附我司第号新的报价单以替代前发的报价单。
    Enclosed is our new Quotation No. ______ in lieu of the previous one.
  • 社会公共生活准则
    maxims of social life
  • 他们是司的原动力。
    They are the lifeblood of the company.
  • 共交通对许多农村居民来说是不可或缺的。
    Public transport is a lifeline for many rural communities.
  • 我一辈子要受穷这实在不平。
    It's unfair for me to be sentenced to spending my lifetime in poverty.
  • 你们的寓是用煤气灯还是电灯?
    Is your flat lighted by gas or by electricity?
  • 你比他轻两公斤。
    You are two kilogrammes lighter than he.
  • 你比他轻两公斤。
    You is two kilogrammes lighter than he.
  • 微软司对语音识别也不轻视。
    Microsoft also isn't taking voice lightly.
  • 主很喜欢他,于是他们便成婚了。
    The Princess liked him. They were married.
  • 我听到传闻说司很可能要破产.
    I've heard whispers that the firm is likely to go bankrupt.
  • 丽丽,史密斯先生让你到他办室去。
    Lily, Mr. smith told you to go to his office.
  • 胶合铺料用于建筑高速路的膏状水泥,尤指用石灰粉或砖粉与沥青制成的
    A pastelike cement used in highway construction, especially one made with powdered lime or brick and tar.
  • 我当总统时一直为众瞩目--谈不上私人的生活.
    When I was President, I was always in the limelight there was no privacy.
  • 我当总统时一直为众瞩目。
    When I am president, I am always in the limelight.
  •  (1)本约无限期地有效。
    This Convention shall remain in force without limitation as to time.
  • 如果某一家保险司的健康保险对每种服务定有赔偿限额,你应断定这些限额是否合乎实际。
    If the benefits provided under a certain policy have a dollar limitation for each service, you should determine whether these limitations are realistic.
  • 中国将进一步放宽外商在华设立合资外贸司的限制条件。
    China will further relax limitations on joint venture trading companies with foreign investment.
  • 中国检察机关和人民法院依法对国家工作人员和其他民非法剥夺或限制民人身自由的案件,及时地进行查处。
    China's procuratorial organs and people's courts should promptly investigate and deal with cases involving staff members in governmental departments and other citizens depriving or limiting citizens' personal freedom.
  • 这又有点像90年代初,中国开放后,任何宣布进军中国市场的上市司,都受到投资者的垂青,因为人们认为只要每一个中国人购买它的产品,司的钱就会赚个不完。
    This was similar to the early nineties when China opened up its economy. If a listed company announced its intention to enter the Chinese market, its stock price rose because the profit potential was limitless if every single Chinese bought its product.
  • 主这差事固然有许多好处——正如对于只有一辆爬坡都费力的老爷车的女孩子来说,豪华轿车实在是不可抗拒的诱惑;然而,米娅生性腼腆害怕皇室高位带来的聚光灯.
    The job carries plenty of perks - a limo is mighty tempting to a girl whose Mustang can barely make it up a hill - but Mia's a shy type who dreads the spotlight a royal perch would bring.
  • 共汽车或小型巴士进城吗?
    Is there a bus or limousine into town?
  • 32路车的终点站离林肯园不远。
    Its terminal is near the Lincoln Park.
  • “这样吧,我们星期天上林肯园去。”
    "Well, we'll go out Sunday and see Lincoln Park.
  • 请问,我该怎样去林肯园?
    Could you tell me how to get to the Lincoln Park?
  • 很多地方,比如中央园、自由女神像和林肯中心等。
    Many, such as Central Park, the Statue of Liberty and Lincoln Center.
  • 制术语定义的长度单位。
    a linear unit of distance in metric terms.
  • 人们在共汽车站排起了队。
    People lined up at the bus stop.
  • 司有去中国的定期航班吗?
    Do you have any liner sailing to china?
  • 我昨晚往家里打了电话,我的合伙人告诉我怡和船运代理有限司在6月初有一艘由香港开往加拿大的班船,如果能设法赶上这班船,一切都解决了。
    I called home last night. My partner told me Jardine Shipping Agent Ltd. has a liner sailing from Hongkong to Canada around early June. If you could Manage to catch that vessel, everything would be all right.
  • 电力公司;电路
    Power companies; power lines.
  • 此外,需要在茶果岭预留40顷土地,以重建现有的九龙湾避风塘。
    A further 40 hectares would need to be reserved at Cha Kwo Ling to re-provision the existing Kowloon Bay typhoon shelter.