  • 任何硫钙胶结材料,白色粉末(硫钙的一种形式),与水混合后呈糊状,变硬形成固体,用于制模型和雕塑及给断肢铸型。
    any of several gypsum cements; a white powder (a form of calcium sulphate) that forms a paste when mixed with water and hardens into a solid; used in making molds and sculptures and casts for broken limbs.
  • 迷幻药一种水晶化合物,化学式c20h25n3o,由麦角衍生而来,用作有效的能引起迷幻的药
    A crystalline compound, C20H25N3O, derived from lysergic acid and used as a powerful hallucinogenic drug.
  • 备尝辛酸
    undergo [go through] all kinds of hardships
  • 有酸味的
    Having a sour taste.
  • 美国南部的一种山楂属植物,果多汁、红色而味,常用来做果冻或果酱。
    hawthorn of southern United States bearing juicy acid scarlet fruit often used in jellies or preserves.
  • 一种含有双螺旋状大分子的核,与基因信息传递有关。
    a nucleic acid consisting of large molecules shaped like a double helix; associated with the transmission of genetic information.
  • 三碘甲腺氨一种甲状腺激素,c15h12i3no4,类似于甲状腺素,但生理作用较之为快且强,用于治疗甲状腺机能减退
    A thyroid hormone, C15H12I3NO4, similar to thyroxine but more potent, used in the treatment of hypothyroidism.
  • 这些信号通常是由缩氨产生的。而这些缩氨由很多荷尔蒙调节着。
    These signals are produced by peptides, which are regulated by a number of hormones.
  • 角闪石一大类结构相似的水合双硅盐矿石,如角闪石,包含各种钠、钙、镁、铁和铝的组合
    Any of a large group of structurally similar hydrated double silicate minerals, such as hornblende, containing various combinations of sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, and aluminum.
  • 酸辣汤。
    Hot and sour soup.
  • 他酷爱堆积如山的烤马铃薯加奶油。
    He loves humongous baked potato piled high with sour cream.
  • 用来放松的含水的镁硫盐。
    hydrated magnesium sulfate used as a laxative.
  • 一种绿色矿物,由含水镍和镁的硅盐矿物组成,是镍的主要来源。
    a green mineral consisting of hydrated nickel magnesium silicate; a source of nickel.
  • 一种由含水硅镁组成的矿物,用途广泛。
    a mineral consisting of hydrated magnesium silicate and used in a variety of products.
  • 一种白色或无色的矿物(含水硫钙),用作胶合材料(尤其是烧石膏)。
    a common white or colorless mineral (hydrated calcium sulphate) used to make cements and plasters (especially plaster of Paris).
  • 蛭石与绿混石有关的一组含云母的水合硅盐矿物质的统称,并以热膨胀形式用作绝缘材料和种植媒介
    Any of a group of micaceous hydrated silicate minerals related to the chlorites and used in heat-expanded form as insulation and as a planting medium.
  • 脂铅铀矿一种由桔红到黄灰色的多种铀氧化物、硅盐和盐的混和物,在铀矿物的自然氧化作用和水合作用中形成
    An orange-red to grayish yellow mixture of several uranium oxides, silicates, and salts occurring naturally in the oxidation and hydration of uraninite.
  • 氢碘形成的一种盐或酯。
    a salt or ester of hydriodic acid.
  • 一种无色气体,与水相溶产生氢嗅
    a colorless gas that yields hydrobromic acid in solution with water.
  • 任何由氢溴形成的盐,用作镇静剂。
    any of the salts of hydrobromic acid; used as a sedative.
  • 氯化氢一种合成物,是或被认为是盐与一种有机碱的反应的结果
    A compound resulting or regarded as resulting from the reaction of hydrochloric acid with an organic base.
  • 氢氰的一种有剧毒的盐。
    an extremely poisonous salt of hydrocyanic acid.
  • 一种性酒石盐,氢的酒石盐。
    an acid tartrate; a hydrogen tartrate.
  • 氢硫化物一种化学合物,通过用一个原子团或碱来替换硫的一个氢原子
    A chemical compound derived from hydrogen sulfide by replacement of one of the hydrogen atoms with a basic radical or base.
  • 核苷酶催化核苷转化成核苷和磷的酶
    An enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of a nucleotide to a nucleoside and phosphoric acid.
  • 通过缩氨键的分裂把蛋白质水解为缩氨和氨基的过程。
    the hydrolysis of proteins into peptides and amino acids by cleavage of their peptide bonds.
  • 赖氨一种重要的氨基,c6h14n2o2,可以从水解蛋白中得到,是身体能最佳发育所必需的
    An essential amino acid, C6H14N2O2, derived from the hydrolysis of proteins and required by the body for optimum growth.
  • 甲酯酶一种可在某些植物、细菌和霉菌中找到的能促使果胶水解成果胶和甲醇的酶
    An enzyme found in certain plants, bacteria, and fungi that catalyzes the hydrolysis of pectin to pectic acid and methanol.
  • 胨各种从天然白蛋白或酶水解中得到的合成物,用做培养细菌的营养培养基
    Any of various compounds obtained by acid or enzyme hydrolysis of natural protein and used as nutrients in culture media.
  • 加快水电建设,降低煤炭在能源结构中的比重,减轻雨和气候变暖对发展粮食生产的负面影响。
    It will speed up the construction of hydropower facilities, reduce the proportion of coal in the energy structure, and combat the negative influences of acid rain and global warming.
  • 海泡石氢氧化镁的矽盐矿石,通常为优质致密的白色陶土状物,h4mg2si3o10,产于地中海地区,用来制作烟斗和建筑用石
    A fine, compact, usually white claylike mineral of hydrous magnesium silicate, H4Mg2Si3O10, found in the Mediterranean area and used in fashioning tobacco pipes and as a building stone.
  • 盐一种含氢氧化锌的盐,例如氢氧化锌zn(oh)2
    A salt of zinc hydroxide, such as Zn(OH)2.