  • 约翰回答说:“我是用水施洗礼,但有一位站在你们中间,是你们不认识的,就是那位比我来得晚却比我提升得早的人。我给他解鞋带都不配。”既然是“给某人解鞋带都不配”,那自然就是“远不如某人”、“配不上某人”了。
    John answered them, saying, I baptize with water, but there standeth one among you, whom ye know not; He it is, who coming after me is preferred before me, whose shoe's latchet I am not worthy to unloose.
  • 抓举时,参赛运动员用一个快速贯的动作所杠铃从举重台地板一下子举过头顶。
    In the snatch, the competitor raises the barbell in one uninterrupted motion from the platform floor to a position over the head.
  • 埃布罗河发源于西班牙北部坎塔布山的一条河流,流程约925公里(575英里),注入巴塞罗那西南方的地中海
    A river rising in the Cantabrian Mountains of northern Spain and flowing about925 km(575 mi) to the Mediterranean Sea southwest of Barcelona.
  • 俄国在开始六届奥运会中续获得奖牌,其中包括1964、1966和1980年的金牌,之后我们在巴赛罗那奥运会中退至第七位,在亚特兰大也不过名列第四。
    After winning medals in its first six Olympics, including gold in 1964, 1966 and 1980, the Russians slumped to seventh in Barcelona and fourth in Atlanta.
  • 你所能想到的最壮的人也不能光用手就将木头撕裂。
    The strongest man (that) you can think of cannot tear the log apart with bare hands.
  • 他几乎阅读和写字都有困难。
    He can barely read and write.
  • 她很激动话都快说不出来了。
    She is so excited that she can barely speak.
  • 几个小时地在市场上进行讨价还价。
    Bargain away for hours in the bazaar.
  • 续下雨的天气已使大麦发芽了。
    The continuous wet weather has sprouted the barley.
  • 自街头小报去年春天篇累牍报道布什总统的双胞胎女儿违规饮酒以来,总统一直对有关她们的话题三缄其口,却时不时提起自己的爱犬斯波特和巴尼。
    President Bush has built a thick wall of privacy around his twin daughters, the spirited twosome who made tabloid headlines last spring for under-age drinking. Whereas he often mentions his dogs, Spot and Barney.
  • 全营以为单位在军营广场上列队。
    The battalion formed up by companies on the barrack square.
  • 接二三的一大堆批评
    A barrage of criticism.
  • 续的猛烈炮火组成的防线
    A barrage of drumfire.
  • 他的意见招来了一串的批评。
    His comments provoked a barrage of criticism.
  • 记者们珠炮似地问了我们半小时。
    The reporters kept us a barrage of questions for half an hour.
  • 电视台遭到一串的抱怨,说电视续剧中的暴力内容太多。
    The TV station has received a barrage of complaints about the amount of violence in the series.
  • 机车司机停下给他们让路,亨利跳下车过去问了一串有关发动机性能的问题。
    The locomotive driver stopped to let the wagon pass, and Henry jumped down and went to him with a barrage of technical questions about the engine's performance.
  • 继续往深处挖掘,我想起了训练小狗保持卫生习惯的事儿。就在埃德下班回家前小狗已在沙发椅里撒了尿,于是待他一回家,我便给了他一顿珠炮般地责骂,说我是如何如何地讨厌那条该死的狗。
    Digging deeper, I recalled when we were housebreaking a puppy, and just before Ed got home from work, the pup relieved herself on the couch. As Ed walked in, he got a barrage from me about how I hated his darn dog.
  • 除非在最后时刻和解,一串使美国公司与日本制造商互相对抗的侵犯专利的苦斗中的最近一次,下周将进入法庭。——日商被控盗窃宝贵的发明。
    Barring an 11th-hour settlement, the latest in a series of bitter patent-infringement battles pitting American companies against Japanese manufacturers accused of stealing valuable inventions will move into court next week.
  • 基本条件是:法官必须续做过10年高级律师或初级律师工作的人。
    The minimum requirement is that one should be a barrister or solicitor of ten years ' stand.
  • 逐店饮酒去一串小酒馆喝酒
    To visit a series of bars.
  • 逐店狂饮,逛酒吧一夜之间接在好几个酒店喝酒
    To patronize a series of bars during an evening.
  • 这些人基本常识都没有。
    These people lack basic knowledge.
  • 为了续的合唱而完整地写出来用数字伴奏的低音部分。
    a bass part written out in full and accompanied by figures for successive chords.
  • 马丁续2周下棋赢了我,但是昨晚我彻底击败了他。
    Martin had beaten me at chess two weeks running but last night I gave him a thorough basting.
  • 有些可以续运行,有些以批处理方式在可能不同的预定间隔上运行。
    Some may run continuously, others in batch mode at possibly different pre-scheduled intervals.
  • 击球手把球续不断地击向场地
    Batsman peppering the field with shots
  • 全营按连站好。
    The battalion formed up by companies.
  • 我们规定红军每个营要有4个
    We laid it down that each battalion o the Red Army should consist of four companies.
  • 野战机动部队的编制序列一般是:集团军、师(旅)、团、营、、排、班。
    The organizational order of the field mobile troops is normally combined corps, division (brigade), regiment, battalion, company, platoon and squad.
  • 、营、团都有了士兵会,代表士兵利益,并做政治工作和民众工作。
    Each company, battalion or regiment has its soldiers' committee which represents the interests of the soldiers and carries on political and mass work.
  • 在战地上,一营的部队可能分散的很开,排长同本的其他军官一起用膳。
    In the field, parts of a battalion may be widely separated and a platoon commander messes with the other officers in his company.