  • 保罗和谁结婚了?
    Who did Paul marry?
  • 你的兄弟和结婚了?
    Who did your brother marry?
  • “是的,”腾格拉尔向爱德蒙扫了一眼,露出仇恨的目光说,“是的,他很年轻,而年轻人总是自视甚高的,船长刚去世,他就跟也不商量一下,竟自作主张地独揽指挥权,对下面发号施令起来,而且还在厄尔巴岛耽搁了一天半,没有直航返回马赛。”
    "Yes," said Danglars, darting at Edmond a look gleaming with hate. "Yes, he is young, and youth is invariably self-confident. Scarcely was the captain's breath out of his body when he assumed the command without consulting any one, and he caused us to lose a day and a half at the Island of Elba, instead of making for Marseilles direct."
  • 他想知道是杀害了马丁。
    He wants to know who kissed off Martin.
  • "那个了不起的女人是呀?""亲爱的,你不知道吗?""亲爱的,一点也不知道。"
    "Who's that marvelous woman? " "Darling, don't you know? " "Darling, I haven't the ghost of."
  • 在晚会上我们都戴着假面具,也认不出我们。
    We all wore masks at the party and no one knew who we were.
  • 使智囊团发挥功效的第一个步骤,就是设立一个明确的目标(愿意搭乘目的地不明确的火车呢?)很显然的,如果你连自己的明确目标都还没有确定,是不可能进行其他工作的。
    The first step in putting together a mastermind alliance is to adopt a definite purpose for it to attain.(Who would board train without knowing where it went?) Obviously you cannot do this if you have not yet selected your own definite major purpose.You must be certain that the purpose of the alliance is either the same as yours or very closely aligned.
  • 谁赢了那场网球赛?
    Who won the tennis match?
  • 他是另一个队的队员,他暗中告诉我们下一场比赛中他的队将上场同我们对阵,因此我们给了他10英镑追偿金。
    He's a member of the other team and secretly let us know who his side were going to field against us at the next match, so we gave him ten pounds conscience money.
  • 要是否定这一点,就不是一个唯物主义者。
    Whoever denies this is not a materialist.
  • 那麽, 你是谁呢?
    Well, and who may you be?
  • 会是谁呢?
    Who may that be?
  • 甲: 谁来开车? 乙: 我
    A: Who is going to drive? B: M-.
  • 谁动了我的文件?
    Who has been -ling with my papers?
  • 在争端中充当调解人?
    Who will act as mediator in the dispute.
  • 你遇到了谁?
    Whom did you meet?
  • 她记不起来她是,住在什么地方。
    She can not memorize who she is, and where she lived.
  • 的鞋子需要修补的?
    Be there anyone whose shoes need mending?
  • 的鞋子需要修补的?
    Is there anyone whose shoes need mending?
  • 把我的文件搞得乱七八糟?
    Who messed up my papers?
  • 谁弄得这么乱?
    Who 's responsible for this mess?
  • 我想知道是把脏话推给我做的。
    I'd like to know who wished off this messy job on me.
  • 比尔问她是谁.
    Bill asked who `she might is.
  • 谁参加一英里赛跑?
    Who is running in the mile?
  • 谁将代替米勒先生?
    Who will take Mr Miller's place?
  • 米勒先生是我所崇敬的人,因为他对都不失礼。
    Mr miller is a person I hold in reverence by reason of his wide courtesy to all people.
  • 电动摄影计量器会显示获第一。
    The electric Photo-timer will tell.
  • 这个守财奴把金子秘密地埋了起来,也不知埋在什么地方。
    The miser buried his gold in secret and no one knows where it is.
  • 使我们陷入这样的困境?就是你,纯粹由于你管理不善。
    And who brought us to such a pass? You did, by sheer mismanagement.
  • 要是曾经跟玛格丽特那样的姑娘稍许有过一点往来,就会知道她们喜欢装疯卖傻,喜欢跟她们初次见面的人恶作剧。
    Anyone who has spent any time at all in the company of girls of Marguerite's sort is quite aware of what pleasure they take in making misplaced remarks and teasing men they meet for the first time.
  • 要是人间没了丈夫,试问会照顾我们这些主妇?
    If there were no husband, who will look after our mistress?
  • 要是人间没了丈夫,试问会照顾我们这些主妇?
    If there is no husband, who will look after our mistress?