  • 如果避免了战略的决战,“留得青山在,不愁没柴烧”,然丧失若干土地,还有广大的回旋余地,可以促进并等候国内的进步、国际的增援和敌人的内溃,这是抗日战争的上策。
    If strategically decisive engagements are avoided, then "as long as the green mountains are there, one need not worry about firewood", for even though some of our territory may be lost, we shall still have plenty of room for manoeuvre and thus be able to promote and await domestic progress, international support and the internal disintegration of the enemy; That is the best policy for us in the anti-Japanese war.
  • 然中国经济快速发展,人民生活水平显著提高,但中国的总体经济发展水平与西方一些发达国家相比还有很大差距。
    Though China's economy has developed rapidly and the people's living standard has improved markedly, the overall level of China's economic development still has a long way to go compared with some developed Western countries.
  • 他们然没想到我们要来,但还是设法匆匆做好一顿丰盛的饭。
    Even though they weren't expecting us, they managed to knock up a marvellous meal.
  • 从我们所在的圣母院钟楼上眺望圣波尔行宫,它然被上述四座公馆几乎遮住了一半,但依然很浩大,看起来美不胜收。
    From the tower where we are placed, the Hotel Saint-Pol,almost half hidden by the four great houses of which we have just spoken, was still very considerable and very marvellous to see.
  • 切勿只因为你喜欢或认识某人,就把他选择为团员,然这样的人,会改善你的生活品质,但未必就适合智囊团;
    Do not select people for your alliance merely because you like and know them.Such people are valuable to you because they improve the quality of your life,but they are not necessarily suited to a mastermind alliance.
  • 因爆炸而失明,仍能勇敢地面对未来。
    Although blinded by the explosion , he faced the future with matchless courage.
  • 因此,然若是让我创造新的术语的话,我宁愿把产品的耐久性而不是物质性当作区别的标准,但是,当习惯用法已深入人心时,使用术语时最好还是尽可能不违反习惯用法;
    While, therefore, I should prefer, were I constructing a new technical language, to make the distinction turn upon the permanence rather than upon the materiality of the product, yet when employing terms which common usage has taken complete possession of, it seems advisable so to employ them as to do the least possible violence to usage;
  • 歌声已结束,但美妙的旋律仍在萦回。
    The song is ended, but the melody lingers on.
  • 这话我然不大相信,却也保留到相当的年月,为的是接受姐姐的感情,同时也认为那是她——故乡给我唯一的纪念品。
    Although I myself do not quite believe in this, I had nevertheless kept it for a considerable number of years because I was grateful for the care and concern of my elder sister. At the same time, it was the only piece of memento that can remind me of my native land.
  • 然有每个人都应知道怎样使用的软件包(如微软的办公室软件包),但是轻松地使用计算机并不是要记住怎样使用那里边的每一个计算机程序。
    And while there are software packages (like Microsoft Office) that everyone should know how to use,being comfortable using computers isn't about memorizing how to use every computer program out there.
  • 然非常特殊的危急的错误的记忆必须是储存在“长期记忆”中的,你绝对要从你的错误中总结经验并不再犯错。
    Although memories of highly specific critical errors must be stored in “long term memory”, it is absolutely imperative that you learn from your mistakes, and then let it go.
  • 12.远东经济评论记者问:布什访华时在公开场合然提到美国支持一个中国的政策,但并没有提到“三个联合公报”这几个字,不知他在非公开场合是否提到?
    Q: (Far Eastern Economic Review) When President Bush visited China, he did mention in public that the United States supports the One China policy. However, he did not mention the three joint communiqués between the two countries. Can you confirm that on the non-public occasions he also mentioned the three China-US joint communiqués?
  • 然知道了目前linux的发展状况,这些已用惯了wimp(窗口、图标、菜单和指针)、但不熟悉文本提示符的用户的经验可能是混合型的。
    Given the state of Linux development though, the experience of such users fluent with WIMP (windows, icons, menus, pointer), but not with text prompts, is likely to be a mixed one
  • 然家猫不懂语言,但是一项研究说明,这种和人类共同生活了几千年的动物已经能够用它们的叫声和人类很好地交流了。
    While domestic cats may not know language, a study suggests the animals, which have lived alongside people for thousands of years, have adapted their "meows" to befter communicate with humans.
  • 然许多董事们认识到现在的董事长没有能力克服公司由于不景气而带来的种种困难,但是他们觉得最好不要中途换人。
    Although many of the board members saw that the president was ill equipped to handle the company's recession-related difficulties, they felt it best not to change horses in midstream.
  • 这样说,这总是令人不愉快的。
    it might be unpleasant, though.
  • 这句话然短小,但它能展开巨大的翅膀翱翔。
    It's small, but it flies on mighty wings.
  • 200万夸特谷物不能养活400万夸特谷物所能养活的人口,但200万英镑却能与400万英镑做同样规模的生意,买卖同样多的商品,然名义价格要低一些。
    Two million quarters of corn will not feed so many persons as four millions;but two millions of pounds sterling will carry on as much traffic, will buy and sell as many commodities, as four millions,though at lower nominal prices.
  • 一元加号的含义与一元减号相反,然它实际并不做任何事情。
    Unary plus provides symmetry with unary minus, although it doesn’t have any effect.
  • 然而,只要大部分的新加坡人认为新年是不可或缺的节日,我相信新春活动将延续下去,然庆祝的形式将和以前不一样。
    Despite these misgivings, I believe that, as long as the majority of Chinese Singaporeans consider it a necessary part of their life, which I think they do, it will continue to flourish here, even though the modes of celebrating it may differ somewhat from traditions.
  • 然他自己曾清楚地看到,也曾明白表示,劳动生产力主要决定于完成劳动时的技巧与鉴别力程度,但是由于他对“分工”概念的过度重视,就显然趋入了歧途,把劳动本身看成是国家财富的”泉源”。
    By the great value which he attached to his idea 'division of labour' he has evidently been misled into representing labour itself as the 'fund' of all the wealth of nations, although he himself clearly perceives and also states that the productiveness of labour principally depends on the degree of skill and judgment with which the labour is performed.
  • 然他的数学没有考及格,但是嘲笑他的努力是不对的。"
    "Although he failed in the maths test, it was wrong to mock his efforts."
  • 他们看见自己在一个地方用突然的武装起义胜利了,或从白军中哗变出来了,一时的环境很顺利,或者有严重的环境而看不到,因此往往轻视敌人。
    Because they had been successful in organizing sudden armed uprisings in certain places or mutinies among the White troops, they saw only the momentarily favourable circumstances, or failed to see the grave situation actually confronting them, and so usually underestimated the enemy.
  • 此外,还有蒙人、回人、藏人、维吾尔人、苗人、彝人、壮人、仲家人、朝鲜人等,共有数十种少数民族,然文化发展的程度不同,但是都已有长久的历史。
    There are also scores of minority nationalities, including the Mongol, Hui, Tibetan, Uighur, Miao, Yi, Chuang, Chungchia and Korean nationalities, all with long histories though at different levels of cultural development.
  • 恩雅的音乐融合了民间音乐的旋律、多重和声的背景音乐和经典的主题,这使得她的音乐风格独树一帜。然在事业初期影响她的是民间音乐,但她的音乐风格却与新派音乐更加接近。
    With her blend of folk melodies,synthesized backdrops and classical motifs,Enya created a distinctive style that more closely resembled the new age than the folk music that provided her initial influences.
  • 目前在亚洲经营业务的公司最渴求的是管理专才,香港在这方面然仍比不上美国,但已远较其他地区经济体系优胜,可以培育训练有素的管理人才,为跨国企业提供出色的服务。
    Companies operating in Asia today are crying out for management skills. While still behind US levels, Hong Kong is already way ahead of any other regional economy in providing trained managers, able to work well with multinational companies.
  • 然原产地原则作为各国实施贸易管理的工具,在世界贸易发展历史上发挥过重要作用,至今在国际多边贸易协定的执行和各国贸易政策措施的实施中仍然被广泛应用,但对如何判定货物是否发生“实质性的改变”,至今没有统一的实施细则。
    As a tool for countries to exercise trade management, the rules of origin have been important in the history of world trade. Today it is still widely applied to executing multinational trade accords and implementing foreign trade policy measures by different countries. On how to judge whether goods concerned have undergone ``substantial changes,'' however, there lacks a unified and detailed criterion for its application.
  • 然啃着苹果,但却很留神地监视着她的每一个动作。
    Munching the apple as he was, he had an eye for all her movements.
  • 但是即便在这种情况下,对这些地区的检查仍然是有用的,然没有被禁止的武器,但是还是发现了一些常规武器,我们认为,伊拉克在其领土范围内转移的是常规武器,这与大规模杀伤性武器并没有必然的联系。
    Even in such cases, however, inspection of these sites were useful in proving the absence of such items and in some cases the presence of other items - conventional munitions. It showed that conventional arms are being moved around the country and that movements are not necessarily related to weapons of mass destruction.
  • 的确,他使用神话典故较少——此事只有学究才会抱憾,但是他的写作技巧,只要他愿意的话,就会同任何大学出身的剧作家同样的高明。他的风格也同样的光辉,无韵诗同样的响亮,然这种诗体起源于古典学识.人文主义者们希望把它据为己有。
    He did indeed use comparatively few mythological images, a fact which only pedants could regret, but his skill in corn- position was, when he chose, equal to that of any of the university dramatists, his style was as brilliant as theirs, and his blank verse no less sonorous, for all that this metre was of learned origin and the humanists had hoped to keep it to themselves.
  • 国际社会然提出要解决南北问题,但讲了多少年了,南北之间的差距不是在缩小,而是在扩大,并且越来越大。
    Although the international community has talked for years about the need to settle the North-South question, the gap between countries in the two hemispheresis not narrowing but constantly widening.
  • 真的,人们在愿意退休的时候是不能退的,并且在应该退休的时候是不肯退的。反之,人们都不耐退休的生活,甚至于在老病之中,需要隐居的时候亦复如此;就好象有些城里的老头儿一样,总要坐在街门口,然这种办法使人家看不起老年。
    Nay, retire men cannot, when they would; neither will they, when it were reason: but are impatient of privateness, even in age, and sickness, which require the shadow: like old townsmen,that will be still sitting at their street door, though thereby they offer age to scorn.