  • 格雷厄姆,约翰1649?-1689格兰詹姆斯二世党人的领袖和国民誓约派成员的长期迫害者,在一场其受到致命伤的血战中击败了国民誓约派(1689年)
    Scottish Jacobite leader and long-time persecutor of the Covenanters, whom he defeated in a bloody battle in which he was mortally wounded(1689).
  • 看看下面这件事:一位名叫格兰达··凯德威尔的年轻妇女因杀害亲生孩子而被判终身监禁。
    Consider the following story. A young American woman, Glenda Sue Caldwell, was convicted of killing her child and was jailed for life.
  • 去年11月初中国总理朱镕基访问雅加达,总统美加华蒂以“中华”(tionghua)代替“支那”,恢复她的已故父亲、印尼国父卡诺时代对华人的称呼,获得好评。
    Last November, when Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji visited Jakarta, President Megawati replaced the word "Cina" with "Tionghua" - the way Chinese were addressed when her late father Sukarno ruled Indonesia. The move won her praises from Chinese Indonesians.
  • 史:我对你们的福建乌龙茶和江的茉莉花茶尤感兴趣。
    I am particularly interested in your Oolong Tea of Fujian origin and jasmine Tea of Jiangsu origin.
  • 腊巴亚印度尼西亚爪哇岛东北部城市,临爪哇海。该市是一个重要的海军基地。人口2,027,913
    A city of northeast Java, Indonesia, on the Java Sea. It is an important naval base. Population,2, 027, 913.
  • 哥伦比亚美国密里州中部城市,位于杰斐逊西北偏北,是密里大学(建于1839年)的主要校园所在地。人口69,101
    A city of central Missouri north-northwest of Jefferson City. The main campus of the University of Missouri(established1839) is here. Population,69, 101.
  • 如果不想在起床后面对的第一件事就是吃饭,而在午餐前,10点或11点钟时又饥饿难耐,最好早点起床,让身体机能有醒的时间,做一做伸展运动,出去散散步或小跑;把平时留到晚上才做的一些杂务事提到早间处理掉,这样会感到精神更加饱满,有所成就,也会有胃口吃旱饭,为新一天的开始做好充分的准备。
    If you can't face eating first thing but then find that you're famished by 10 or 11 o' clock, try getting up earlier to give your body time to wake up. Do some stretching exercises, go for a walk or jog, get some of the household chores you normally leave until the evening, out of the way. You'll feel fresher and feel you've achieved something. You will also have an appetite for breakfast and be better prepared to start the day.
  • 苏联新闻事业
    journalism in Soviet Union
  • 苏联审判制度
    judicial system of the Soviet Union
  • 就职美国查尔斯城浸没生物医疗公司的朱利娅·格林斯坦,正在密里大学和同事们从事着类似的研究,即培育去除某种基因的小猪。她说:"尽管干细胞研究的许多工作令人非常激动,但在培养器中成功地培育出器官还为时过早。
    "But although a lot of the stem cell work is very exciting, we're still very far off being able to grow an organ in a culture dish," says Julia Greenstein of Immerge Bio Therapeutics in Charlestown, US, who is working on creating similar knock-out pigs with researchers at the University of Missouri.
  • 这十三年来,国际局势风云变幻,我国改革开放和现代化建设的进程波澜壮阔。二十世纪八十年代末九十年代初,国内发生严重政治风波,东欧剧变、联解体,世界社会主义出现严重曲折,我国社会主义事业的发展面临空前巨大的困难和压力。
    At this crucial historical juncture bearing on the destiny of the Party and state, the Party Central Committee relied firmly on all the comrades in the Party and the Chinese people of all ethnic groups and unswervingly adhered to the line prevailing since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, and thus successfully brought the overall situation of reform and development under control and safeguarded the great cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. After Comrade Deng Xiaoping made remarks on his tour of the South, the Fourteenth National Congress decided to establish a socialist market economy as the goal of reform, thus ushering in a new stage for reform, opening up and the modernization drive.
  • 彼尔姆联东欧部分一城市,位于卡马河畔、乌拉尔山脉的山脚下。从很早的时候就有人居住,在19世纪迅速发展成为一个工业中心。人口1,056,000
    A city of eastern European U.S.S.R. on the Kama River in the foothills of the Ural Mountains. Settled since early times, it grew rapidly as an industrial center in the19th century. Population,1, 056, 000.
  • 因为如果联不帮助越南,越南一天仗都打不了。
    Because without Soviet backing, the Vietnamese could not go on fighting in Kampuchea for a single day.
  • 越南在柬埔寨驻军也是中关系实际上处于热点的问题。
    The stationing of troops by Vietnam in Kampuchea has actually turned Sino-Soviet relations into a hot spot.
  • 我再说一次,越南入侵柬埔寨问题是中关系的主要障碍。
    I will say it once again: the Vietnamese invasion of Kampuchea constitutes the main obstacle in Sino-Soviet relations.
  • 邓:我刚才说了,如果联能够帮助越南从柬埔寨撤军,这就消除了中关系的主要障碍。
    Deng: As I have said, if the Soviet Union can contribute to the withdrawal of Vietnamese troops from Kampuchea, that will remove the main obstacle in Sino-Soviet relations.
  • 邓:如果戈尔巴乔夫在消除中间三大障碍,特别是在促使越南停止侵略柬埔寨和从柬埔寨撤军问题上走出扎扎实实的一步,我本人愿意跟他见面。
    Deng: If Gorbachev takes a solid step towards the removal of the three major obstacles in Sino-Soviet relations, particularly if he urges Vietnam to end its aggression in Kampuchea and withdraw its troops from there, I for my part will be ready to meet him.
  • 堪萨斯州的堪萨斯河谷的族人。
    a member of the Siouan people of the Kansas river valley in Kansas.
  • 堪萨斯城堪萨斯州东北部一城市,在密里河上,毗邻密里州的堪萨斯城。该市为一工业中心。人口149,767。
    A city of northeast Kansas on the Missouri River adjacent to Kansas City, Missouri. It is an industrial center. Population,149, 767.
  • 利伯蒂美国密里州西部的一个城市,是堪萨斯城的一个工业郊区。人口20,459
    A city of western Missouri, an industrial suburb of Kansas City. Population,20, 459.
  • 格拉德斯通密里西部一城市,是被堪萨斯州包围的一工业郊区。人口24,990
    A city of western Missouri, an industrial suburb surrounded by Kansas City. Population,24, 990.
  • 锡代利亚美国密里州中部一城市,位于堪萨斯城东南偏东方向,是一个加工和制造业中心。人口19,800
    A city of central Missouri east-southeast of Kansas City. It is a processing and manufacturing center. Population,19, 800.
  • 希尔太太很希望汤姆能和珊结婚。
    Mrs Hill is keen on Tom's marrying Susan.
  • 丹最大的城市;位于丹中部白尼罗河边,与喀土穆隔岸相望。
    the largest city of Sudan; located in the central Sudan on the White Nile opposite Khartoum.
  • 联在斯大林时期对我们有些帮助,赫鲁晓夫上台后,不仅不帮助我们,反而对我们采取敌视的态度,以后联又在中边境陈兵百万,威胁我们。
    The Soviet Union under Stalin gave us some assistance. But it began to take a hostile attitude towards us when Khrushchev came to power. It not only stopped helping us but stationed a million troops along the Sino-Soviet border to threaten us.
  • 乌克兰与历史上的乌克兰地区基本相同,在1922年成为联的一个加盟共和国。基辅是其首都。人口50,840,000
    A constituent republic of southwest European U.S.S.R. Roughly coextensive with the historical region of Ukraine, it was designated a constituent republic in1922. Kiev is the capital. Population,50, 840, 000.
  • 卡尔可夫联欧洲部分中南部城市,位于基辅以东,建于1656年,是17世纪忠于俄国沙皇的乌克兰哥萨克人的重要前线司令部,今天它是一个重要的工业中心和交通枢纽。人口1,554,000
    A city of south-central European U.S.S.R. east of Kiev. Founded in1656, it was an important17th-century frontier headquarters of Ukrainian Cossacks who were loyal to the Russian czars. Today it is a major industrial center and transportation hub. Population,1, 554, 000.
  • 马克白格兰国王(1040-1057年),在一次战斗中杀死其表兄国王邓肯(卒于1040年)后即位。他夺权和统治的传说构成了莎士比亚马克白的主要基础
    King of Scotland(1040-1057) who ascended the throne after killing his cousin King Duncan(died1040) in battle. Legends of his rise to power and reign are the basis of Shakespeare's tragedy Macbeth.
  • 对不起,我去看看那些格兰呢方格裙多少钱。
    Excuse me, I must just see how much those Scottish kilts cost.
  • 格兰方格呢短裙前面的毛或皮革的口袋。
    a fur or leather pouch worn at the front of the kilt by Scottish Highlanders.
  • 他唯一的最近亲是居住在格兰的姑母。
    His only next of kin is an aunt living in Scotland.
  • 唯一的装饰是衣服领口上精心制作的打结流图案。
    The only decoration is an elaborated pattern of knotting on the neckline of her dress.