  • 来说不应要求延长投标有效期限。
    Extension of validity of bid shall normally not be requested.
  • 因稀有而显得不一
    extraordinariness as a consequence of being rare and uncommon.
  • 她匆匆忙忙地又把头发梳理了一番,使发型看起来不那么龙飞凤舞,更加配一个温柔体贴的女人和经验丰富的旅行者。
    She hurriedly recombed her hair so as to make it less exuberant and more in keeping with the role of ministering angel and experienced traveler.
  • 快车似箭一地飞驶。
    The express is as swift as an arrow.
  • 父亲的与父亲有关的,父亲的;父亲
    Relating to or characteristic of a father or fatherhood; fatherly.
  • 让我谨向你提些慈父的劝告吧。
    Let me give you a little fatherly advice.
  • 我来向你提供一些父亲的忠告。
    Let me give you some fatherly advice.
  • 我想向你提出一些父亲的忠告。
    I'd like to give you some fatherly advice.
  • 我父亲总是对我做事的方式百挑剔。
    My father is always finding fault with the way I do things.
  • 任何喜爱田园的恬静生活而不喜欢繁华市中心浮躁喧嚣的人,都会在达沃斯广阔的野外大自然的中心找寻到平静与安宁。
    And anyone favouring the tranquil idyl over the agitated life in the thriving center,will find peace and quiet at heart of nature in the wide Davos outdoors.
  • 天下起了羽毛的雪片。
    It is snowing with feathery snowflakes.
  • 羽毛状的类似一支大羽毛的;羽毛
    Resembling a plume; feathery.
  • 潮水的掌声;不断的辱骂;他那行云流水、创造力旺盛的风格——温思罗普·莎吉恩特。
    torrential applause; torrential abuse; the torrential facility and fecundity characteristic of his style- Winthrop Sargeant.
  • 兄弟的感情;亲密的兄弟关系。
    brotherly feelings; close fraternal ties.
  • 线一般细的玻璃纤维
    Threadlike strands of glass fibre
  • 的房屋看起来好象是一个乖张的、易变的孩子所造的四方木头,这个孩子还没有把木头造好时,对这种工作已经感到厌倦,终于把没有造好的木头弃置在一边了。
    The average building looks like wooden blocks built by a peevish or fickle child who is tired of the game before he finishes building, and leaves them unfinished and uncrowned.
  • 地狱的,恶魔似的地狱的,地狱的,与地狱相称的;恶魔
    Of, resembling, or worthy of hell; fiendish.
  • 象老虎凶猛且不仁慈的。
    resembling a tiger in fierceness and lack of mercy.
  • 去热带地区的旅客一都被告知不要喝未过滤和未煮开的水。
    Travellers to the tropics are generally warned against drinking water that has not been filtered or boiled.
  • 而言,虽然它们不包含基干交换机提供的协议过滤和其它路由功能,但某些工作组交换机支持高级软件,如stp、简单网络管理协议和虚拟局域网。
    While they typically do not include the protocol filtering and other routing functions offered by backbone switches, some workgroup switches support advanced software including STP, Simple Network Management Protocol and virtual LANs.
  • 压轴节目为20分钟的烟花汇演及激光表演,其中一个环节,是瀑布的烟花从青马大桥桥面下泻海中,构成壮观无比的景象。
    The grand finale was a 20-minute fireworks and laser display, which included a spectacular 'waterfall' of fireworks cascading from the deck of the Tsing Ma Bridge.
  • 大城市中一的消防队员、警官和邮局职员:1.7万美元。
    $ 17,000 for the average fireman, police officer, and postal employee in a large city
  • 人都相信:现代的天文学在探索整个看得见的宇宙时,是在强迫我们承认这个地球本身便是一个天堂,而我们梦想中的“天堂”必须占据相当的空间;它既然占据了相当的空间,一定是在穹苍的什么星辰上,除非它是在星辰当中的空虚之中。
    Now it must be pretty generally accepted that modern astronomy, by exploring the entire visible universe, is forcing us to accept this earth itself as a very heaven, and the Heaven that we dream of must occupy some space, and occupying some space, it must be somewhere among the stars in the firmament, unless it is in the inter-stellar void.
  • 我父亲是个有着钢盘铁骨身体的卡车司机。
    My father was a hard-fisted truckdriver with muscles of steel.
  • 杰克的叔叔是个有着钢铁肌肉的卡车司机。
    Jack's uncle was a hard-fisted truck-driver with muscles of steel.
  • 五月间,“商业车箱”在曼哈顿麦迪逊大道与四十四街处开了“旗舰店”,向男顾客推介自己。一“车箱”店很久以来就卖男士用的皮制钱包以及其他小件商品,不过新店以及在波士顿的另一家是该公司首次以男士用商品为主的门市店。
    In May, the flagship Coach for Business store opened on the corner of Madison Avenue and 44th Street in Manhattan, and became the company's calling card to men. Regular Coach stores have long carried leather wallets and other small items for men, but the new store and another in Boston are the company's first with mostly men's goods.
  • 任意游动的威猛的热带鳐,以其能够借以“翱翔”的翼状鳍而闻名;一无危险但尾巴根部有类似于刺鳐的能分泌毒液的组织。
    powerful free-swimming tropical ray noted for `soaring' by flapping winglike fins; usually harmless but has venomous tissue near base of the tail as in stingrays.
  • 这种疾病10年前几乎无人知晓,可它突然爆发象野火迅速传播,直至流行甚广。
    The disease was practically unknown ten years ago but then it flared and spread like wild fire until it reached epidemic proportions.
  • 一种蓟花冠,肉质叶子和心可食用。
    a thistle-like flower head with edible fleshy leaves and heart.
  • 柳条柔韧的柳条作的,柳条灵活的;坚韧的
    Made of or as flexible as withes; tough.
  • 申请书像潮水涌进办公室。
    Applications flooded into the office.
  • 办事处收到如洪水涌至的投诉信件。
    The office was flooded with complaints.