  • 您能把尼思·莱(安然公司总裁)借给我们一段时间吗?我听说他最近不太忙。
    Could you send Ken Lay (CEO of Enron)over sometime, I hear he is not very busy these days?
  • 斯特林大学的萨拉·穆尔和·威尔逊博士在《科学》周刊上撰文说,原因之一是,男子更容易受到细菌、病毒、跳蚤、蠕虫和螨虫的感染。
    In the journal Science, Sarah Moore and Dr Ken Wilson, of Stirling University, report that one reason is that men are more susceptible to infections--from bacteria and viruses to fleas, worms and mites.
  • 对我们这一代人来说,尼迪是我们崇拜的偶像。
    To people of our generation Kennedy was a god.
  • 首先,正如尼迪参议员所承认的那样,我们是世界头号军事大国。
    First of all, we are today as Senator Kennedy has admitted, the strongest nation in the world militarily.
  • 没问题,尼迪先生。
    No problem, Mr. Kennedy.
  • 他婚后成了尼迪家庭中的一员。
    He married into the Kennedy family.
  • 我是331号房的尼迪先生。
    Yes. This is Mr. Kennedy in 331.
  • 第36届美国总统;被选为副总统并当尼迪遇刺后继任尼迪(1908-1973)。
    36th President of the United States; was elected Vice President and succeeded Kennedy when Kennedy was assassinated (1908-1973).
  • 威廉·尼迪先生。日航145班机,台北起飞的。
    Mr. William kennedy, JAL flight 145 from Taipei.
  • 受到了种族和文化结的影响-杰.弗.尼迪;民族食物。
    influenced by ethnic and cultural ties- J.F.Kennedy; ethnic food.
  • 他支持工党;我在1960年支持尼迪。
    He plumped for the Labor Party; I backed Kennedy in 1960.
  • 这是索米公司的尼迪先生,请问史密斯先生在吗?
    This is Mr. Kennedy of Somy Electronics. Is Mr. Smith in?
  • 然后罗伯特·尼迪立刻宣布竞选。
    And then in a flash, Robert F. Kennedy announced his candidacy.
  • 好的,我是彼得·尼迪,电话号码是123-4567。
    Certainly. My name is Peter Kennedy, and my phone number is 123-4567.
  • 罗勃特·尼迪遇刺时,在民主党总统候选人提名竞争中处于领先的地位。
    Robert Kennedy was the front runner in the Democratic nomination when he was assassinated.
  • 这些自由主义者指望尼迪政府好好地收拾一下佛朗哥让他安分点。
    The liberals had expected the Kennedy administration to put Franco sharply in his places.
  • 但是我和我的夫人可是经常走上那座山去尼迪中心看戏呀。
    But my wife and I walked up that hill to the Kennedy Center many times.
  • 宽恕你的敌人,但永远不要忘记他们的名字。-尼迪
    Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names. - John F. Kennedy
  • “你能告诉我约翰·f尼迪的生日吗?”“我答不出,你告诉我好了。”
    "Can you tell me when John F. Kennedy was born?" "Buy it."
  • 美国人认为,任何事情背后都有阴谋,从尼迪遇刺到爱滋病在全球传播。
    Americans see conspiracies behind every event, from the Kennedy assassination to the worldwide spread of AIDS.
  • 我是索米公司的尼迪先生,请问建设问门的史密斯先生在吗?
    This is Mr. Kennedy of Somy Electronics calling. May I speak to Mr.Smith of the Plant Department?
  • 约翰·尼迪是一位战争英雄,普利策奖获得者,五十年代大部分时间里的参议员。
    John F.Kennedy was a war hero, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, a U.S. senator for most of the 1950s.
  • 约翰·尼迪是一位战争英雄,普利策奖获得者,五十年代大部分时间里的参议员。
    John F. Kennedy was a war hero, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author, a US senator for most of the 1950s.
  • 我对这一工作感到非常骄傲,因此,我甚至要赞扬我的朋友特德·尼迪。
    and I was so proud of our work I even had nice things to say about my friend Ted Kennedy.
  • 但我却常常到通往尼迪中心的那条街边的餐馆吃饭。
    I do, however, eat from time to time outdoors at a restaurant on the street leading to the Kennedy Center.
  • 最终43岁的尼迪以微弱多数,击败尼克松,成为美国最年轻也是第一位罗马天主教总统。
    Kennedy, 43, became the youngest person and the first Roman Catholic elected to the presidency with his narrow victory over Nixon.
  • 我是索米公司的尼迪先生,我是打电话来跟你说我要调到会计部门去了。
    This is Mr. Kennedy of Somy Electronics. I call you to tell you that I was transferred to counting Department.
  • 我是1212号房间的尼迪先生,我有些衣服要洗,可不可以请人来拿?
    This is Mr. Kennedy in room 1212. I'd like to have some clothes cleaned. Could you send someone to pick them up?
  • 戴维·尼迪责备众议员席施罗德不该批评日本国防费用仅为全国总生产额百分之一。
    David Kennedy takes Representative Pat Schroeder to task for criticizing the Japanese for spending only 1 percent of gross national product on defense.
  • 两大政党提名人间的第一场电视辩论是在1960年,由参议员约翰·f·尼迪对副总统理查德·尼克松。
    The first broadcast television debates between the two major party nominees were in 1960 when Senator John F.Kennedy faced Vice President Richard Nixon.
  • 我听到消息说,参孙先生和涅利小姐要结婚。哦,真的吗?
    I hear the news that Mr. Samson and Miss Kennel are getting married. Oh, really?
  • 尼思先生,你有电话。
    Telephone for you, Mr Kenneth.