  • 這本書未經作者許可就給譯了。
    The book was translated without the sanction of the author.
  • 她法語嫻熟, 足以譯小說。
    She was skilled enough in French to translate a novel.
  • 汽車滑出路面, 打著滾下坡去.
    The car skidded off the road and rolled over and over down the slope.
  • 店老闆看了一眼,輕輕的吹了一聲口哨,然後衝嚮那堆顧客不要的衣服,去,同時興奮得說個不停,好象在
    The owner took a look, gave a low whistle, then made a dive for the rejected clothing and began to snatch it this way and that, talking all the while excitedly, as if to himself.
  • 店老闆看了一眼,輕輕的吹了一聲口哨,然後衝嚮那堆顧客不要的衣服,去。
    The owner took a look, gave a low whistle, then made a dive for the rejected clothing and began to snatch it this way and that.
  • 牛奶盒裏裝滿了熟石膏,滿地的白色粉末是我們將灰和水混和時弄的,由於我一時匆忙,打了小包,所以弄得到處是白灰,好似下了場雪。
    The milk cartons were filled with plaster-of-Paris. The white powder everywhere was the plaster before we mixed it with water. In my haste, I had knocked the bag over, and the entire area look like it had been hit by a snowstorm.
  • 表演翻筋鬥
    To perform a somersault.
  • 噢,他的跟鬥得多好啊!
    Oh, what a somersault!
  • 在空中翻筋鬥
    To turn a somersault in the air.
  • 她一下子就了一個跟頭。
    She performed a somersault with ease, ie easily.
  • 這種空中滾可是他的絶技。
    And this somersault in the air is some stunt.
  • 澳大利亞人在最後一跳中獲得了7.5分和8.0分的成績,所做的動作是一個前騰2周半加上兩個轉身,其難度係數是這個項目中最高的。
    The Australians received marks of 7.5 and 8.0 for their final effort, and a forward 2 1/2 somersault with two twists that equaled the highest degree of difficulty of any dive in the event.
  • 開始時,他的跟頭得輕鬆自如,3000個以後,體力漸漸不支,速度便慢了下來。
    At first, his somersaults were conducted easily. Alter 3000 somersaults were done, his physical strength gradually decreased and thus his speed slowed down.
  • 各種姿勢的轉身和空
    Trampoline skills include twists and somersaults in a variety of positions.
  • 嚮前騰4周半,難度係數3.5。
    A forward four and a half somersaults with the degree of difficulty, 3.5.
  • 他從屋頂上滑下,了兩個筋鬥,又腳平安落地,衹是有些晃動。“可惜你不能隨時按要求做出這個動作。”他的妻子說。
    He slipped from the roof, double-somersaulted and landed, safe but shaken, on his feet. "It's a pity you can't do that to order." said his wife.
  • 他準備做他的第七個動作,嚮前騰一周半轉體半周。
    He's going to go his seventh dive, the forward one and a half somersaults with half twist.
  • 他做的動作是抱膝嚮前騰三周半,難度係數為2.7。
    He's going to do the forward three and a half somersaults tucked with the degree of difficulty valued at 2.7.
  • 令人驚嘆的是他一直堅持到底,最後7400個跟頭,行程長達16公裏。
    What is exclamatory is that he kept on until the end. At last, he completed 7400 somersaults and the distance was 16 kilometers.
  • 傑夫:美國紐約州的科曼是個馬拉鬆迷,他不僅每年都參加馬拉鬆比賽,而且還創造了一個奇跡,就是用連續跟頭的方式“跑”馬拉鬆。
    Jeff: Koman, who lives in New York state, America, is a marathon fan. He not only takes part in the Marathon every year and he creates a miracle, that is, he "runs" by way of continuous somersaults.
  • 隨便開一本傢居雜志,看看他們是如何用花營造出精緻而不俗的外觀。
    Open up any home magazine to see how flowers are used to achieve a sophisticated look.
  • 收藏了洋芋之後,土準備播種。
    When the potato have been garnered up, the grind is plow over for sow.
  • 馬鈴薯收穫起來之後,土地就要加以耕準備播種了。
    When the potatoes had been garnered up, the ground was ploughed over for sowing.
  • 收藏了洋芋之後,土準備播種
    When the potatos have been garnered up, the ground is plowed over for sowing
  • 了,男孩子們全都落水。
    The boat upset and spill the boy into the water.
  • 了,把乘客甩到了路上。
    The car turned over, spilling out the passengers into the road.
  • 你不是故意把墨水出來的,因此沒有必要為此擔憂。
    You couldn't help spilling the ink so there's no need to get into a state about it.
  • 牛乳潑,哭之何益。
    It 's no good crying over spilt milk.
  • 喂,走路看看清楚——你差點兒把我的飲料潑了。
    Hey, watch where you're going- you almost spilt my drink.
  • 飛機蠃旋式的滾飛行。
    a roll in which the plane follows a spiral course.
  • 這兩個好朋友鬧了。
    The two good friends split up.
  • 遊遊拉綫盤,溜溜球由纏有細繩的扁綫盤構成的玩具,通過手腕運動在手上轉,然後收到手裏
    A toy consisting of a flattened spool wound with string that is spun down from and reeled up to the hand by motions of the wrist.