  • 从1965年首次报道以来,男士们明显地比女士享有更多闲时间--大约一周多出5个小时。
    For the first time since 1965, men report having significantly more free time than women -- about five hours more a week.
  • 它只能有这样一个意义,就是舍米契是离开时间和间,不顾到活的历史环境来引证的,因而违反了辩证法的最基本的要求,没有考虑到在某一个历史环境下是正确的东西在另一个历史环境下就可以成为不正确的。
    It can only signify that Semich quotes outside of space and time, without reference to the living historical situation, and thereby violates the most elementary requirements of dialectics, and ignores the fact that what is right for one historical situation may prove to be wrong in another historical situation.
  • 那头巨大的公牛抵住他的后腰将他抛到中。
    The huge bull caught him abaft the wheel-house and slammed him in the air.
  • 一面黑色的方旗缓缓无声地爬上了旗杆,在早晨的天中冷飕飕地颤抖。
    Slowly, silently, a black square creeps up the pole and flutters chill against the morning sky.
  • 她站在窗前,晨衬托出她的轮廓。
    She stand in front of the window, silhouette against the dawn sky.
  • 在夜的映衬下树木的轮廓看起来像令人恐怖的人影。
    The trees look like threatening figures, silhouetted against the evening sky.
  • 直着往前走就能看到傍晚天衬映着树的轮廓。
    Go straight and you can see some trees silhouetted against the evening sky.
  • 这些硅晶开关比用于早期电路的真管要小得多。
    These silicon switches were much smaller than the vacuum tubes used in early circuitry.
  • 为使新机场全面投入运作,机管局、其承建商、提供各类服务的机构、航公司、商业租户及政府部门均必须进行周详的规划。
    The lead-up to full operation of the new airport involves intensive planning by the AA, its contractors, service providers, airlines, commercial tenants and government departments.
  • 机管局已批出机场启用所需的各项主要航辅助服务专营权。
    The AA has awarded the major franchises on aviation support services that are required on airport opening.
  • 请注意,飞往纽约的美国航公司111航班一在在8号登机口登机。
    May I have your attention please, AA Flight 111 to New York is now boarding at Gate 8.
  • 轻率的、傻的或虚轻浮的
    Frivolous, silly, or inanely giddy.
  • 像残渣或泥沙一样悬而未决的事情…;灰尘的颗粒悬浮在气中;悬浮在气体中的小颗粒。
    suspended matter such as silt or mud...; dust particles suspended in the air; droplets in suspension in a gas.
  • 由于他把赌注下错了边,所以赔了钱。如果他看对了,也就是他在8月24日预测股市将下滑,那么,他应该卖指数期货,也就是开“卖盘口”(shortposition)。
    If the bet is placed on the right side of the table,the reward will be similarly magnified.
  • 了解喷气发动机如何工作的最简单的方法就是观察一下气从气球中逸出的情景。
    The simplest way to understand how a jet engine works is to watch air escaping from a balloon.
  • [戈尔巴乔夫夫人]传记的特点是神秘兮兮,可是也被克里姆林宫学专家们抢购一。这些专家们连有关苏联第一夫人最简单的事实也被蒙在鼓里,无从得知。
    The biography was characteristically cryptic but was snapped up by Kremlinologists who have been kept in the dark on even the simplest facts about the Soviet First Lady.
  • 如,在虚拟的间中,学生们可以“解剖”人体,“参观”古战场,与莎士比亚“对话”等等。
    In such a simulated environment, one would have an immersed sense. For example, in a Virtual space,Students can "dissect" a human body, "visit" ancient battlefields, or "talk" with Shakespeare.
  • 生态环境两个或多个物种同时对有限环境资源的需求,如营养、生存间或光照
    The simultaneous demand by two or more organisms for limited environmental resources, such as nutrients, living space, or light.
  • 边扔边接,使几种事物同时在中。
    throw, catch, and keep in the air several things simultaneously.
  • 气象计自动记录温度,气压气以及湿度的飞机仪器
    An aircraft instrument for simultaneously recording temperature, atmospheric pressure, and humidity.
  • 他的目光落在了一个娇小美丽的身躯,一大堆金色的秀发,一双用询问的神色迎接着他的蓝色眼睛,还有一个那么年轻光洁、却具有那么独特的能力、可以时而抬起时而攒聚的前额上。那额头所露出的表情不完全是困惑、迷惘或是惊觉,也不仅仅是一种聪明集中的专注,不过它也包括了这四种表情。他一看到这一切,眼前便突然闪过一种强烈的似曾相识之感。那是一个孩子,他在跨越那海峡时曾抱在怀里的孩子。那天很冷,中冰雹闪掠,海里浊浪排。那印象消失了,可以说像呵在她身后那窄而高的穿衣镜上的一口气一样消失了。镜框上是像到医院探视病人的一群黑种小爱神,全都缺胳膊少腿,有的还没有脑袋,都在向黑皮肤的女神奉献盛满死海水果的黑色花篮--他向曼内特小姐郑重地鞠躬致敬。
    As his eyes rested on a short, slight, pretty figure, a quantity of golden hair, a pair of blue eyes that met his own with an inquiring look, and a forehead with a singular capacity (remembering how young and smooth it was of lifting and knitting itself into an expression that was not quite one of perplexity, or wonder, or alarm or merely of a bright fixed attention, though is included all the four expressions--as his eyes rested on these things, a sudden vivid likeness passed before him, of a child whom he had held in his arms on the passage across that very Channel, one cold time, when the hail drifted heavily and the sea ran high. The likeness passed away, like a breath along the surface of the gaunt pier-glass behind her, on the frame of which, a hospital procession of negro cupids, several head-less and all cripples, were offering black baskets of Dead Sea fruit to black divinities of the feminine gender--and he made his formal bow to Miss Manette.
  • 而玛格丽特呢,她像玛侬一样是个有罪的人,也有可能像玛侬一样弃邪归正了;但正如我所看到的那样,她是死在富丽豪华的环境里的。她就死在她过去一直睡觉的床上,但在她的心里却是一片虚,就像被埋葬在沙漠中一样,而且这个沙漠比埋葬玛侬的沙漠更干燥、更荒凉、更无情。
    whereas Marguerite, a sinner like Manon, and perhaps as truly converted as she, had died surrounded by fabulous luxury, if I could believe what I had seen, on the bed of her own past, but no less lost in the desert of the heart which is much more arid, much vaster and far more pitiless than the one in which Manon had been interred.
  • 天空出现一道闪电。
    A flash of lightning lit the sky.
  • 1993年,洛佩兹成功地结束了她的电视生涯,在《当班护士:7号航班难》中扮演一名英勇的护士。银幕充满诱惑的召唤令她再也不能无动于衷。
    Lopez effectively brought her television career to an end in 1993,with a role as a heroic nurse in Nurses on the Line:The Crash of Flight 7;the siren call of the big screen could no longer be ignored.
  • 空袭警报的警笛响起
    Sirens sounded the alert for an air raid.
  • 传统意义上,管制工作压力是由当时管制状况决定的,如航器的数量、航班密集度、陆通话和管制协调的数量、天气情况等等,上述种种因素主要描述了管制状况的多样性,但是工作压力是从人为角度来考虑的。
    ATC workload is traditionally defined in terms of the ATC situation: number of aircraft, complexity of aircraft mix, amount of communication and coordination needed, weather, and so forth. These situational variables describe essentially the demands of the situation, but workload is another matter from a human factors perspective.
  • 中完成六项飞行任务
    Flew six missions into space.
  • 碧兰, 海上风平浪静。
    The sky is blue, and the sea is calm.
  • 宇宙学把有形的宇宙当做时中的各种现象的总和来研究的科学
    The study of the physical universe considered as a totality of phenomena in time and space.
  • 既然有,我可以享受一下音乐。
    Now that I am free, I can enjoy music for a while.
  • 他们的作文更是"惨不忍睹",篇幅短、内容洞、错字连篇、词不达意、条理不清、段落不明,写的人不知所云,看的人一头雾水。
    Their compositions would make the reader helplessly sad -- sketchy and hollow, full of miswritten characters and misused words, and poor in organization and paragraphing. The writer himself does not know what he is writing about, leaving the reader in a fog about what the written stuff means.
  • 跳跃穿过中(特别是跳高滑雪)的滑雪者。
    a skier who leaps through the air (especially on a ski jump).