  • 一种铝的双硫酸盐:铝铵双硫酸盐,色晶状。
    a white crystalline double sulfate of aluminum: the ammonium double sulfate of aluminum.
  • 一种铝的双硫酸盐:铝钾双硫酸盐,色晶状。
    a white crystalline double sulfate of aluminum: the potassium double sulfate of aluminum.
  • 榴石一种色或灰色的钾铝硅酸盐矿物,kalsi2o6
    A white or gray mineral of potassium aluminum silicate, KAlSi2O6.
  • 一种色矿物,由铝和钠的氟化物构成,是氟的来源。
    a white mineral consisting of fluorides of aluminum and sodium; a source of fluorine.
  • 一种色或灰色的矿石,含锂、铝、磷酸盐,是锂的重要来源。
    a white or gray mineral consisting of lithium aluminum phosphate; a source of lithium.
  • 庭荠属植物的任何一种,具有呈串状的小的、黄色或色的花。
    any garden plant of the genus Alyssum having clusters of small yellow or white flowers.
  • 庭荠一种十字花科香荠菜属,主要生长在地中海地区的草或观赏植物,有色或黄色的总状花序
    Any of various chiefly Mediterranean weeds or ornamentals of the genus Alyssum in the mustard family, having racemes of white or yellow flowers.
  • 与前7任贝蒂相比,最新版的贝蒂肤色更加黝黑,面部特征则是人、拉美裔、印第安人、非洲裔和亚裔后代的混和。
    She has a duskier complexion than her seven predecessors, with features representing an amalgam of white, Hispanic, Indian, African and Asian ancestry.
  • 弗雷迪向阿曼达求婚时,她花了很长时间寻找房子,可是现在她明了,他在骗她。他没真正想娶她。
    Amanda spent a lot of time looking for a house when Freddie asked her to marry him. But now she realizes he was leading her up the garden path and never really intended to marry her.
  • 非洲南部的一种具有鳞茎的植物,花呈色或粉红色,具芳香味。
    amaryllis of South Africa often cultivated for its fragrant white or rose flowers.
  • 热带美洲产的一种孤挺花,因具美丽的色到红色的花而被广泛种植。
    amaryllis of tropical America often cultivated as a houseplant for its showy white to red flowers.
  • 该大使向宫提出了强烈抗议。
    The ambassador made forceful representations to the White House.
  • 下午4点,某国大使又来到宫。
    The ambassador was back at four in the afternoon.
  • 琥珀色的缎子和色的饰带正是她所想要的。
    Amber satin and white lace are exactly what she desires.
  • 琥珀色的缎子和色的饰带正是她所想要的
    Amber satin and white lace are exactly what she desires
  • 琥珀色的缎子和色的饰带正是她所想要的。
    Amber satin and white lace is exactly what she desire.
  • 让事态不再混乱和模糊;把事情说明
    make free from confusion or ambiguity; make clear.
  • 明明的事实;明显的野心
    The naked facts; naked ambition.
  • 香港很明自己在至关重要的主要领域先于充满抱负、扬言要更加奋力一搏的竞争对手的优势。
    Hong Kong well knows the advantage of critical mass over ambitious competitors t hat protest to try harder.
  • 应该指出的是,中国的环境法制建设还需要进一步完善,如某些方面存在着立法空、有些法律的内容需要补充和修改、有法不依、执法不严的现象等。
    But it should be pointed out that China's environmental legislative work needs to be further improved. For instance, some areas still remain uncovered, some contents are yet to be amended or revised and there are still the phenomena of not fully observing or enforcing laws.
  • 美国必须明这一点。
    America must understand this.
  • 北美洲的一种开花的水杨梅。
    North American white-flowered avens.
  • 曼密苹果树一种产于西印度群岛的乔木(曼密苹果),长有有光泽的叶片,开色的有香味的花朵并结硕大可食用的果实
    A West Indian tree(Mammea americana) having glossy leaves, white fragrant flowers, and large edible drupes.
  • 美洲商陆一种北美洲高大植物(美洲商陆商陆属),有色的小花、簇生在长而低垂的总状花序上的黑红色浆果和有毒的根
    A tall North American plant(Phytolacca americana) having small white flowers, blackish-red berries clustered on long, drooping racemes, and a poisonous root.
  • 獐耳细辛任一种獐耳细辛属,尤指北美东部的美洲獐耳细辛属的林生植物,叶为三裂片状,花为色或淡紫色
    Any of several woodland plants of the genus Hepatica, especially H. americana of eastern North America, having three-lobed leaves and white or lavender flowers.
  • 美洲格尼帕树一种热带美洲的常绿树(格尼帕属美洲格尼帕),有黄花和可食用果实,可用来储藏或饮用。其果实产生的深蓝染料,被美洲热带的印第安人大量地用来当作身体颜料
    A tropical American evergreen tree(Genipa americana) having yellowish-white flowers and edible fruits used in preserves or drinks. The fruits yield dark blue dye that is used extensively as a body paint by Indians of tropical America.
  • 野鸭,赤颈鸭两种淡水野鸭(北美的葡萄胸鸭或欧洲的赤颈鸭),背部呈灰色或褐色,腹部和覆羽的羽毛为色。欧洲的野鸭头部为红褐色,奶油色冠,美洲的野鸭顶部亮
    Either of two wild, freshwater ducks( Anas americana of North America or A. penelope of Europe) having a grayish or brownish back and a white belly and wing coverts. The European widgeon has a reddish-brown head and creamy crown, and the American widgeon has a shiny white crown.
  • 在舞会上较成功的是和蔼可亲的彬格莱先生和伊丽莎的秀美动人、性情温和的姐姐洁英。伊丽莎十分喜欢她。
    More successful at the ball are the amiable Mr. Bingley and Elizabeth's lovely, good-natured older sister, Jane, to whom Elizabeth is closely attached.
  • 我多么想亲眼看到哈姆雷特的迷人形象,或者是那在艳丽多彩的伊丽莎时代服饰中刮大风的伏尔斯塔夫!
    But how I should like to see with my own eyes the fascinating figure of Hamlet, or the gusty Falstaff amid colorful Elizabethan trappings!
  • 厅附近,一座陈旧、塌坏的高大建筑耸立于这个熙熙攘攘的城市中心。
    Not a stone's throw from Whitehall, there stands, amidst all the hum and bustle of the great metropolis, an old decaying pile.
  • 因为有了色政权间的长期的分裂和战争,便给了一种条件,使一小块或若干小块的共产党领导的红色区域,能够在四围色政权包围的中间发生和坚持下来。
    The prolonged splits and wars within the White regime provide a condition for the emergence and persistence of one or more small Red areas under the leadership of the Communist Party amidst the encirclement of the White regime.
  • 许多蛋质中含有的晶状氨基酸。
    a crystalline amino acid that occurs in many proteins.