  • 恢复健康的治,恢复健康的药物
    A treatment or medication that restores health.
  • 治疗感冒的药品
    Medication to help your cold.
  • 进行兽医的估算、检查、治或者手术
    To subject to veterinary evaluation, examination, medication, or surgery.
  • 敷药将药物、绷带或其它治用材料敷于伤口
    To apply medication, bandages, or other therapeutic materials to(a wound).
  • 现实生活中的约翰·纳什从未有过幻觉,1970年之后他就停止了药物治
    The real John Nash never saw visions, and after 1970 he never took medication.
  • 药物制配,医疗药品
    Pharmaceutical preparations; medicinal drugs.
  • 用草药治效果良好。
    Treatment with medicinal herb is attended with good results.
  • 近年来,各种各样的减轻压力法,如瑜伽、静坐默念、按摩及芳香法,已成为生活中必不可少的东西,这就像给过度紧张的大脑和精神上药。
    In recent years,various stress reduction therapies such as yoga,meditation,massages,and aromatherapy have become a living necessity,like medicine for the overtaxed mind and the soul.
  • 一种能非肠道地吸收(商标是zinacef)或口服的药片(商标是ceftin);治肺脏、咽喉、耳朵或泌尿系统的药物。
    a cephalosporin that can be given parenterally (trade name Zinacef) or orally by tablets (trade name Ceftin); indicated for infections of the lungs or throat or ears or urinary tract or meninges.
  • 用来治脑膜炎和肺炎以及其他传染疾病的磺胺类药物。
    a sulfa drug used in treating meningitis and pneumonia and other infections.
  • 使用女性性荷尔蒙治,似乎可预防心脏病及骨骼松软症,可是也似乎会增加患乳腺癌及子宫癌的危险。现在仅在百分之十五停经以后的美国妇女服用女性性荷尔蒙补充剂,在其余的当中一般的想法可能是——服用不好,不服用也不好。
    Estrogen therapy appeared to offer protection against heart attacks and osteoporosis. But it also appeared to increase the risk of breast and uterine cancer. Now only 15 percent of post-menopausal American women take estrogen supplements; and "dammed if you do, damned if you don't" may be the thought that prevails among the remainder.
  • 毫无疑问,荷尔蒙替代法能缓解急性绝经期综合症,而且关于增强骨骼强度的说法也经住了考验。
    There's no question that HRT can ease the acute symptoms of menopause,and the claim about bone strength had held up to scrutiny.
  • 孕酮由天然或人工黄体荷尔蒙制备的药物,用来预防流产以及治月经紊乱
    A drug prepared from natural or synthetic progesterone, used to prevent miscarriage and to treat menstrual disorders.
  • 全国参加基本医保险人数为9400万人,增加1770万人。
    The basic health insurance programs involved 94 million people, 17.7 million more than 2001.
  • 快速识别生物制剂以及如何治感染的人群是控制其爆发并将破坏性降到最低的关键。
    Quickly identifying the agent and how to treat those who have been exposed are keys to controlling an outbreak and minimizing its destructiveness.
  •  从1995年起,民政部与卫生部在全国实施了残疾孤儿康复工程,大型医院对施行手术的孤儿免费住院,半费收取手术费和治费。
    Since 1995, the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Ministry of Pub"ilic Health have jointly launched health projects for disabled orphans throughout the country.
  • 信仰法术士公开进行信心法的人
    A person engaged in the public ministry of spiritual healing.
  • 巡回医队不久就要到这儿来。
    The mobile medical team will soon be here.
  • 由十二名医生组成的流动医
    A mobile medical team made up of twelve doctors
  • 英国和澳大利亚的一些医生在《英国医学杂志》这份颇具影响力的刊物上发表文章说,一些制药公司事实上正在"传播疾病",因为他们为了拓展市场不惜夸大了可治性疾病的范围。
    British and Australian medics writing in the influential journal said some drug companies were "disease-mongering" by widening the boundaries of treatable diseases in order to boost their markets.
  • 氧气的压力高于空气中氧气的压力的房间大小的室;用来治呼吸紊乱或一氧化碳中毒。
    a room-sized chamber in which the oxygen pressure is above normal for the atmosphere; used in treating breathing disorders or carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • 同时,各级政府和医保健机构严格执行《婚姻法》、《母婴保健法》及预防先天残疾的有关法规,控制有害遗传,加强婚育、孕产系统管理,搞好婚前检查、婚前教育、产前检查、遗传咨询、围产期保舰母婴保舰早期教育等服务工作。
    The Marriage Law, the Law on Health Protection of Mothers and Infants and relevant regulations for preventing congenital disability have been strictly implemented by governments and medical and health institutions at all levels. In order to curb harmful heredity and improve prenatal, birthing and postnatal education and administration, services like premarital check-ups and education, prenatal examinations, heredity consultancy, birthing-process care, mother-baby care and early education have been strengthened.
  • 我们为已安排好的美国之行感到兴奋,但罗恩却大唱反调,要我们买额外的医保险,并且还警告我们要提防行区抢劫者。
    We were excited about our planed trip to the States, but Ron played devil's advocate by making us take out extra medical insurance and warning us to be on our guard against muggers.
  • 一种有毒化合物,结构上类似芥子气,对治癌症有重要作用。
    a toxic compound resembling mustard gas in structure; important in cancer treatment.
  •  (六)调动供水、供电、医救护、交通运输等有关单位协助灭火救助。
    (VI) Muster relevant units of water and power supply, medical and rescue and transportation to assist the fire fighting and rescue work.
  • 第三十四条 机动车辆在城市市区范围内行驶,机动船舶在城市市区的内河航道航行,铁路机车驶经或者进入城市市区、养区时,必须按照规定使用声响装置。
    Article 34 When motor vehicles are driven in urban areas, motor vessels are navigated along inland rivers in urban areas, and locomotives are running through or entering urban areas or sanatorium areas, their sound-making apparatus must be used in compliance with regulations.
  • 如果10万人接受荷尔蒙替代法,他们每年便会受到200次不必要的痛苦。
    If 100,000 people take up long-term HRT,they'll suffer 200 of these needless events each year.
  • 医生以自己对白种病人只会给以额外照顾,而不会照顾不周的态度,来说明医过程没有失误的立场。
    The doctor was giving a testimony to prove that he and his colleagues were not guilty of negligence. In treating a Caucasian patient, he pleaded, the doctors could only have worked with extra care rather than commit any negligence.
  • 博来霉素,争光霉素从细菌培养中获得的一种抗生素轮丝链霉,用其硫酸盐形式治各种瘤
    An antibiotic that is obtained from cultures of the bacterium Streptomyces verticillus and used in the form of its sulfate for the treatment of various neoplasms.
  • 美国全国吸毒研究院主任阿兰-莱施纳说:"搞清楚这些结构组织在大脑中的具体分布,把这些神经传输线路精确定位,将大大改进对吸毒者的药物治,或是有效地终止这种脑部活动,进而提供其它治方法。"
    "Identifying these regions of the brain and mapping the neural pathways would be a tremendous boost to the development of medications or interventions that could block these circuits and provide other treatment approaches," said Dr. Alan I.Leshner, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse.
  • 在匹兹堡大学医学中心的急诊室里为库比兹治的神经病学家斯蒂芬·戈德斯坦因医生说:“风险是很大的。
    "The stakes were very high," says Dr. Steven Goldstein, the neurologist who treated Kubitz in the emergency room at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center.
  • 霍奇金,多罗斯·玛丽·克罗福特生于1910埃及裔英国化学家,因研究出用于治恶性贫血的化合物结构而获1964年诺贝尔奖
    British physiologist. He shared a1963 Nobel Prize for research on nerve cells.