  • 据你的理论类推得出这个结论。
    He drew this conclusion on the analogy of yours.
  • 杰夫:据比赛规则,每项比赛中的第一名获10分,第二名获9分,依次类推,第十名得1分。
    Jeff: According to the competition rules , the first place winner gets 10 scores, the second place winner gets 9 scores and the rest may be deduced by analogy, and the tenth place winner gets 1 score.
  • 即使据最宽的标准来说,到目前为止还算不上成功。
    Even on the most charitable analysis, it has not been a great success so far.
  • 据环境保护条例的规定,化验所是独立于执法部门的法定化验机构。
    Independent from the enforcement authority, the laboratory served as the referee analyst under various ordinances and regulations in environmental protection.
  • 我善于钻研,长于分析,遇事喜欢寻究底。我机智幽默,能使人健谈。
    I have an inquisitive and analytical mind-I enjoy finding out about things-I have tact and good humor-and the ability to draw people out.
  • 假如把差别考虑进去的话,也许有人会问,据分析那一个应该优先呢?
    assuming that the distinction is maintained one may ask which is to be analytically prior?
  • 在分时系统中,分析同命令一起输入的操作数并据这个信息给命令处理程序建立一个参数表。
    In systems with time sharing, to analyze the operands entered with a command and build up a parameter list for thecommand processor from the information.
  • 据已有的应用程序,即便逆向开发可能需要一些人工调整,它也能让你减少用于分析和理解应用程序所需的时间。
    Even though reverse engineering may require some manual adjustment, depending on the existing applications, it still lets you reduce the time needed to analyze and understand your applications.
  • 信心是所有“奇迹”的底,也是所有科学法则分析不来的玄妙神迹的发源地。
    FAITH is the basis of all "miracles," and all mysteries which cannot be analyzed by the rules of science!
  • 具有不可分的语的具有不能再分析或分解的词或其他语素的用于词或词素的派生
    Having a word root or other linguistic element as a basis that cannot be further analyzed or broken down. Used of the derivation of a word or word element.
  • 在分析这些音乐的基本元素基础上将歌曲归类,只要据特质划分去寻找,就能轻而易举地找到你想找的歌曲。
    By analyzing these "primary colors" and cataloging them for every song, finding musical near-twins is a simple matter of matching the traits.
  • 因此,对待这些同志,应该着重实事求是地分析错误的实质和源,应该着重使这些同志提高思想上的觉悟,并且也使其他同志以至全党都得到必要的教训,而不应该着重组织上的处分,不应该依靠简单地“扣帽子”和简单地实行惩办的方法去解决问题,尤其不应该加重惩办的程度,扩大惩办的范围,造成党内的紧张状态和恐惧情绪,使党的力量受到损失。
    Therefore, in dealing with such members, the emphasis should be on dispassionately analyzing the root and essence of their errors, raising their ideological consciousness and drawing the correct lesson for other comrades or the entire Party, but not on the disciplinary action taken by the Party organization; solutions to the problem must not be sought through "putting labels" on such members or simply resorting to punishment.Unduly severe or widespread punishment is especially to be avoided, for it would create tension and cause fear in the Party, and this is detrimental to the Party's strength.
  • 关于家族制度成为一切社会生活和政治生活的据这一点,一般人都认为其理论的基础是孔子所建立的;这种理论的基础极端重视夫妇的关系,视之为一切人类关系之本,也极端重视对父母的孝道,以及一年一度省视祖墓的风尚,祖先的崇拜,和祖祠的设立。
    Confucius is reputed to have provided the philosophical foundation for the family system as the basis of all social and political life, with its tremendous emphasis on the husband-wife relationship as the foundation of all human relationships, on filial piety toward parents, annual visits to ancestral graves, ancestor worship, and the institution of the ancestral hall.
  • 象扎在泥中的莲属植物或漂浮在水面上的凤眼兰一样,部分或全部生活在水中的植物。
    a plant that grows partly or wholly in water whether rooted in the mud, as a lotus, or floating without anchorage, as the water hyacinth.
  • 位于阿廷的安第斯山脉中的一座山峰,海拔英尺。
    a mountain in the Andes in Argentina (22,210 feet high).
  • 是安第斯山脉在阿廷西部的一座山,是南美洲最高的山峰,高英尺。
    the highest mountain in South America; in the Andes in western Argentina (22,834 feet high).
  • 尤耶拉科火山靠近阿廷边境,位于智利北部安第斯山脉中的一座火山。高6,127。4米(22。057英尺)
    A volcano,6, 727.4 m(22, 057 ft) high, in the Andes of northern Chile near the Argentine border.
  • 麻塞达里欧山位于阿廷西部与智利交界处的安第斯山脉中的一座山峰,海拔为6,774。4米(22,211英尺)
    A mountain,6, 774.4 m(22, 211 ft) high, in the Andes of western Argentina on the border with Chile.
  • 威廉说他去过安第斯山,这简直是胡说八道!他本没有去过比加来更远的地方。
    William claims he's been climbing in the Andes. What a load of rubbish! He's never been farther than Calais.
  • 李尔王在瑞和高纳里尔残酷虐待下神志错乱,在荒野上,他怒斤狂风暴雨,挥舞双拳,咒骂天宇的冷酷无情、麻木不仁,正像飞虫捉弄顽童一般,天神也在戏弄虚弱不堪的老人。第四幕第七场描写的是李尔发疯后被带到多佛苏醒时的情景。他睁开双眼,还以为看见了天使般的灵魂——他的女儿考狄莉亚。
    This is where Lear, brought to Dover after having gone mad from the Cruelties of Regan and Goneril and having raged at the howling storm on the heath, shaking his fist at the cruel indifference of the cosmos that toys with weak old men like flies to wanton boys, awakens to what he at first thinks is an angelic apparition- his daughter Cordelia.
  • 圆当归圆当归的可食的、叶或
    The edible stem, leaf, or root of Angelica archangelica.
  • 独活一种伞形科当归属草本植物,有羽状复叶和白色或淡绿色的小花组成散状花序,特别是圆当归,它的和果实可用作酒的香料,茎有甜味可食用
    Any of various herbs of the genus Angelica in the parsley family, having pinnately compound leaves and small white or greenish flowers in compound umbels, especially A. archangelica, whose roots and fruits are used in flavoring liqueurs and whose stems are candied and eaten.
  • 悲痛的缘由精神极度痛苦的
    A source of deep mental anguish.
  • 而敌人又利用这个灾荒挑拨人民到据地抢粮,企图形成抗日据地与敌占区中国人之间的严重对立。
    Taking advantage of this famine, the enemy has incited the people to seize grain from the base areas in an attempt to create deep animosity between Chinese in the anti-Japanese base areas and those in areas under his occupation.
  • 据国会决议,夏威夷群岛于1898年7月7日并入美国。
    The Hawaiian Islands were annexed to the United States by act of Congress July 7, 1898.
  • 领导者们畏敌如虎,处处设防,节节抵御,不敢举行本来有利的向敌人后方打去的进攻,也不敢大胆放手诱敌深入,聚而歼之,结果丧失了整个据地,使红军做了一万二千多公里的长征。
    The leaders feared the enemy as if he were a tiger, set up defences everywhere, fought defensive actions at every step and did not dare to advance to the enemy's rear and attack him there, which would have been to our advantage, or boldly to lure the enemy troops in deep so as to herd them together and annihilate them. As a result, the whole base area was lost and the Red Army had to undertake the Long March of over 12,000 kilometres.
  • 不但如此,由于我们的进军吸引了大量敌人到中原方面,这样就从本上破坏了敌人将战争继续引向解放区企图彻底摧毁解放区的反革命计划,而将战争引向了国民党统治区域,不但保存了原有解放区的基本区域,而且使我各路友军在山东,在苏北,在豫北,在晋南,在西北,在东北等地顺利地歼灭了大量敌人,恢复了广大失地,使全局都转入了攻势,我们的辛苦并不是白费的。
    And that is not all. Since we marched to the Central Plains, we have drawn large numbers of enemy troops here, thus utterly upsetting the enemy's counter-revolutionary plan to carry the war into the liberated areas and completely destroy these areas and pushing the war into areas under Kuomintang rule. In this way, we have not only preserved the existing liberated areas, but also enabled friendly army units along various routes to annihilate large numbers of enemy troops and recover large tracts of lost territory in Shandong, northern Jiangsu, northern Henan, southern Shanxi, northwest and northeast China and in other places. As a result, we have helped bring about offensives on all fronts. We have not suffered hardship for nothing.
  • 毕业后,里成为一名电台体育播音员,1937年的一次试镜使他在好莱坞赢得了一份演出合同。
    Upon graduation, he became a radio sports announcer. A screen test in l937 won him a contract in Hollywood.
  • 烦恼的源,棘手的事苦恼的源;讨厌的东西或人
    A source of annoyance; a nuisance.
  • 本无意惹你生气。
    I had no thought of annoying you.
  • 据《基本法》,我和我的政府要负责香港的良好管治,我们要向香港市民负责。
    Under the Basic Law, it is me and my administration that is responsible for the good government of Hong Kong, and we are answerable to the people of Hong Kong for that.
  • 与蚂蚁的大小相比,一草犹如一棵参天大树。
    Relative to the size of an ant, a blade of grass is as tall as a tree.