  • 这里面原因很多,但是我想一个重要原因是当时英国殖民政策有形无形地压迫港人,激起家长们的愤恨,纷纷将子女送入华文学校,所以最好的几所华文中学有当时最好的香港中学生。
    There were many reasons for this, but I believe an important factor was the explicit and implicit oppression of the Hong Kong people by British colonial policies, which angered the parents who, in turn, sent their children to the Chinese schools. Therefore, the best Chinese schools then had the cream of the crop among Hong Kong's secondary school students.
  • 勿庸置疑,不管对成人还是小孩,应鼓励每个人自己作决定,形成自己的观点,解决自己的问题,以及有自己的财产。
    It is implicitly accepted that each person, whether he is an adult or a child, should be encouraged to make his own decisions, develop his own opinions, solve his own problems, and have his own possessions.
  • 尤其是广大的比较贫苦的知识分子,能够和工农一道,参加和护革命。
    In particular, the large numbers of more or less impoverished intellectuals can join hands with the workers and peasants in supporting or participating in the revolution.
  • 海峡两岸的中国人民都主张只有一个中国,都护国家的统一,台湾作为中国不可分割的一部分的地位是确定的、不能改变的,不存在什么“自决”的问题。
    The Chinese people on both sides of the Straits all believe that there is only one China and espouse national reunification. Taiwan's status as an inalienable part of China has been determined and cannot be changed. "Self- determination" for Taiwan is out of the question.
  • 这类“混合”的网络为企业提供一种低成本的方法,未利用分布式通信的基础设施,同时不会有因有和管理网络的大部分设备而产生的成本。
    This kind of "hybrid" network offers a cost-effective way for enterprises to leverage a distributed communications infrastructure, without incurring the cost of owning and managing a large portion of the network's components.
  • 对自由的绝对权利;对这一头衔不可取消的有权。
    an indefeasible right to freedom; an indefeasible claim to the title.
  • 中国认为,该条约的无限期延长,再次确认了核裁军、防止核扩散和促进和平利用核能国际合作的各项目标,而不应被理解为核国家可永远有核武器。
    China believes that the indefinite extension of this treaty reaffirms the objectives of international cooperation in nuclear disarmament, the prevention of nuclear proliferation and the promotion of the peaceful use of nuclear energy and should not be interpreted as permitting the nuclear-weapon states to retain possession of nuclear weapons forever.
  • 一个有足以过舒适生活的财产的人
    A person of independent means.
  • 无可否认,香港现在已有一个宏伟先进的新机场,足可让我们在今后数十年内,继续发展航空网络及服务。
    It is indisputable that Hong Kong now has a magnificent new facility capable of allowing us to expand our air links and services for generations to come.
  • 我们仍然有年青和适应力强的工作人口、维持高储蓄率、开放贸易、兼容不同的思想意念,以及秉承一贯坚毅不屈的精神,奋发自强,精益求精。
    We still have the young and flexible workforce, the high savings rate, openness to trade and ideas and an indomitable spirit to improve ourselves.
  • 我们仍然有年青和适应力强的工作人口、维持高储蓄率、开放贸易、兼容不同的思想意念,以及秉承一贯坚毅不屈的精神,奋发自强,精益求精。
    We still have the young and flexible workforce, the high savings rate, openness to trade and ideas and an indomitable will to improve ourselves.
  • 我们仍然有年青和适应力强的工作人口、维持高储蓄率、开放贸易、兼容不同的思想意念,以及秉承一贯坚毅不屈的精神,奋发自强,精益求精。
    We still have a young and flexible workforce, a very high savings rate, openness to trade and ideas and an indomitable spirit to improve ourselves.
  • 劝诱入会劝诱某人加入自己的政党或护自己的主义
    To induce someone to join one's own political party or to espouse one's doctrine.
  • 恩爱夫妻沉醉于牵手、抱及相互依偎。
    Loving couples indulge in handholding,hugging and cuddling.
  • 香港能够取得骄人的经济成就,其中一个主要原因,当然是我们有勤奋苦干、适应力强和技术熟练的工作人口。
    One of the major reasons for our remarkable economic success is undoubtedly Hong Kong's industrious, flexible and skilled workforce.
  • 实际上,这些有巨大身躯的恐龙可能有一种被称做“惰性同温”的功能。
    Indeed, the large size attained by many dinosaurs may have led to what has been called “inertial homeothermy”.
  • 珍贵的有无法估价的价值的;无价的
    Of inestimable worth; invaluable.
  • 古代国家所使用的人手,与全人口对比,不知比现在要增加多少倍,工作比现在艰苦,各个人所有的土地面积比现在的大,然而一般群众吃的、穿的却比不上现在。
    The ancient nations employed (in proportion to the whole population) infinitely more hands, the work was much harder, each individual possessed much more land, and yet the masses were much worse fed and clothed than is the case in modern nations.
  • 有巨大的影响力。
    She wields a lot of influence.
  • 当时我还只是一个小男孩,对我而言有两个同样富有影响力的爸爸可不是一件好应付的事。
    As a young boy, having two strong fathers both influencing me was difficult.
  • 这个政府一定要有全中国广大人民群众的支持和护,人民也一定要能够自由地去支持政府,和有一切机会去影响政府的政策。
    it must have the support of the broad masses throughout the country and the people must be free to support it and have every opportunity of influencing its policies.
  • 个人有物的非正式用语。
    informal terms for personal possessions.
  • 这个答案显然错了;她躺在床上而且明显是非常痛苦;他显然很重要,不能在来宾名单上漏掉;显然,这完全是胡说八道;她显然在这儿住过一段时间;我认为他有这些财产,但很明显不是如此;你显然错了;(plain经常非正式地代替plainly使用,例如在heisplainstubborn(他显然很固执)里)。
    the answer is obviously wrong; she was in bed and evidently in great pain; he was manifestly too important to leave off the guest list; it is all patently nonsense; she has apparently been living here for some time; I thought he owned the property, but apparently not; You are plainly wrong; (`plain' is often used informally for `plainly' as in he is plain stubborn).
  • 香港总商会于一八六一年成立,是本港历史最悠久的商界组织,有约4000名公司会员,主要工作包括组织外访的贸易考察团、接待到港的海外访问团、举办资讯活动,以及处理贸易查询。
    The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce is the oldest business association in Hong Kong. Founded in 1861, it has around 4 000 corporate members. It organises and receives trade missions to and from overseas, provides informational programmes and handles trade enquiries.
  • 特有的,固有的有的本质上的特征;固有的
    Possessed as an essential characteristic; inherent.
  • 接受通过承袭有或取得所有权
    To hold or take possession of an inheritance.
  • 有可继承土地的权益。
    an interest in land capable of being inherited.
  • 客栈老板,小旅馆老板有或经营一客栈或旅馆的人
    One that owns or manages an inn or hotel.
  • 我们仍然有敢於创新的企业家、勤奋努力和灵活的工作人口、非常高的储蓄率,以及开放的贸易和思想。
    We still have innovative entrepreneurs, a hard working and flexible workforce, a very high savings rate, and openness to trade and ideas.
  • 一个负责银行间资金调度系统的团体,在世界20多个国家有1000多个银行,每天处理大约250000宗业务。societyworldwideinterbankfinancialtelecommunication的缩写。
    A group responsible for an electronic, interbank funds transfer system encompassing more than 1000 banks in 20 countries and handling about 250 000 transactions per day.
  • 第二炮兵已有近程、中程、远程和洲际导弹武器系统,并具备快速反应和机动作战能力。
    The Second Artillery Force has been equipped with short-range, medium-range, long-range and intercontinental missile systems, and has the capability of rapid reaction and mobile operations.
  • 通过跟踪个人的经历和兴趣,中间层可以把需要研究某些题目的人与看来在这些领域有知识的人联系起来。
    By tracking the experience and interests of individuals, intermediation can link people who need to explore certain subjects with people who appear to harbor knowledge in that area.