  • 国防部的员们因机密泄露的问题而焦虑不安。
    Officials at the Defence Ministry are getting all hot and bothered about secrets getting out.
  • 这个法可以被收买。
    This judge can be bought.
  • 通过体内器声波发射,超声波可以成像。
    Ultrasound makes an image by bouncing sound waves off an object inside the body.
  • 他还会想起,由于陆军统帅的叛变,小波旁邸也是全部涂上了黄色,索瓦尔说:“黄色毕竟质地很优良,又是那样受推崇,涂上了,上百年都不可能褪色。”
    he would recall the Hotel du Petit-Bourbon, all smeared thus, on account of the constable's treason. "Yellow,after all, of so good a quality," said Sauval, "and so well recommended, that more than a century has not yet caused it to lose its color."
  • 他向法深深一鞠躬。
    He made a low bow to the judge.
  • 谒见之后,员们躬身退出。
    After the audience, the officials bowed themselves out.
  • 灌洗(器)不断注水清洗,尤指中空的器,如胃或肠
    A washing, especially of a hollow organ, such as the stomach or lower bowel, with repeated injections of water.
  • 的制服饰有金色的穗带.
    The general's uniform was trimmed with gold braid.
  • 饰带装饰员制服的金的或银的编织物
    Gold or silver braid ornamenting an officer's uniform.
  • 憩室,支囊,膨部从肠之类的中空器或结构上分支出来的袋或囊
    A pouch or sac branching out from a hollow organ or structure, such as the intestine.
  • 政策是由高级员们决定的。
    Decisions about policy are made by the brass hats.
  • 士兵们随着他们勇敢的指挥投入战斗。
    The soldiers followed their fearless leader into the battle.
  • 那位军因英雄事迹而受到嘉奖。
    The officer was cited for his heroic actions.
  • 指挥的楷模鼓舞士兵们勇敢作战。
    Their captain's example incited the men to fight bravely.
  • 指挥推荐威廉斯中士获勇敢勋章.
    The commanding officer put Sergeant Williams in for a medal for bravery.
  • 这个士兵牺牲以后因其勇敢受到方的嘉奖。
    After his death, the soldier was cited for bravery.
  • ”在舍克小组的协助下,贝蒂·安妮请求对证据作了检验,一些血样被证明来自于布劳,但是检验表明,其余的血迹不是肯尼的,这使剑桥刑事法庭的法别无选择只得撤回定罪。
    " With the assistance of Scheck's team. Betty Anne had the evidence tested. Some blood samples proved to be from Braw. But the tests showed that the remainder could not have come from Kenny, leaving a criminal court judge in Cambridge little choice but to vacate the conviction.
  • 们大声地喊口令。
    The officers were brawling commands.
  • 听了关于他的冒险经历的无稽之谈哈哈大笑。
    At their absurdity about his adventures, the officer brayed with laughter. (喻)
  • 上诉法院法裁定被告没有不履行他的法定职责
    The appeal judge holds that the defendant is not in breach of his statutory duty
  • 上诉法院法裁定被告没有不履行他的法定职责。
    The appeal judge hold that the defendant was not in breach of his statutory duty.
  • 一个非常开明且睿智的法
    A jurist of great breadth and wisdom.
  • 组织溶解器组织的分解和破坏
    The breakdown and disintegration of organic tissue.
  • 美国一家联邦上诉法院6月28日推翻了将微软一分为二的判决,并命令由另外一名法代替杰克逊来担任此案的主审
    A federal appeals court reversed the breakup of Microsoft Thursday and ordered that a new judge decide the landmark case.
  • 一位德国员小心翼翼地告诉记者说:"我环顾四周看看都有谁在鼓掌,结果发现所有人都在拍手。
    "I looked around to see who was clapping," a German official breathlessly told reporters. "They were all clapping."
  • 杀人犯妄图贿赂法宣判他无罪。
    The murderer tried to bribe the judge into convicting him of being unguilty.
  • 那位员接受了有求于他的那些人的贿赂。
    The official took bribes from those who wanted favours.
  • 法官不屑接受贿赂。
    The judge scorned to take a bribe.
  • 他们弹劾法官受贿。
    They impeached the judge for taking a bribe.
  • 那位法受了贿赂,嘲弄了自己的高位
    By taking bribe the judge made a burlesque of his high office
  • 那位法受了贿赂,嘲弄了自己的高位。
    By take bribe the judge make a burlesque of his high office.
  • 略为有钱的人,就向国民党政府的吏行贿,出钱买人代替。
    Those who had money would bribe the Kuomintang officials or pay for substitutes.