  • 如果该域名(或者"www."后接域名)对应的是活动网页(而不是服务提供方认为的由注册方或isp维护的放置重域名持有者所注册的域名的一般网页),该网页上出现的任何电子邮件地址或者电子邮件链接;
    and(C) if the domain name (or "www." followed by the domain name) resolves to an active web page (other than a generic page the Provider concludes is maintained by a registrar or ISP for parking domain-names registered by multiple domain-name holders), any e-mail address shown or e-mail links on that web page;
  • 纳税人:费用是少?
    Taxpayer: what is the charge of the registration?
  • 人,盛怒之下又退回到孩提时代,边大喊大叫边跺脚地发脾气。
    Many men, when very angry, regress to their childhood and show their bad temper by shouting and stamping their feet.
  • 这种话说了并不好,但要明确一点,即在台湾问题上如果需要中美关系倒退的话,中国只能面对现实,不会像美国有些人所说的那样,中国出于反对苏联的战略会把台湾问题吞下去,这不可能。
    While it is improper to dwell too much upon this matter, we must be clear that if the Taiwan question causes a regression in Sino-U.S. relations, China cannot but face reality and take an approach quite contrary to what some Americans have declared. China will not simply set aside the Taiwan question out of consideration of its strategy against the Soviet Union.
  • 心肺健身法——很有趣。有许舞步。
    Aerobics - it 's fun, a lot of dance - type steps.
  • 心肺健身法——很有趣。有许舞步。
    Aerobics-it's fun, a lot of dance-type step.
  • 大的臀部说明大数恐龙有着较大的、耗氧能力强的腿部肌肉,就像那些臀部发达的鸟类和哺乳动物一样,而不是像那些低耗氧量的爬行类那样只有细小的腿部肌肉。
    Large hips suggest that most dinosaurs had large, aerobically capable leg muscles like those of big-hipped birds and mammals, rather than small leg muscles like those of Brady aerobic reptiles.
  • 早期那些最原始的恐龙则具有小得的臀部和欠发达的呼吸系统,说明它们的有氧呼吸能力要比其他的恐龙、鸟类和哺乳动物弱得
    The earliest and most primitive dinosaurs, however, had smaller hips and less advanced respiratory systems, suggesting their aerobic capacity was lower than in other dinosaurs, birds and mammals.
  • 这种境界应该是诞生华人先锋文化的理想土壤,但遗憾的是,新加坡的文化产品在全球华人社会中影响远不及香港和台湾,这里电视上播放的文娱节目也大是舶来品。
    Such a milieu would have been perfect soil for a fresh culture to germinate and grow out of the Chinese heritage. Yet regrettably Singapore still lags behind Hong Kong and Taiwan in turning out entertainment productions. Even those shown on local TV are mostly produced abroad.
  • 有三条边的等边角形。
    a three-sided regular polygon.
  • 至目前为止,已有约70公顷的政府及私人土地得到改善;该组并藉发出短期豁免书及/或短期租约,把很现有的商业经营纳入规范。
    About 70 hectares of both government and private land have been improved and action is in hand to regularise many existing business operations by granting short-term waivers and/or tenancies.
  • 固定价格是多少?
    What's the regular price?
  • 固定价格是多少?
    What 's the regular price?
  • 立方体是正多面体。
    A cube is a regular solid.
  • 每周3次各20分钟的增氧运动足以让大数人保持身体康健。
    Three twenty-minute aerobic workouts per week are enough for most people to stay physically fit.
  • 世界语一种人造的国际辅助语,其单词是建立在许欧洲语言基础上,具有规定统一的音调变化系统
    An artificial international language with a vocabulary based on word roots common to many European languages and a regularized system of inflection.
  • 国家将国防教育纳入全民教育轨道,逐步使国防教育社会化、样化、经常化、制度化。
    The state has made national defense education part of the education of the whole people, gradually bringing it into a socialized, diversified, regularized and institutionalized pattern.
  • 人经常为慈善事业捐款。
    Many people regularly give money to charity.
  • 植物生长素一种调节种功能,包括细胞伸长的植物激素
    Any of several plant hormones that regulate various functions, including cell elongation.
  • 装上新天线後画面清晰了。
    The picture is much clearer with the new aerial.
  • 不论联邦监管人员最近如何大张旗鼓挽救一蹶不振的储蓄行业,越来越的证据显示:政府所做仅仅在掩饰困扰该待业的严重问题。
    Despite all the fanfare by Federal regulators over recent bailouts of sick savings institutions, evidence is mounting that the deals are merely papering over the severe problems plaguing the industry.
  • 但是,投资者不能完全没有戒心。卢森堡和都柏林虽有很好的监管体系,但也有许其他岸外基金中心吸引了些图谋不轨的公司,那就出现了危险。
    But care does need to be taken, as while Luxembourg and Dublin have well-defined regulation and pro-active regulators, many other offshore havens, where funds can be established, attract the unscrupulous, and thus dangers exist.
  • 但是,投资者不能完全没有戒心。卢森堡和都柏林虽有很好的监管体系,但也有许其他岸外基金中心吸引了些图谋不轨的公司,让不设防的投资者掉入陷阱。
    But care does need to be taken, as while Luxembourg and Dublin have well-defined regulation and pro-active regulators, many other of the offshore havens, where funds can be established, attract the unscrupulous, and thus dangers exist.
  • 中国从国情出发,以强制戒毒为主体,采取种办法帮助吸毒人员戒除毒瘾。
    Proceeding from its concrete conditions, China has adopted various measures to rehabilitate addicts, taking compulsory measures as the main principle.
  • 碰巧哈里逊教授现在正在那所大学赞助下着手研究他早先的材料,也许用不了久就能发表一些东西了。
    Incidentally, Professor Harrison is now working on his original material under the aegis of that university and may before long be publishing some of it.
  • 科斯岛希腊东南一岛屿,位于德卡尼斯群岛北部,是科斯湾的一个入口,爱琴岛的一个小海湾,位于土耳其西南海岸。公元前5世纪,希波克里特斯在科斯岛上建了一个医学校。1947年,科斯岛成为现代希腊的一部分
    An island of southeast Greece in the northern Dodecanese Islands at the entrance to the Gulf of Kos, an inlet of the Aegean Sea on the southwest coast of Turkey. Hippocrates founded a medical school on the island in the fifth century b.c. Kos became part of modern Greece in1947.
  • 其他设施包括包兆龙画廊、包玉刚画廊、展览外堂、以及间排演室、美术及工艺画室、音乐练习室和课室。此外,还有最新落成的盛智文媒体中心及渡氏电脑中心。
    Other venues include the Pao Sui Loong and Pao Yue Kong Galleries, the Atrium Gallery, rehearsal rooms, art and craft studios, music practice rooms and classrooms as well as the newly established Zeman Media Centre and Watari Computer Centre.
  • 这部戏需要排练次。
    The play needed many rehearsals.
  • 在大数情况下演员要预演他们的角色。
    In most cases, cactors rehearse their parts.
  • 管弦乐队已经为这个节目排练了好次。
    The orchestra has been rehearsed many times for the programme.
  • "没什么不同,"安德森说,"唯一的不同是汤姆和我必须花时间演练,找到一个我和其他演员已经有的共同语言。
    "Not at all," Anderson says. "The only difference was Tom and I had to spend more time rehearsing to find a vocabulary, which I already had with other actors.
  • 生活在维利亚女王时代的人。
    a person who lived during the reign of Victoria.