Chinese English Sentence:
  • 新中国成立后,为改变少数民族教育十分落后的情况,采取了一系列措施,把发展少数民族教育事业作为教育工作的重点,在发展规划、资金投入、师资训等方面对少数民族教育给予重点和优先的安排与扶持。
    Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, to change the extremely backward situation in education among the ethnic minorities, a whole array of measures have been adopted.The development of education among ethnic minorities has been regarded as one of the priorities of educational work. Focus and priority of arrangement and support have been given to the education of ethnic minorities in terms of development program, fund input, and teacher training.
  • 对这个问题要清醒,要注意养人,要按照“革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化”的标准,选拔德才兼备的人进班子。
    We must keep clear heads. We must pay attention to training people, selecting and promoting to positions of leadership persons who have both ability and political integrity, in accordance with the principle that they should be revolutionary, young, well educated and professionally competent.
  • 要求教师成为受过训的专业人才。
    Teachers are now supposed to be trained “professionals”.
  • 我们现在的人才,大部分还不是十七年养出来的?
    Weren't most of the professionals now at work trained in the first 17 years after 1949?
  • 为资讯科技专业人士提供进修训;
    It provides Information Technology (IT) training for new entrants and upgrading training for IT professionals;
  • 招聘和工资顾问说,中国专业人员正谋求把工作期限维持更长一些,这是因为合资企业公司推行了一项稳定员工队伍的计划。按照该计划,公司为员工经常提供训机会,进行定期的工资调整,给予更多的行政补助。而最重要的是为员工指出清晰明确的职业发展道路。
    Recruitment and compensation consultants say local professionals in China are holding on to jobs longer as joint-venture companies
  • 按照时间进度进行统筹规划,引进专业人才,组织志愿者,加强人才训,构建多层次的人力资源配备体系,充分保证奥运建设和服务所需的各种人才的及时到位。
    In accordance with the schedule, make overall planning, introduce professionals, mobilize volunteers, intensify training of prospective professionals, and establish multi-tiered system for providing human resources so as to ensure professionals of various types available in time for the construction and service of the Olympics.
  • 英格兰东北部地区最为贫穷,已经流失了大量养中的高水平专业人员。
    The northeast of England is its poorest region, and has experienced a severe loss of highly qualified professionals to be.
  • 精心整理出病人的记录;努力养胃口
    Worked up a patient profile; worked up an appetite.
  • 委员会其中一项主要工作是推行香港教练训计划。
    Among its major programmes is the Hong Kong Coach Education Programme.
  • 负责管理训项目的职位。
    A position in charge of management training programs.
  • 我们必须把孩子们养成为无产阶级革命事业的接班人。
    We must train up children to be successors to the revolutionary cause of the proletariat.
  • 他们中间有几个证明很有养前途。
    Several of them have proved promising.
  • 鼓励他们,带有养前途的徒弟。
    They are encouraged to take on promising apprentices.
  • 我们正在努力养许多有前途的青年演员。
    We're trying to bring along many promising young actors.
  • 我们正设法养出一两名有前途的年轻游泳选手。
    We're trying to bring along one or two promising young swimmers.
  • 为促进民族平等、团结、进步和各民族共同繁荣,政府特别重视养少数民族女干部,建立少数民族学校,举办少数民族妇女干部训班,选送少数民族妇女进修学习,促进少数民族女干部的迅速成长。
    In order to promote equality, unity, progress and common prosperity among all ethnic groups, the government attaches particular attention to training women cadres of ethnic minorities, and has established schools for these minorities, run training classes for their women cadres and offer opportunities for them to go on to advanced studies. This has promoted a rapid growth of ethnic minority women cadres.
  • 动物的饲养,植物的
    The propagation of animals or plants.
  • 在繁育场中栽的西红柿植株
    Tomato plants growing in a propagator
  • 性情相近对于感情的养大有帮助。
    P-is a powerful aid to foster attachments.
  • 我们所需要的人须有档案证明且不需训就能接手这一工作。
    What we require is somebody with a proven track record who can take over the job without having to be trained.
  • 天生的才干如同天生的植物一样,需要靠学习来修剪。(英国哲学家根.f.)
    Natural abilities are like natural plants that need pruning by study. (Francis Bacon , British philosopher)
  • 精神病学家、《养健康头脑》一书的作者斯坦利·格林斯潘说:“这对孩子不好。
    "It's not good for kids," says psychiatrist Stanley Greenspan, author of Building Healthy Minds.
  • 毋庸质疑,有事要做:由于sgml主要是由大规模专业软件发布商使用,故工具倾向于比较贵,需要大量的训。
    Granted, there is work to be done: Since SGML has been used mostly by large-scale professional publishers, the tools tend to be expensive and require considerable training.
  • crm工具有助于区分出那些花钱多的购买者(他们就是你做生意的重点)并以一种能养出最好关系的方式来瞄准他们。
    CRM tools help identify those high-volume purchasers -- the backbone of your business -- and target them in a way that cultivates the best possible relationship.
  • 杰克很少因为新闻记者撰稿在报纸上攻击他而生气。这是他漫长的经历所养出来的一种耐性。
    Jack is seldom irritated when newspapermen snipe at him in their columns. It's a matter of patience born of long experience.
  • 养精神智商可从独处和静默开始。
    The process of cultivating spiritual intelligence begins in solitude and silence.
  • 一种攀援性、非观赏性兰花,其蒴果有伸长的荚、产出香果兰豆;产于佛罗里达州和热带美洲的一种广泛栽的植物。
    climbing non-ornamental orchid bearing a podlike fruit yielding vanilla beans; widely cultivated from Florida southward throughout tropical America.
  • 杂草不用播种,歹人不须养。
    Weeds want no sow.
  • 树木栽家,树艺学家护理木本植物的专家,尤指树
    A specialist in the care of woody plants, especially trees.
  • 为了提高经济发展速度,就必须大大加强企业的专业化,大大提高全体职工的技术水平并且认真实行训和考核,大大加强企业的经济核算,大大提高劳动生产率和资金利润率。
    To accelerate economic growth it is essential to increase the degree of specialization of enterprises, to raise the technical level of all personnel significantly and train and evaluate them carefully, to greatly improve economic accounting in the enterprises, and to raise labour productivity and rates of profit to much higher levels.
  • 训中心将按不同的专业组织熟练工人和技术人员的训。
    The training of qualified workers and technicians of different specialties will be organize in the training center.