  • 在讯问下她说出了同犯的
    Under interrogation, she gave the name of her accomplice
  • 秋季时装录;种子
    A catalog of fall fashions; a seed catalog.
  • 我的心曾充满苦恼,我在寻求提过程中并不主动,也没有全力以赴,更没有给自己一个正确的评价,但这并不说明我低估了提的价值。
    That my heart has been troubled, that I have not sought this nomination, that I could not seek it in good conscience, that I would not seek it in honest self appraisal, is not to say that I value it the less.
  • 他们既不追,又不求利。
    They seek neither fame nor fortune.
  • 我们既不求,又不图利。
    We seek neither fame nor fortune.
  • 她不断追求一个有意义的生命。她是一求道之士。
    She was primarily a seeker of meaningfulexistence, a learner.
  • 她不断追求一个有意义的生命。她是一求道之士。
    She was primarily a seeker of meaningful existence, a learner.
  • 那位著的歌唱家的小学老师用电子风琴为他伴奏。
    The well-known singer was accompanied at the electronic organ by his school teacher.
  • 第20届美国总统;被一失意的热爱功者刺杀(1831-1881)。
    20th President of the United States; assassinated by a frustrated office-seeker (1831-1881).
  • 我不熟悉他的姓,但他的面貌对我似乎是熟悉的。
    I do not know well his full name, but his face is seemingly known well to me.
  • 布尔沃·利顿,爱德华·乔治·厄尔·利顿1803-1873英国作家,以其颇受欢迎的历史小说而闻,尤其是庞贝城的最后一日(1834年),以及他那看起来永无止境的错综复杂的句子
    British writer best known for his popular historical novels, especially The Last Days of Pompeii(1834), and for his seemingly endless convoluted sentences.
  • 她改为简·艾略特,找到一份工作,担任乡村小学女教师,竭力想忘掉她对罗切斯特的看来毫无希望的爱情。
    Under the new name of Jane Elliott, she finds a job as village schoolmistress and tries to forget her seemingly hopeless love for Rochester.
  • “适合教皇特使的,并不适合一位公主。”无氏的语气相当生硬。
    “What is suitable for a legate,” remarked the unknown dryly, “would not be seemly for a princess.
  • 1950年代在数学、物理学与工程方面华裔的贡献已经很多了,很受到国际的注意,而在生物学与医学的西方杂志中,华人的字出现还不太多。
    In the Fifties, the world saw many contributions made by ethnic Chinese in mathematics, physics and engineering, whereas Chinese names were seldom seen in biological and medical journals in the West.
  • 我是一名篮球队员。
    I'm a basketball player.
  • 我是一名编辑,
    And I'm an editor.
  • 接着这两运动员轮番领先。
    Then the lead went seesaw between the two runners.
  • 这位知教授今晚要做报告,房间里挤满了老师和学生。
    The eminent professor will hold a lecture this evening, so the room is seething with teachers and students.
  • 巴黎沿塞纳河以政府机构而闻的大街。
    the street in Paris along the south bank of the Seine known for its governmental ministries.
  • "欢"号可供60青少年作一日航程,而需要过夜的航程,则可供50青少年参加。
    The ship can accommodate 60 youngsters on day trips and 50 on overnight voyages.
  • 特鲁瓦法国东北部一城市,位于塞纳河畔、巴黎东北偏东。前罗马统治的小镇,在中世纪是一个繁华的商业中心,并以每年一度的集市而闻,该集市为全欧洲设定了度量衡标准。人口63,581
    A city of northeast France on the Seine River east-southeast of Paris. A pre-Roman town, it was a prosperous commercial center in the Middle Ages and was noted for its annual fairs, which set standards of weights and measures for all of Europe. Population,63, 581.
  • 安妮:它建成于1934年,可容纳24万观众。
    Annie: It was built in 1934. It is able to accommodate 240000 people.
  • 第九条〔商标、厂商称:和非法标有商标或厂商称的商品在输入时予以扣押〕
    Article 9 [Marks, Trade Names: Seizure, on Importation, etc., of Goods Unlawfully Bearing a Mark or Trade Name]
  • (为某一案子)从陪审员单上挑选有希望的陪审员。
    select from a list, as of prospective jurors.
  • 在奥运会前六年,精心设计创造一批具有国际影响的知品牌文化活动,孕育形成一批有北京城市文化特点、吸引普通群众参与、深受广大群众喜爱的市民文化品牌,并利用北京组织重大国际性活动,特别是体育赛事的机遇,努力营造北京文化生活的新亮点。
    In the six years running up to the Olympic Games, Beijing will produce a range of carefully crafted cultural events worthy of international acclaim, and foster the growth of popular cultural activities that will appeal to average residents and can therefore attract broad citizen participation. Furthermore, Beijing will take full advantage of the significant international activities that will be organized in the coming few years, especially sports events, to provide new highlights of cultural life in Beijing.
  • 选集通常为一作家的选集
    A selection of literary passages, usually by one author.
  • 不要乱发你的片,不然你不是令你的片贬值,就是使它们没有发挥应有的作用。
    Be selective in distributing your cards.Otherwise you may devalue them,or hoard them.
  •  在保罗·托马斯·安德森的色情影片《一夜成》受到评论界的赞扬之后,他打算拍点儿"题材轻松、摄制期短、成本又低的电影"。
    After the critical acclaim of his porn[3] opus Boogie Nights, Paul Thomas Anderson intended to make "something light and quick and cheap."
  • 菲佛在“危险关系”(dangerousliaisons,1988)一片中颇有好评,为此获得奥斯卡最佳配角提
    Pfeiffer received much acclaim for her work, acclaim that continued with her turn in Dangerous Liaisons (1988), for which she received a Best Supporting Actress Oscar nomination.
  • 他的名著《自助;
    His famous book Self Help;
  • 声,威信对杰出成就所作的称赞或颂扬
    Acclaim or praise for exceptional achievement.
  • 他的自私行为对自己的声不利。
    His selfish conduct reflects on him.