  • 他最初不肯藥,後來醫生叫他,他就了。
    At first he refused to take the medicine, but he buckled under when the doctor told him to.
  • 俄國的發面蕎麥薄煎餅;常與魚子醬、酸乳酪等同
    Russian pancake of buckwheat flour and yeast; usually served with caviar and sour cream.
  • “幹活可不能打盹呀,小寶貝,”她對奶時睡着了的孩子說。
    “ No sleeping on the job,buddy,” she says to little Danny James as he nods off while nursing.
  • 如果晚上你和伴侶約好了,那以在未獲批準前,你不能和哥們兒去飯。
    You can't agree to dinner with your buddy on a night you had plans with your partner until you get clearance.
  • 幾種黃色或淺黃色的小蛾子,其幼蟲有機物比如羊毛。
    any of several small yellowish or buff-colored moths whose larvae eat organic matter e.g. woolens.
  • 昨天晚上,我們了一次自助晚餐。
    We had a buffet supper last evening.
  • 我們去自助晚餐怎麽樣?
    How about we go for a dinner buffet?
  • 我們有一個自助餐部。付40元就可以到您想的所有東西。
    We have a buffet. You can have all you want for 40 dollars.
  • 火車上沒有餐車,他們一整天也沒過東西。
    There was no buffet car on the train, and they hadn’t had a bite to eat all day.
  • 半翅目長虫;腿長的食肉蝽,以主要其它昆蟲為生;少部分獵蝽吸哺乳動物的血。
    a true bug: long-legged predacious bug living mostly on other insects; a few suck blood of mammals.
  • 大型水蝽,長着易於刺或吸的嘴;小魚。
    large water bug with piercing and sucking mouthparts; feeds on young fishes.
  • 葡萄不吐葡萄皮”是一句繞口令。
    `rubber baby buggy bumper' is a tongue twister.
  • 螞蟻喜歡甜食。它們常常擠一種叫做蚜蟲的小蟲子的液汁
    Ants are fond of sweet food. They often milk little bugs called antcows.
  • 芬芳的球莖底部,烹飪後食用或做色拉生
    aromatic bulbous stem base eaten cooked or raw in salads.
  • 在我們這樣的觀光活動中,人們在保加利亞可以在自己選擇的任何餐館裏飯。
    Meals in Bulgaria, on a tour like ours, could be eaten in any restaurant of one's choice.
  • 我一點也不下,肚子都鼓起來了。
    I can't eat any more; my stomach is bulging.
  • 我發現低脂肪的塗抹食品而不黃油在“反肥戰”中很有成效。
    I find that eating low-fat spread instead of butter helps in the battle of the bulge.
  • 你做仰臥起坐或少富含脂肪的食物,但仍不能使鼓起小腹有所改變。
    You've done your sit?ups and cut down on fatty foods, but still you can't beat the battle of the belly bulge.
  • 我一點兒也不下了, 肚子都鼓起來了.
    I can't eat any more. My stomach's bulging.
  • 大而無害的鷹,産於世界各地,魚,築大巢並經常駐很多年。
    large harmless hawk found worldwide that feeds on fish and builds a bulky nest often occupied for years.
  • 在那條崎嶇不平的路上我們足了苦頭。
    We had a hell of a trip on that bumpy road.
  • 劉教授吃不吃饅頭?
    Does Professor Liu eat steamed bun not?
  • “我餓死了!”他說,“我一整天衹了一個豬肉餡餅”。
    "I'm starving," he said, "I've only eaten a pork bun all day."
  • 看人挑擔不吃力。
    None know the weight of another's burden.
  • 本來這句話是譏笑那些無能的官吏,衹會肉而已。
    The original intention of this saying is to mock those bureaucrat officials who only knew how to indulge in eating meat (but are otherwise quite useless).
  • 吃一塹,長一智。
    The burn child dread fire.
  • 走讀生凡擬在校用午餐者希於10時前通知總務管理員,今天你在傢午飯還是出去飯?
    Non-resident students who wish to lunch in should inform the Bursar before ten o'clock.
  • 得太多了,肚子都要撐破了。
    I've eaten so much I'm bursting at the seams.
  • 他總是一完飯就走進書房埋頭工作。
    Right after dinner he would go into his study and bury himself in his work.
  • 喬治總是一完飯就走進書房埋頭工作。
    Right after dinner, George would go into the study and bury himself in his work.
  • 完晚飯,她就去書房埋頭讀書。
    Right after supper, she would go into the study and bury herself in her book.
  • 我們計劃在他開完了會之後,坐出租車去中國城,我們最愛的東西,然後去看一場電影。我特別盼望這次旅行。
    After his meeting, we planned to take a cab to Chinatown and have our favorite food and see movie, I was dying with expectation.