  • 活塞式抽水机和离心泵都是由于大气强的作用。
    the compressed gas exerts an increased pressure.
  • 盛氧气或缩空气的圆柱形容器。
    a cylindrical container for oxygen or compressed air.
  • 用被缩的木质纸浆做成的很轻的墙板。
    a light wallboard made of compressed wood pulp.
  • 缩空气通常用于动力机。
    compressed air is often used to power machines.
  • 小软团一个缩的球、卷或块状物,如烟草卷
    A compressed ball, roll, or lump, as of tobacco.
  • 这本书被缩到100页以下。
    This book was compressed into less than a hundred pages.
  • 缩过的信息复原以使用或者显示。
    restoring compressed information to its normal form for use or display.
  • setup会把你的系统文件保存在一隐藏的缩文件中。
    Setup will save your system files in a hide, compressed file.
  • 一种用碎石和柏油混合起来成薄层做路面铺成的路。
    a surface paved with compressed layers of broken rocks held together with tar.
  • 软木板用粒状化软木成并烧固制成的一种建筑绝缘片状材料
    A construction and insulating sheet material made of compressed and baked granules of cork.
  • 有着过分扁的头及一直延伸到长长尾巴的细身体的鱼。
    fish with high compressed head and a body tapering off into a long tail.
  • 通过轴缩包装来形成密封的小室。
    a small chamber in which packing is compressed around a shaft to form a seal.
  • 大气球注入缩空气後,几秒钟就充足了气
    With a supply of compressed air the large balloon inflated in a matter of seconds
  • 手挂式风钻,轻型凿岩机通过缩空气运转的钻岩石、挖隧道的手持机器
    A hand-held machine for drilling rock and breaking up pavement, operated by compressed air.
  • 水下作业用的潜水装置;有一个敞开的底并用缩空气维持供应。
    diving apparatus for underwater work; has an open bottom and is supplied with compressed air.
  • 像海绵一样具有柔软的质地和可以缩的特点。
    resembling a sponge in having soft texture and compressibility.
  • 缩包装材料;可缩箱子
    Compressible packing materials; a compressible box.
  • 然而,如果将一个充满液体的密封的容器加热,就会发生膨胀,这种膨胀可以大到使容器崩裂,因为液体不像气体那样是可缩的,液体受热后往往产生巨大的力。
    However, if a sealed container fully filled with a liquid is heated, expansion will take place. The expansion may be so great that it will crack the container, because a liquid is not so compressible as a gas, and the heat supplied creates a great pressure.
  • 对安全的考虑倒一切。
    Considerations of safety override all other concerns.
  • 公共汽车撞在墙上,车头成手风琴似的。
    The front of the bus concertinaed when it crashed into the wall.
  • 虽然在时间与空间上都已经有很大的距离,他仍对轴文章《云南雅集》有所偏爱。
    Although separated by such enormous distance in time and space, he is particularly fond of the concluding piece "Yunnan Garden Gathering".
  • 预应力混凝土力容器
    prestressed concrete pressure vessel
  • 外来价格力同告减少,因为进口价格跌幅在年内扩大。
    External price pressure concurrently eased, with import prices showing an enlarged decline over the course of the year.
  • 由于汽缸里的冷凝作用,蒸汽的力降低了。
    The steam pressure falls on account of condensation in the cylinder.
  • 泵一种通过搏动的缩蒸汽操作的没有活塞的泵
    A pump without pistons that operates by means of pulsed condensation of steam.
  • 飞行器制造的人造云;既可以是由机翼表面气减小导致的浓缩产生,又可以引擎排气管排出的水蒸气造成。
    an artificial cloud created by an aircraft; caused either by condensation due to the reduction in air pressure above the wing surface or by water vapor in the engine exhaust.
  • 通过冷却缩(气体)
    To condense(a gas) by cooling.
  • 当然,如果大家讨论当中能够在一些地方缩点篇幅,那更好了。
    Of course, it would be better if, through discussion, you could condense it in some places.
  • 我们希望把这场军事革命的时间从20年缩到10年。
    We want to condense the time at which the revolution will occur, from 20 years to 10 years.
  • 这篇长故事可以缩。
    This long story can be condensed.
  • 一种对数据进行缩的处理过程。
    A process by which data are condensed.
  • 他把这一段缩成一行。
    He condensed the paragraph into one line.