  • 尽管一人做主所行使的做主权力天天都存在,而全民做主只是四年行使一次权力,但所行使的权力也是绝对的。
    The power to make decisions has remained an absolute one, though the autocrat could exercise the power every day whereas the whole population do so only once in four years.
  • 他的秘书向我解释,每本由李光耀亲笔签名的回忆录下册,价值是一万新元,售书的所有收入将捐给慈善机构。
    His secretary explained that Lee's autograph is worth 10,000 Singapore dollars for each signed book, and that the proceeds would be donated to charities.
  • 这是一组控制网络拥挤程度的自动规
    It's a set of automated rules that control network congestion.
  • 如果该ds1自动恢复为active状态,相关的rcs自动恢复到standby状态。
    If the DS1 is automatically recovered and restored to ACTIVE, the associated RCSs automatically restore to STANDBY.
  • 绿道医院儿童心脏外科医生柯尔斯滕·菲纽肯解释说,这些儿童的心脏大部分是在做尸体剖检的时候被切除的,如果剖检时间过长,这些心脏的归还赶不上夭折儿童的的葬礼,如果在孩子被掩埋后再将心脏还给死者家属太不合适了。
    The hospital's paediatric cardiac surgeon, Dr Kirsten Finucane said that was partly because most of the hearts were removed for autopsy, and delays meant the child might have already been buried so it was not appropriate to return the heart to the family.
  • 一九九六年十二月,陈日君神父获任命为助理主教,而汤汉神父任辅理主教,以便从旁协助胡振中主教。
    In December 1996,two bishops were ordained to assist the Cardinal - Joseph Ze-kiun Zen as the Coadjutor Bishop and John Hong Tong as the Auxiliary Bishop.
  • 言而不行则无用。
    Talk will not avail without work.
  •  (b)涉及与贸易有关的知识产权的效力、范围及利用的适当标准与原的规定;
    the provision of adequate standards and principles concerning the availability, scope and use of trade-related intellectual property rights;
  • 除非有人相信人可以死而复活,否是不可能有人会从那次雪崩中存活下来的。
    No one could emerge from that avalanche alive, unless one believed that men could rise form the grave.
  • 贪得无厌的人贪婪,否便不愉快的人
    An avaricious or otherwise unpleasant person.
  • 香港取得今天的成就,也因为我们坚守审慎理财原,我们的财政盈馀一直能够维持在平均每年达本地生产总值2%的水平。
    The success has also been achieved because we are committed strongly to prudent financial management. We have consistently been able to achieve budget surpluses averaging 2% of our GDP.
  • 香港取得今天的成就,也因为我们坚守审慎理财原,我们的财政盈馀一直能够维持在平均每年达本地生产总值2%的水平。
    The success has also been made possible because we are committed strongly to prudent financial management. We have consistently been able to achieve budget surpluses averaging two per cent of our GDP.
  • 所以我能最后胜利,避免灭亡,敌将最后失败,而不能避免整个帝国主义制度的崩溃。
    Hence, we can win final victory and avert subjugation, while the enemy will ultimately be defeated and will be unable to avert the collapse of his whole imperialist system.
  • (三)在估计目前时局的时候,应懂得,一方面,投降危险是大大地加重了;另一方面,仍未丧失克服这种危险的可能性。
    3. In appraising the present situation, we should clearly understand that while the danger of capitulation has greatly increased, it is still possible to avert it.
  • 期间本地繁殖的猪只数目增加了一倍,但鸡只数目低于一九九七年禽流感发生前的水平。
    The number of pigs produced locally has doubled during this period. But the production of chickens on local farms was below the level attained before the outbreak of avian influenza in 1997.
  • 而另外一些人的观点我不会接受。
    Some I avoid wherever they go.
  • 而作为这两种“围剿”之共同结果的东西,是全国人民的觉悟。
    And the common result of both was the awakening of the people of the whole country.
  • 这些阶级,或者已经觉悟,或者正在觉悟起来,他们必然要成为中华民主共和国的国家构成和政权构成的基本部分,而无产阶级是领导的力量。
    These classes, some already awakened and others in the process of awakening, will necessarily become the basic components of the state and governmental structure in the democratic republic of China, with the proletariat as the leading force.
  • 以原则作交易。
    Bargain away the principles.
  • 具有被视为公理的规和原的特征的,或与之相关的;如:经典共产主义学说。
    pertaining to or characteristic of a body of rules and principles accepted as axiomatic; e.g. canonist communism.
  • 但是,1875年的《卡门》却被看作一种失败。一位批评界人士认为乐队的演奏“乱七八糟”;而另一位评价说,乐曲缺少“创新和个性”。
    And yet, in l875, Carmen was judged a flop, in one of music history's darkest nights for the critical profession: the man damned a "perpetually babbling" orchestra, and his colleague could barely contain his contempt for the work, referring distastefully to "the uterine agonies of Mlle Carmen" and, incredibly, attacking the music for a lack of novelty and distinction".
  • 他们三人彼此相处愉快;一个已婚,一个仍是光棍,而另一个已有了女友。
    They three get along well with one another; one is married, another is still a bachelor, and the other has a girl friend.
  • 马丁很快学会了下15子游戏棋的规
    Martin soon latched on to the rules of backgammon.
  • 那倒是一挖苦的恭维话。
    That's rather a backhanded compliment.
  • 北京的一所中学是让学生成立电视台,从节目的策划到台前幕后的大小工作都由学生负责,连担任电视台台长的学生也是通过校长和全校师生一人一票选举产生。
    A similar objective is achieved in a Beijing secondary school by having the students run a TV station of their own.All work involved, from programme planning to backstage chores, is done by the students themselves. Even the student director of the TV station was elected on a one-man-one-vote basis by the whole school including the principal, teachers, and students.
  • 进行这些改革,是全国人民的长远利益所在,否,我们不能摆脱目前生产技术和生产管理的落后状态。
    The long-term interests of the whole nation hinge on these reforms, without which we cannot overcome the present backwardness of our production technology and management.
  • 是坚持那种不能摆脱贫穷落后状态的政策,还是在坚持四项原的基础上选择好的政策,使社会生产力得到比较快的发展?
    Should we follow a policy that will not help us shake off poverty and backwardness, or should we, on the basis of those four principles, choose a better policy that will enable us to rapidly develop the productive forces?
  • 只有向后才能理解生活;但要生活好,必须向前看。(克尔凯郭尔)
    Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.( Kierkergaard)
  • 对这坏消息轻描淡写
    Downplayed the bad news.
  • 坚持财政收支平衡和量入为出,是经济工作应当遵循的重要原
    Balancing accounts by always keeping expenditures within the bounds of revenue is an important principle we should follow in our economic work.
  • 香港对数个时下问题尤为积极参与,包括船舶造成空气污染的管制措施、微生物寄存压舱水中所造成的污染、《国际海上人命安全公约》其中一章有关防火的重大修订和诠释、《高速船安全守》的修订、船舶安全管理系统和散装货轮安全等。这些问题对香港注册船舶和香港公司所拥有或管理的船舶会有长远影响。
    Hong Kong was particularly active on several issues, including measures to control air pollution from ships, contamination by transport of aquatic organisms in ballast water, major revision and interpretation of a chapter on fire prevention within the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, revision of the High Speed Craft Code, safety management systems for ships and bulk carrier safety, which will have long-term effects on Hong Kong registered ships as well as ships owned or managed by Hong Kong companies.
  • ?三层的作战服,外层是防弹层,中间层给各种设备传送电能,而内层负责监控士兵的健康状况。
    The combat uniform,a triple- layered suit with an outer layer of ballistic protection,a middle layer for conducting power to various devices,and an inner layer that monitors the soldier's health.