  • 其后10年中她很快学会了法语,在一系的修道院中生活过,她的两位保护人和同龄人--埃凯夫人和苏格兰律师詹姆斯·伯内特(后来的蒙博多勋爵)--还为她写了传记。
    She learned French rapidly over the next 10 years, lived in a series of convents, and her biography was written by two patrons and contemporaries: Madame Hequet and the Scottish lawyer James Burnett, later Lord Monboddo.
  • 一家生物工艺开发公司正在根据自然滋生毒素的原理研制新型农药系产品。
    A biotechnology company is developing a range of new pesticide based on naturally occur toxin.
  • 他因观点偏激而被入黑名单.
    He was blacklisted because of his extremist views.
  • 把…入或似把…入黑名单
    To place on or as if on a blacklist.
  • 哦,糟了,催缴单又来了。我可能会被入黑名单。
    Oh, no. They send me another notice. Maybe I'll get blacklist.
  • 哦,糟了,催缴单又来了。我可能会被入黑名单。
    Oh, no. They send me another notice. Maybe I 'll get blacklist.
  • 而那些不听话的电影制片人则会被入黑名单并无法得到军方帮助。
    Film? makers not prepared to toe the line end up on a blacklist and are denied military help.
  • 他被在警方用于逮捕所有不良帮派份子的黑名单上。
    His name is on the black list(blacklist)used by the police to round up all the gangsters.
  • 车员:我给您再拿一床毛毯来。
    I'll get you another woolen blanket.
  • 用闭塞制管理(车)
    To run(trains) on a block system.
  • 纳奈莫加拿大不颠哥伦比亚西南一城市,位于温哥华群岛和乔治亚海峡上、温哥华以西。1833年,哈得逊的海湾公司在这里建起一座碉堡。人口47,069
    A city of southwest British Columbia, Canada, on Vancouver Island and the Strait of Georgia west of Vancouver. The Hudson's Bay Company erected a blockhouse here in1833. Population,47, 069.
  • 宁说:“无产阶级专政是对旧社会的势力和传统进行的顽强斗争,流血的和不流血的,暴力的和和平的,军事的和经济的,教育的和行政的斗争。……
    Lenin said: "The dictatorship of the proletariat is a persistent struggle -- bloody and bloodless, violent and peaceful, military and economic, educational and administrative -- against the forces and traditions of the old society....
  • 以色总理巴瑞克和巴勒斯坦领袖阿拉法特昨日在电话中同意重新开始安全合作措施,试图结束两个月来的流血冲突。
    Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and Palestinian President Yasser Arafat agreed in a telephone conversation on Friday to resume a measure of security cooperation in an attempt to end two months of bloodshed.
  • 卡西姆对阿拉法特和以色都持强烈的反对态度,他还直言不讳地写文章支持建立一个自由的巴勒斯坦国,这使他数次锒铛入狱。
    Qassem's stubborn opposition to both Arafat and Israel and his blunt writings advocating the establishment of a free Palestinian state have landed him in jail several times.
  • 宁领导的布尔什维克党是在帝国主义世界的薄弱环节搞革命,我们也是在敌人控制薄弱的地区搞革命,这在原则上是相同的,但我们不是先搞城市,而是先搞农村,用农村包围城市。
    Just as the Bolshevik Party led by Lenin made its revolution at a weak link in the chain of the imperialist world, we made our revolution in areas where the enemy was weak.In principle, the two courses were the same.But instead of trying to take the cities first, we began with the rural areas, then gradually encircled the cities.
  • 假如你想拿起一个,比如《卡萨布兰卡》的最佳影片金像真品,你会发现它们都被用螺钉固定在玻璃陈架上。这时,特纳的助手会松开皱着的眉头,冲你一笑。
    If you try to pick one up,for example,the actual best-production award for Casablanca,you will discover that they are all firmly bolted to their glass display shelves,and Turner's aides will break their frowns to laugh at you.
  • 队行进时因怀疑有炸弹而引起恐慌。
    There was a bomb scare during the procession.
  • 8日,以色为报复慕尼黑大屠杀,派飞机轰炸了10个游击队基地。
    On the 8th, Israeli planes bombed ten guerrilla bases in revenge for Munich massacre.
  • 其他重点节目则有"香港文化系展览──余本作品展"、"强势以外──亚洲当代艺术"及"前线.焦点九六──1996香港新闻图片比赛"等展览。
    Other programme highlights included exhibitions on Hong Kong Culture Series - The Art of Yee Bon (1905-1995), Being Minorities - Contemporary Asian Art, and Focus at the Frontline 96 - A Photojournalistic Account of 1996 Contest.
  • 摩西率领以色人脱离在埃及的奴隶生涯。
    Moses led the Israelites out of their bondage in Egypt.
  • 为了摆脱强的奴役和掠夺,无数中华儿女抛头颅、洒热血,前仆后继,最终在中国共产党的领导下赢得了民族解放和国家独立。
    Countless Chinese sons and daughters shed their blood or laid down their lives to free the nation from this cruel bondage and plundering, advancing wave upon wave, until national liberation and independence were finally won under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.
  • 整理装订把折叠的(装订号码)按顺序排以利于装订
    To arrange(signatures) in sequence for bookbinding.
  • 请贵公司按小册子中所商品,将我公司名称入您的询价客户索引中则不胜荣幸。
    We shall be glad if you have our name put upon your inquiry list for the article show in the booklet.
  • 请贵公司按小册子中所商品,将我公司名称入您的询价客户索引中则不胜荣幸。
    We shall be glad if you will have our name put upon your inquiry list for the articles shown in the booklet.
  • 因此,在整个站点中正确使用元标记也能提高(此站点)在搜索引擎中的排名次。
    As a result, proper use of metatags throughout a site can also boost search engine ranking.
  • 面对错综复杂的国内外经济环境,中国政府实施了一系促进经济增长和搞好国有企业的政策措施。
    Facing anfractuous internal and external economic environments, the Chinese government has taken a series of policy measures for boosting economic growth and improving the situation of the SOEs.
  • 实践证明,中央采取的一系扩大内需的政策措施是正确的,有效地抑制了经济增长速度可能出现的下滑。
    All the facts have proven that the policies aiming at boosting internal demand by the central government is correct because they effectively curbed the possible downturn of economic growth.
  • 车于9:20离开巴黎,2小时后抵达波尔多市。
    The train leaves paris at 9:20 and arrive at bordeaux two hours later.
  • 地中海东南角的沿海地区,靠近以色和埃及。
    a coastal region at the southeastern corner of the Mediterranean bordering Israel and Egypt.
  • 包括婆罗州,西里伯斯岛和爪哇以及苏门答辣岛的一系岛。
    a chain of islands including Borneo and Celebes and Java and Sumatra.
  • 借书者--是为珍藏本的破坏者、书本排次序的捣乱者、零星残书的创造者。
    Borrower of book-those mutilator of collections, spoiler of the symmetry of shelves, and creator of odd volume.
  • 是去波士顿的火车吗?
    Is this the right train for Boston?