  • 今后值得注意的,就是要利用各种机会,把上述那些简单的口号,内容渐渐实,意义渐渐明了起来。
    From now on care should be taken to use every opportunity gradually to enrich the content and clarify the meaning of those simple slogans.
  • 分的说明 来阐明那个难题
    the clarity of the difficult problem by giving a full explanation
  • 我不是说感到刺激或激动,而是强烈地保持警觉状态,在想问题时能够全神贯注和头脑清晰,满了为排除惊慌所需要的全部的内在力量。
    I don't mean thrilled or excited, but vividly alert, able to think with striking focus and clarity, imbued with whatever inner strength I needed to keep panic at bay.
  • 自从“邪恶帝国”苏联瓦解以来,美国人渴望一个明确的道德标准来制定具有正当理由的外交政策。结果萨达姆提供了分的正当理由。
    Since the demise of the Soviet "Evil Empire" there has been a hunger among Americans for a moral clarity to justify and shape their foreign policy, and Mr.Hussein provided it in spades.
  • 我听到花园门开的吱哑声,随后他的声音在我耳边响起,那么深沉、优美,给人慰藉又满柔情。
    I heard the click of the garden gate,then his voice close beside me.Deep.Melodious.Soothing.Gentle.
  • 气肿疽通常为致命的牛的传染性细菌疾病,有时为绵羊、山羊和猪,由气肿疽梭状芽孢杆菌引起,其特点为肌肉系统内气肿大
    An infectious, usually fatal bacterial disease of cattle and sometimes of sheep, goats, and swine, caused by Clostridium chauvoe and characterized by gas-containing swellings in the musculature.
  • 小丑那胡乱、可笑、精力沛的表演;可笑的绿色头发。
    the wild farcical exuberance of a clown; ludicrous green hair.
  • 一股难以形容的气味斥着房间散不出去。
    The unspeakable odour clung to the room.
  • 用任何高级语言(如汇编或cobol语言)编写的一组源语句:由扩虚拟存储系统(vse)提供支持,并且存储在源语句库(ssl)中。
    A group of source statements written in any of the language, such as assembler or COBOL language supported by VSE and stored in a SSL.
  • 历年满创意的口号使可口可乐一直保持霸主地位。
    Creative slogans throughout the years have kept Coca-Cola "king of hill."
  • 里面装有气饮料,味道很像可口可乐。
    Inside is a fizzy drink that tastes very much like Coca-Cola.
  • 代码扩字符具有这种锁定特性时,对该扩字符后随的所有编码表示或者对给定种类的所有编码表示在解释时都要转义,直到出现下一个适当的代码扩字符为止。
    In code extension characters, having the characteristic that a change in inte rpretation applies to all coded representations following, or to all coded representations of a given class, until the next appropriate code extension character occurs.
  • 调整农业结构,必须坚持以市场需求为导向,从实际出发,分尊重农民意愿,绝不能搞强迫命令。
    In carrying out agricultural restructuring, we must be led by market demand, proceed from realities, and respect farmers' wishes, and on no account must coercion and commandism be allowed.
  • 固然这些经验仍然是不分的,但是只要我们毅然地抛弃强征的手段,而着眼于宣传、教育、组织、影响等等动员民众的方式,新的经验将不断地创造出来,动员的收获也必然日益丰富起来。
    Of course, our experience is still incomplete, but so long as we resolutely give up coercion in recruitment and stress propaganda, education, organization and persuasion when mobilizing the masses, we can enrich our experience and become more successful with each passing day.
  • 这种新型的联网平台可能与pc机和平共处,我们把它看成是我们已有的很多这样的选项的一个补,它作为一种选择供人选用。
    This new networking platform will probably have a peaceful coexistence with the PC, and we view it as just an addition to the many options we have.It is offered as a choice.
  • 这些正义活动,分显示了中华民族的伟大爱国主义精神和巨大凝聚力,分体现了中国人民维护世界和平、反对霸权主义的坚强意志。
    All these just activities fully demonstrate the great patriotism and cohesive force of the Chinese nation and the firm will of the Chinese people to safeguard world peace and oppose hegemonism.
  • 加强青少年体育、城市体育、农村体育工作,分发挥学校、社区、乡镇的聚集效应、辐射功能和带动作用,增加体育锻炼的吸引力和凝聚力,推动全民健身活动的广泛开展。
    Youth sports, urban sports and rural sports shall be strengthened through full utilization of the gathering, radiating and exemplifying power of schools, communities and towns. This will increase the appeal and cohesive power of sports activities and thereby further the implementation of citizen health sports.
  • 全党同志要坚持从新的实际出发,以改革的精神研究和解决党的建设面临的重大理论和现实问题,使党始终保持先进性和纯洁性,满创造力、凝聚力和战斗力。
    All comrades in the Party should proceed from the new realities and, in the spirit of reform, study and solve major theoretical and practical issues in Party building, so as to enable it to retain progressiveness and purity, and be full of creativity, cohesiveness, and fighting power.
  • 硬币可充当螺丝起子
    A coin can act as a screwdriver.
  • 在西方模式里,调解人所受的训练,是如何当调解过程的管理者:他们的主要职责是促成双方的合作,其工作包括引导两造遵循基本规则,按部就班逐项磋谈,并专注于达成协议。
    In the Western model, mediators are trained in the role of a process manager. Their main responsibility is to facilitate a collaborative process.
  • 由于这些智力合作,当与其商业上最接近的竞争对手微软公司的ole比较时,opendoc已轻而易举地成为更灵活、更强大、更能扩并具有远见的对象模型。
    As a result of all this collaborative brain power, OpenDoc has become easily the more flexible, powerful, extensible, and forward-looking object model when compared with its closest business competitor, Microsoft Corp.'s OLE.
  • 买办在以前的中国或其他一些亚洲国家,当地人受雇于外国公司,在商业贸易中当合作者或中介人
    A native-born agent in China and certain other Asian countries formerly employed by a foreign business to serve as a collaborator or an intermediary in commercial transactions.
  • 一块很窄的里面有填物的板;人们一般在上面熨烫衣服。
    narrow padded board on collapsible supports; used for ironing clothes.
  • 飞机撞击大楼,出现滚滚浓烟,巨大的建筑物轰然坍塌。这情景令我们难以置信,使我们的心中满了极度的悲痛和难言而又无法妥协的愤怒。
    The pictures of airplanes flying into buildings, fires burning, huge structures collapsing, have filled us with disbelief, terrible sadness and a quiet, unyielding anger.
  • 为这项建筑工程已经收集了分的资料。
    Sufficient data have been collected for the building project.
  • "只有组织起来,才能分地发挥集体的智慧。"
    Only with organization can the wisdom of the collective be given full play.
  • 我们要分发挥集体智慧的作用。
    We'll call collective wisdom into full pay.
  • 在这个过程中,西方的基督教和天主教被殖民主义、帝国主义利用,当了侵略中国的工具,一些西方传教士扮演了不光彩的角色。
    During this process Western Protestantism and Catholicism were used by colonialism and imperialism as a tool for aggression against China, and a number of Western missionaries played an inglorious part in this.
  • 在片中,她扮演了一个满幻想的少女名叫露西,她在世上孤独无援,但最终与一名昏迷症患者的弟弟相爱了。
    In the movie, she played Lucy, a dreamy girl who is alone in the world until she falls in love with a coma victim's brother.
  • 他的下一部电影《艰难杀戮》(1989)斥了砍砍杀杀,他扮作一名从昏迷中苏醒的警察,向曾致他重伤的恶人展开报复。
    His next film,Hard to Kill (1989),overflowed with chopsocky violence,casting him as a cop who wakens from a coma and sets out for revenge against those who sent him to the hospital.
  • 氧用氧处理、结合或注入
    To treat, combine, or infuse with oxygen.
  • 喜剧中当配角的演员。
    a performer who acts as stooge to a comedian.