  • 幸好,有些在大学里读中文的同事对这些禁忌也是茫然不知和觉得难以置信,证明我不是唯一的“非华人”。
    Fortunately, equally bemused Chinese Studies graduate colleagues who find the taboos beyond belief provide a source of vindication.
  • 本笃会士,本笃会女属于努尔西亚的圣·本笃创建的道会的士或
    A monk or nun belonging to the order founded by Saint Benedict of Nursia.
  • 推荐(预备士)任圣职
    To recommend(a cleric) for a benefice.
  • (圣职的)推荐提名预备士担任圣职的权利或行为
    The act or right of naming a cleric to a benefice.
  • 后来,斯德哥尔摩、巴黎、阿姆斯特丹、柏林和赫尔辛基都曾经为奥运会专门建体育场。
    Since then, stadiums were built in Stockholm, Paris, Amster-dam, Berlin and Helsinki, especially for the Olympic Games.
  • 著名的圣,伯纳德道院是在11世纪建立的。它坐落在离隘口一英里的地方。
    The famous monastery of St Bernard, which was founded in the eleventh centure, lies about a mile away.
  • 你能理这辆自行车吗?
    Can you fix the bicycle?
  • 他请人把自行车好了。
    He had his bicycle repaired.
  • 他是单车修理工。
    He is a bicycle doctor.
  • 我帮他修理自行车。
    I helped him mend his bicycle.
  • 开标以后,任何投标人都不准再改投标。
    No bidder shall be permitted to alter his bid after the bid has been opened.
  • 开标以后,任何投标人都不准再改投标。
    No bidder shall is permit to alter his bid after the bid have is open.
  • 开标以后,任何投标人都不准再改投标。
    No bidder shall be permitted to alter his bid after the bid has been open.
  • 为更有效地制止家庭暴力、遏制重婚纳妾、完善家庭财产制度,保护妇女的婚姻家庭权利不受侵犯,全国人大动员社会各界进行认真研究,积极开展《婚姻法》的订工作,并于2001年1月将《婚姻法(正草案)》向全社会公布,广泛征求意见,展开讨论。
    To curb domestic violence, bigamy and taking concubines more effectively, perfect the family property system and protect women's rights in marriage and the family against infringement, the NPC mobilized people of various circles to conduct serious research for the revision of the Marriage Law, and publicized the draft amendments to the Marriage Law in January 2001 for public discussions.
  • 他亲自动手理他的自行车。
    He repaired his bike himself.
  • 她把自行车修理了。
    She has her bike repaired.
  • 王先生在他的自行车。
    Mr. Wang is fixing his bike.
  • 已经印出《甘珠尔》大藏经达1490多部,还印出大量藏传佛教的仪轨、传记、论著等经典的单行本,供给寺庙,满足僧尼和信教群众的学需求。
    More than 1,490 copies of the Tanjur of the Tripitaka, and a large number of pamphlets on Tibetan Buddhist practices, biographies of famous monks and treatises on Tibetan Buddhism have been printed to meet the needs of the various monsteries and the Buddhist monks, nuns and lay believers.
  • 其后10年中她很快学会了法语,在一系列的道院中生活过,她的两位保护人和同龄人--埃凯夫人和苏格兰律师詹姆斯·伯内特(后来的蒙博多勋爵)--还为她写了传记。
    She learned French rapidly over the next 10 years, lived in a series of convents, and her biography was written by two patrons and contemporaries: Madame Hequet and the Scottish lawyer James Burnett, later Lord Monboddo.
  • 他主修生物学。
    He specializes biology.
  • 他主修生物学。
    He major in biology.
  • 克隆原来的生物医学之受益是将这项技术应用于动物基因的改,而不是制造相同的复制品。
    The primary biomedical benefits of cloning stem more from the use of this technology in the genetic modification of animals rather than from making identical copies.
  • 穿着黑色衣服的骑士;穿着黑色衣服的道士。
    a black knight; black friars.
  • 他们请了一位室内装饰师,让他把这地方当自己的家一样随意装
    They employed an interior decorator and gave him carte blanche to do up the place as if to were his own.
  • 他们已炸掉这块岩石以便一条新的路。
    They've blasted away the rock to build the new road.
  • 市政府已经同意了这个建一座新桥的计划。
    The municipal government has given its blessing to the plan of a new bridge.
  • 刘先生说这种被称为"骨牙角膜复"的复杂手术对英国35万登过记的盲人或半盲人并非全都适用,它只适合那些因角膜而失明但是眼睛还没完全丧失功能的病人。
    Mr Liu says while the complex surgery -- called osteo-odonto-keratoprosthesis (OOKP) -- could not help all the 350,000 registered blind or partially-sighted people in the UK, it may be suitable for patients with severe corneal blindness whose eyes can otherwise still function.
  • 光标显示器上的明亮、通常闪动的、可移动指示物,用于标明某一字母可以进入、改或删去的位置
    A bright, usually blinking, movable indicator on a display, marking the position at which a character can be entered, corrected, or deleted.
  • 欧盟十五个会员国的领袖们周一同意改该组织的决策流程,并订条约使欧盟能在未来数年内能纳入最多达十二个新会员国,而这些新会员国大多为前共产集团的成员。
    Leaders of the15-nation European Union agreed Monday to revise the organization's decision-making process and overhaul its treaty to enable it to take in up to a dozen newcomers in the years ahead, mostly from the former Soviet bloc.
  • 我们得叫一个管道理工来清除排水管中的堵塞物。
    we had to call a plumber to clear out the blockage in the drainpipe.
  • 六月间,世界海关组织在布鲁塞尔举行的会员大会上,采纳了海关诚信行动计划,并通过经订的《京都公约》文本。该文本为下世纪的海关程序订定蓝图。
    At its Council Sessions held in Brussels in June, the WCO adopted an Integrity Action Plan and approved the revised text of the Kyoto Convention which will serve as the blueprint for customs procedures in the next century.
  • 有了农会,可以不客气地发命令强迫地主塘坝了。
    Now that there are peasant associations, the landlords can be bluntly ordered to repair the embankments.