  • 由于跛脚而不行走。
    disability of walking due to crippling of the legs or feet.
  • 那是条体态优美的尖嘴竖耳白丝毛狗,跑的时候轻软的一身毛飘动起来像是滚滚浪涛。可是奎尼的两条后腿丧失了活动的功。最后我爸爸说只安乐死以解脱它的痛苦。
    But Queenie developed a crippling problem with her back legs,and finally my dad said she would have to be put down.
  • 保守党在紧要关头总是团结一致.
    The Tory party always holds together in times of crisis.
  • 然而,仍存在很多理由为将来可发生的金融危机而担忧。
    There are nonetheless many reasons to be concerned about the possibility of future financial crises.
  • 163.过去一年,公务员应变和处理危机的力备受考验。
    163. Events of the past year have tested civil servants' responsiveness and ability to manage crises.
  • 研究结果表明,总的来说,一组1万名激素长期服用者每年会额外地受到31次疾病的困扰(中风、心脏病、血栓、乳腺癌),而仅仅避免11次骨折和结肠癌。
    The study suggests that,on balance,a group of 10,000 long-term estrogen users would suffer 31 excess health crises each year(strokes,heart attacks,blood clots,breast cancers),while avoiding only 11 bone fractures and colon cancers.
  • 过去十五年来,已发展的大型经济体系例如得克萨斯、挪威、瑞典和日本,都发生过金融危机,而这些经济体系全部都达到经济合作及发展组织所订的银行监管质素和会计标准(可日本除外)。
    In the last 15 years, large developed economies such as Texas, Norway, Sweden and Japan - all with OECD quality of bank supervision and accounting standards - well, maybe exclude Japan, also suffered financial crises.
  • 每一成员都有权决定什么是全国性的紧急状态或其它极端紧急的情况,成员都知道公众健康危机,包括与艾滋病、肺结核和其它流行病有关的公众健康危机被视为全国性的紧急状态或其它极端紧急的情况。
    Each Member has the right to determine what constitutes a national emergency or other circumstances of extreme urgency, it being understood that public health crises, including those relating to HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other epidemics, can represent a national emergency or other circumstances of extreme urgency.
  • 因此,这场金融风暴不仅考验执政领袖的实力,也考验我们在逆流中是否依然乘风破浪,开创另一个“亚洲奇迹”,而林瑞生议员的动议,要求大家在关键时刻”本着风雨同舟,共度难关的精神”去面对这场危机,真是一语道破了问题的核心所在。
    The financial crisis today not only puts to the test the strength of our political leadership, but also Singaporeans' ability to weather the storm and whip up another "Asian miracle." As Mr Lim Swee Say puts it, everyone of us should, in times of crises, have the spirit of being able to weather through thick and thin together. His words truly hit the core of the problem.
  • 在今天,是在由于资本主义的经济危机和政治危机已经一天一天把世界拖进第二次世界大战的时候;是在苏联已经到了由社会主义到共产主义的过渡期,有力领导和援助全世界无产阶级和被压迫民族,反抗帝国主义战争,打击资本主义反动的时候;是在各资本主义国家的无产阶级正在准备打倒资本主义、实现社会主义的时候;是在中国无产阶级、农民阶级、知识分子和其他小资产阶级在中国共产党的领导之下,已经形成了一个伟大的独立的政治力量的时候。
    This is a time when the economic and political crises of capitalism are dragging the world more and more deeply into the Second World War, when the Soviet Union has reached the period of transition from socialism to communism and is capable of leading and helping the proletariat and oppressed nations of the whole world in their fight against imperialist war and capitalist reaction, when the proletariat of the capitalist countries is preparing to overthrow capitalism and establish socialism, and when the proletariat, the peasantry, the intelligentsia and other sections of the petty bourgeoisie in China have become a mighty independent political force under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party.
  • 危机使她发挥出最优的才
    A crisis brings out the best in her.
  • 挣钱并不一定是衡量人生幸福的可靠标准.
    Success in making money is not always a good criterion of success in life.
  • 绅士可有钱、或者可依赖朋友过活;绅士的准则是,无论他怎么穷也罢,他依然是拒绝做任何有用的工作的。
    A gentleman may have money or may sponge on his friends; the criterion of a gentleman is that however poor he may be he still refuses to do useful work.
  • 真理的标准只是社会的实践。
    Only social practice can be the criterion of truth.
  • 我自己成功的标准是够快乐地工作。
    My own criterion of success is the ability to work joyfully.
  • 据说美国人把一个人赚钱的数量作为衡量其力的一个标准。
    American is said to regard the amount of money a man made as a criterion of his ability.
  • 会员国通过大会运用的主要标准是一国的支付力。
    The primary criterion applied by Member States, through the General Assembly, is a country’s capacity to pay.
  • 衡量一个科学研究机构党委的工作好坏的主要标准,也应当是看它很好地完成这个基本任务。
    The degree to which the organizations fulfil this basic task should be the main criterion for judging the work of their Party committees.
  • 有辨别力的批评家;有眼光的读者。
    a discerning critic; a discerning reader.
  • 这个批语家的好的评论使你剧本成功!
    A good review by this critic will make your play!
  • 一位评论家必须够区分好、坏作品。
    A critic must be able to discriminate from good literature from bad.
  • 有许多批评家是应该凭他们所未了解的事物而值得我们记忆的。
    The lot of critic are to be remembered by what they fail to understand.
  • 如果你严格的学习/检查你的技术和习惯并不断改进,你将成为一个优秀的教员。
    You will become a better trainer if you critically study/examine your techniques and habits and look for ways to improve your performance.
  • 最初它听起来好像没什么相干,而当你严格地检查任何一个很大压力环境下工作的人员时,你发现每个成功完成任务的人都有一个特点。
    At first it sounds like an oxymoron but when you critically examine any professional in a high stress situation you can see that it is a trait that is found in each of these people who are successful at their particular task.
  • 我们就不会停止批评、革新、鼓吹,或指责我们不企及的东西。
    Criticize, reform, or preach, or censure what we cannot reach.
  • 她因患重感冒只用沙哑的声音说话.
    She could only croak because of her heavy cold.
  • 拿些手钩针编织品给我看看吗?
    Can you show me some hand crochet article, please?
  • 我知道你又买了一辆汽车,至少你不必花很多钱在那辆破旧得不再用的车上了!
    I see you've got another car. At least you didn't have to pay much for that old crock!
  • 这位老人总是说:“我可不垮;我们公社里要做的事情还多着呢。”
    The old man always says: "I cannot afford to crock up; there is much to be done in our commune."
  • 那一阵发烧似乎叫他垮了下来,可是他相信不消几天自己就够回到工作岗位上来。
    An attack of fever seems to have crocked him up, but he believes he will be able to come back to work in a few days.
  • 鳄鱼用水淹的办未杀死它的捕获物。
    The crocodile killed its prey by keeping it under and drowning it.
  • 南美洲形似鳄鱼的蜥蜴,嘴有力咬碎窝牛和贻贝。
    crocodile-like lizard of South America having powerful jaws for crushing snails and mussels.