  • 电台评论电台或电视台上播的表述电台或电视网意见的评论
    A commentary on television or radio expressing the opinion of the station or network.
  • 歌舞队在经典希腊戏剧中,一组演员用歌舞来展示在后期的传统中同演脱离的评论
    The group in a classical Greek drama whose songs and dances present an exposition of or, in later tradition, a disengaged commentary on the action.
  • 在知识界影响甚大的北京《读书》杂志,今年以来用连续三期的篇幅,刊载《成者王侯》的评论文章,对李光耀和新加坡的政治制度提批评。
    “Du Shu”, a Beijing magazine which has considerable influence over the intellectuals, has carried a critical three-part commentary on Senior Minister Lee Kuan Yew and Singapore's political model.
  • 我写这篇文章的用意,不在于为问题提答案,只是抛砖引玉,希望公众对这个许多新加坡人关心的课题,进行更多的讨论。
    The purpose of this commentary is not to offer up a solution to this problem, but to stimulate public discussion on a topic that is close to the hearts of a large number of Singaporeans.
  • 与此同时,机关后勤服务社会化程度明显提高。政企分开迈重大步伐。
    At the same time, major strides were made in promoting commercialization of logistic services for government departments and separating the government from enterprises.
  • 根据世界各地internet大家庭的成员,internet的商业化犹如挖开了一个老鼠洞,冒了很多法律和金融方面的问题,从而要求彻底检查全球网络事实上的资源管理系统。
    The commercialization of the Internet has revealed a rat's nest of legal and financial issues, resulting in calls for an overhaul of the global network's de facto resource administration system, according to members of the Internet community around the world.
  • 从营利角度看这戏失败了,然而评论家却很赞赏。
    Commercially, the play is a failure, though the critic loves it.
  • 制造并售盐的工厂。
    a plant where salt is produced commercially.
  • 美国和南美的淡水龟;其壳经常被雕刻做成商品;有些幼体被当作宠物卖。
    freshwater turtle of United States and South America; frequently raised commercially; some young sold as pets.
  • 通用称计划到2010年时能够生产投入市场的使用燃料电池的汽车,不过具体日期还取决于相关技术成熟的速度以及定价问题。
    GM said it is aiming to produce fuel-cell vehicles commercially by 2010, but the date depends on how fast the technology can be refined and pricing issues.
  • 大白蘑菇,随着年龄的增长会长褐色的斑;肉垂为白色;芬芳的气味;商业收集,被用在太平洋西北部的东方烹饪中。
    a large white mushroom that develops brown stains as it ages; gills are white; odor is spicy and aromatic; collected commercially for oriental cooking the Pacific Northwest.
  • 她卖东西可得10%的佣金。
    She gets 10% commission on his sales.
  • 有军衔的和无军衔的军官都席了。
    Both commissioned and non-commissioned officers attended.
  • 她每售一批货可得10英镑的佣金.
    She gets 10 commission on each sale.
  • 你可从售的每种货物中得到10%佣金.
    You get (a) 10% commission on everything you sell.
  • 行伍身的军官由普通士兵提拔起来负战斗责任的军官
    A commissioned officer who has been promoted from enlisted status.
  • *联合国人权事务高级专员向各国政府提关切问题,对侵犯人权行为作反应,并采取行动防止侵犯人权。
    * The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights raises concerns with governments, responds to human rights abuses and takes action to prevent violations.
  • 此人愿一笔相当可观的报酬,唯一的条件就是:莫扎特永远不得探听委托人的姓名。
    He offered a generous fee, the only condition being that Mozart was never to try to discover the identity of the man who was commissioning the work.
  • 他不愿以任何方式做承诺。
    He would not commit himself in any way.
  • 他们竭力说服她庭作伪证.
    They tried to persuade her to commit perjury.
  • 2.要为别人付出。
    2. Commit yourself to others.
  • 不要轻率地对未做承诺的男人做承诺。
    Don't make a commitment to the uncommitted.
  • 让步,放弃从某个位置、观点或义务中撤
    To withdraw from a position, opinion, or commitment.
  • 在投资买贵重的健身设备之前,先对运动健身作严肃的承诺。
    Before investing in expensive equipment,make a serious commitment to exercise.
  • 他们互相赠送金戒指来表达他们对婚姻所做的承诺。
    They give each other a gold ring to symbolize their marriage commitment.
  • 许可的货品交易量购买或售给定数量证券或商品的承诺
    A commitment to buy or sell a given amount of securities or commodities.
  • 我觉得我没有必要对他们作那样的承诺。
    I feel I do not have to make such a commitment to them.
  • 法律援助署为刑事诉讼提供的法律援助,有原讼法庭及区域法院审理的案件、裁判法院进行的初级侦讯、就裁判法院的裁决提上诉的案件,以及向上诉法庭及终审法院上诉的案件。
    In criminal cases, legal aid is available for representation in proceedings in the Court of First Instance and the District Court, in committal proceedings in the Magistrates' Courts, in appeals from the Magistrates' Courts, and in appeals to the Court of Appeal and the Court of Final Appeal.
  • 谁也不肯负责作明确的答复。
    Nobody committed thenselves to a definite answer.
  • 过去五年,共有492886名驾驶人士因触犯上述条例附表内所列的罪行而被记分。
    Over the past five years, 492 886 drivers have incurred driving offence points for committing scheduled offences under the Driving Offence Points System.
  • 空调是日本许多口商品中的一种。
    Air conditioners are one of the many commodities that Japan sells abroad.
  • 第三条商检机构和国家商检部门、商检机构指定的检验机构,依法对进口商品实施检验。
    Article 3 The commodity inspection authorities and other inspection organizations designated by the State Administration for Commodity Inspection and the commodity inspection authorities shall, in accordance with the law, perform the inspection of import and export commodities.