  • 一种休闲的走路(经常在一些共场合)。
    a leisurely walk (usually in some public place).
  • 散步随意的步行,尤指作为社交活动在共场合的散步
    A leisurely walk, especially one taken in a public place as a social activity.
  • 她们可以坐在起居室的椅子上看一小时的书,可以学习网球课程,可以到邻近的健身俱乐部跳舞,也可以悠闲自在地逛逛商店,或者,在一个阳光明媚的大好日子去园放松放松,而不必总是担心工作迟到。
    They may read for an hour on a living mom chair, take courses in tennis, dance at the neighborhood health club, walk around in the shops leisurely, or relax in the park on a nice sunny day without worrying about being late for work all the time.
  • 室里那些不同凡俗的人喝的是柠檬茶,我们这些人喝咖啡。
    The sophisticates in the office drink lemon tea; we have coffee.
  • 他将钱借给公司。
    He lend the company money or he lend money to the company.
  • 他们或者然反对马列主义的基本原理,或者口头上拥护马列主义,但是反对马列主义普遍真理与中国革命实践相结合而产生的毛泽东思想。
    Either they openly oppose the basic tenets of Marxism-Leninism, or else they uphold Marxism-Leninism in word only while in deed opposing Mao Zedong Thought, which represents the integration of the universal truth of Marxism-Leninism with the practice of the Chinese revolution.
  • 勒诺说,"戴维对人平正直,打趣的功夫不下于任何人。"去年五月勒诺接替卡森的职位时遭到另一竞争者阿森尼奥・霍尔的严厉批评。
    "David(letterman) is a fair and decent guy and makes me laugh as much as anyone, " said(Jay) Leno, who was raked over the coals by another competitor, Arsenio Hall, when Leno took over Johnny Carson's seat last May.
  • 利昂一听到这消息就马上离开了办室。
    Leon made out of the office at once on hearing the news.
  • 伦纳德·伯恩斯坦肺功能衰竭引起心脏病发作,在他的曼哈顿寓住所去世,终年72岁。
    Leonard Bernstein, 72, died in his Manhattan apartment after a heart attack brought on by lung failure.
  • ”但在最近的几个月他取消了约会并在半个月前宣布,遵照医嘱,他不再担任乐队指挥。1990年,伦纳德·伯恩斯坦,因肺衰竭突发心脏病,在他曼哈顿的寓里去世,享年72岁。
    " But in recent months he canceled engagements and a fortnight age announced that, on his doctor's advice, he was retiring as a conductor, In 1990, Leonard Bernstein, 72, died in his Manhattan apartment after a heart attack brought on by lung failure.
  • 纳塞尔希望新型的微型小汽车能占领欧洲市场以刺激司目前不十分景气的销售业绩,但是对于巴西他并不乐观,只希望能降低亏损程度。
    Nasser hopes the new Focus subcompact will jump-start lethargic sales in Europe, but in Brazil he'll be happy just to limit his losses.
  • 虽然国家广播司急忙发布这项新闻,莱特曼才是第一个正式透露秘密的人。……在下午五点半录制节目时他告诉摄影棚里的观众说他将去哥伦比亚广播司。
    Though NBC rushed to break the news, Letterman was the first officially to let the cat out of the bag…when he told the studio audience at his 5:30 p.m. taping that he was CBS-bound.
  • 我不赞成让人们在众场合抽烟。
    I don't hold with letting people smoke in public places.
  • 这个办室在哪一个楼屋上?
    what level is the office on?
  • 我们需使这家司举债经营。
    We need to leverage this company.
  • 使(某一司)举债经营
    To provide(a company) with leverage.
  • 没有一家司控制着源码,所以也没有一家司能利用linux为其自己谋利益。
    No vendor controls the source code, so no vendor can leverage Linux to its benefit.
  • 司是通过比竞争对手更有效地利用信息对市场需求作出反应之能力来计量信息资产的。
    Corporations are measuring their information assets by their ability to leverage that information to react to market demands more effectively than their competitions.
  • 有些司发现,如果它们与其他在一些特定领域有专长的司(而在这些领域它们自己做不好或效率不高)结成伙伴,那么它们可以降低成本和使人尽其才、钱尽其用。
    Some companies, are finding that they can cut costs and leverage the most out of their staff and budgets if they partner with other companies that specialize in particular areas that they can't do as well or as efficiently themselves.
  • 协助及鼓励企业家利用国内科技实力作为后盾去发展高增值工业,我们亦会研究不同方案,去协助以科技为本的司在市场集资;
    to facilitate and encourage entrepreneurs to develop high-value added industries, and to leverage on the Mainland's technological and scientific strengths. We will study the feasibility of various options to help and facilitate the raising of capital in the market of technology-based companies;
  • 墨西哥曾一度实行高利率政策,利率有相当长时间保持在75%的水平。不过许多墨西哥司都能承受这样高的利率,因它们的负债率没这么高,也不会那么依赖国内的短期贷款。
    Now Mexico went through a period of extremely high interest rates -- 75 per cent for quite some time --- but many Mexican companies were able to weather because they did not have such a high degree of leverage or a dependence on short-term internal loans.
  • 墨西哥曾一度实行高利率政策,利率有相当长时间保持在75%的水平。不过许多墨西哥司都能承受这样高的利率,因它们的负债率没这么高,也不会那么依赖国内的短期贷款。
    Now Mexico went through a period of extremely high interest rates -- 75 per cent for quite some time --- but many Mexican companies were able to weather them because they did not have such a high degree of leverage or a dependence on short-term internal loans.
  • 100里的快速路和109里的地铁将于2005年竣工,磁悬浮铁路系统还将进一步方便新机场与市中心的交通。
    By 2005, upon the completion of the 100 kilometers of expressways and 109 kilometers of subway, a magnetic levitation train system will also be in place to provide better access from our new airport to the city center.
  • 然而,谁会想到,1995年6月27日,他被洛杉矶警察局逮捕,原因是“在共场所被怀疑从事下流行为”。
    Well, who would have guessed? On June 27th, 1995, Grant was arrested by the LAPD"on suspicion of lewd conduct in a public place".
  • 每所营中学均有一名学校图书馆主任,负责管理校内的图书馆,并为学生举办各类图书馆活动。
    Each public sector secondary school has a library staffed by a teacher-librarian responsible for managing the school library and organising library activities for students.
  • 那城市有自己的用图书馆和园。
    The town has its own public library and public gardens.
  • 纽约公共图书馆
    New York Public Library
  • 这家美国司一直在西部沙漠钻探,希望能发现类似邻国利比亚那样大量的矿藏。
    The American company has been drilling in the Western Desert in the hope of striking large reserves similar to those in neighbouring Libya.
  • 一俟你方取得进口许可证,请即电告你司订单,以便我司最后确认。
    As soon as the import license is obtained, you are requested to cable your order to us for our final confirmation.
  • 共汽车准许载客五十人。
    The bus is licensed to carry 50 passengers.
  • 这家司获得了经营出口业务的许可证。
    This company have be licensed to be engaged in export business.
  • 本港现有83名持有执照的领港员,透过一家私人司提供领航服务。
    There are 83 licensed pilots who provide pilotage services through a private company.