  • 必须协调好运动与生活之的关系,这样运动员就不至于只想着自己的目标,因而缺乏远见而不能面对不可避免的失败或偶然的成功,或是没有能力在体育竞技场外重新充电。
    There must be a sport/life balance, so that athletes are not obsessed by their goals, and thus lack a sense of perspective to cope with inevitable failure or occasional success, or the ability to re-charge their batteries outside the sporting arena.
  • 我们只醉心于优异的考试成绩,把这视为教育的终极目标。莘莘学子几乎完全没有时追求他们的兴趣,让自己得到更全面的教育,同时减少求学的压力,使学习的过程更有意义。
    Instead, e are too obsessed with achieving excellent examination results as the ultimate goal in education, leaving our young with hardly any time to pursue other interests that will give them a more balanced education and help make student life more fulfilling and less stressful.
  • 将你追求成功的欲望,转变成一股强烈的执着意念,并且照手实现你的明确目标,这是使你学得情绪控制能力的两个基本要件,这两个基本要件之,具有相辅相成的关系,而其中一个要件获得进展时,另一要件也会有所进展。
    Building you desire for success into a burning obsession and embarking on your definite major purpose are the cornerstones of your efforts to gain emotional control.Each strengthens the other,and progress with one will mean progress everywhere.
  • 有时我认为你是我和我的幸福之唯一的障碍。”
    Sometimes I think you’re the only obstacle between me and my happiness.
  • 事实上,总统和国会大部分时都在争吵不休,说什么如果对方不是那么顽固,某些事可能真的会成功。
    In practice, the President and Congress spend most of their time blathering about how something might really be accomplished if the other weren't so obstinate.
  • 这些障碍物可能要花几周时才能从运河中清除掉。
    These obstruction can take some week to clear from these canal.
  • 那些故意捣蛋的议员以拖延发言时来阻挠议会全部工作的进展。
    The obstructive members blocked all parliamentary business by talking against time.
  • 失业与犯罪率之的明显的关系
    An obvious link between unemployment and the crime rate
  • 将来将来的某一时或场合
    Some future time or occasion.
  • 有利的机会合适或有利的机会或时
    A favorable or suitable occasion or time.
  • 他们之偶尔也发生争论。
    Disputes occasionally occur between them.
  • 有意味深长的停顿的谈话
    A conversation occasionally punctuated by pregnant pauses.
  • 当他在职期间
    during the occupancy of his post
  • 在她居住期花园改观了。
    During her occupancy the garden was transformed.
  • 个别服务;独立的房;独居单人床。
    an individual serving; separate rooms; single occupancy; a single bed.
  • 我希望能和一个美国女生合用一个双人房
    I would prefer a double-occupancy room shared with an American girl student.
  • 忙于某事或者被某事占着时
    busy or occupied with.
  • 不忙或者没有被某事占着时;空闲的。
    not busy or occupied; free.
  • 飞机所占据的空间
    The space occupied by an aircraft.
  • 阅读占去了我大部分的闲暇时
    Reading occupies most of my free time.
  • 使留有空隙使有隔或占有…之的空隙
    To make or occupy a space between.
  • 物质是占有空和重量的任何东西。
    Matter is anything which occupy space and have weight.
  • 占据一定的空或时;发生;出现
    Occupy a particular position in space or time; occur
  • 若确有碰撞发生,两个设备都时不等地等一会儿再试,并重复这个过程,直到没有碰撞为止。
    If a collision did occur, both devices wait a random period of time and try again, repeating the process until no collision occurs.
  • 在时上接近;即将发生。
    close in time; about to occur.
  • 在特定的时或地点发生。
    occur at a specified time or place.
  • 按时发生顺序排列的
    Arranged in order of time of occurrence.
  • 起源或发生于物种之的。
    arising or occurring between species.
  • 行星际的存在或发生于行星之
    Existing or occurring between planets.
  • 部落的存在于或发生于部落
    Existing or occurring between tribes.
  • 不在预定的时发生。
    not occurring at expected times.
  • 每隔二十的出自或出现于二十区内的
    Proceeding or occurring in intervals of20.