| - 弗尔南多又给卡德鲁斯斟满酒,后者原是一个酒徒,一看见酒,便放开了纸,抓起了酒杯。
Fernand filled Caderousse's glass, who, like the confirmed toper he was, lifted his hand from the paper and seized the glass. - 海边的大多数姑娘都上身裸露着,所以我也把外套给脱了-入乡随谷吧!
Most of the other girls on the beach were topless so I took my blouse off – when in Rome, do as the Romans do! - 而用光纤通道给出网络拓扑结构却是一个新事物。
What's new is that it is being given a network topology. - cim给出公用的拓扑信息和公用的命名信息,因而网络中的任何一样东西都可以唯一识别,而不管它们是哪家公司的或哪种物理技术。
CIM delivers common topology information and common naming information so that everything is uniquely identified within the network, regardless of vendor and physical technology. - 粮食产量的年均增速达2.7%,远远超过人口增长速度,尤其是近三年中国粮食连获丰收,1996年还突破了5亿吨大关,大大改善了中国较长时期以来存在的粮食供给不足的状况。
The average annual growth of grain output was 2.7 percent, greatly exceeding the population growth rate. Particularly in the last three years, China has continuously reaped good grain harvests, with the output in 1996 topping 500 million tons. This has reversed the long-term grain shortage in China. - 老一辈人应该把知识的火炬传给青年一代。
The old should hand on the torch to the young. - 我们要把他传授给我们的知识传给後代
We will hand on the torch which he has handed to us - 我们要把他传授给我们的知识传给後代。
We will hand on the torch which he have hand to us. - 当我告诉他,我没有参加舞会的化装服饰,他像变戏法似的给我拿出一件西班牙斗牛士款式的服装。
When I told him I had no fancy dress for the costume of a toreador for me just like a rabbit out of a hat. - 他给打得很厉害,衣服也撕破了。
He was badly beaten. His clothes were torn. - 我们的屋顶在暴风雨中给刮掉了。
Our roof was torn off in the storm. - 在雨季,山洪暴发,河水猛涨,给河谷地区造成可怕的水灾。
During the rainy season the river, swollen by mountain torrents, caused terrible floods in the valley. - 他给我买了两只小乌龟。
He bought two small tortoises for me. - 给人施加刑罚的地方。
a room in which torture is inflicted. - 3年来,住房供给委员会的保守党成员和工党成员就提高社团房租事宜互相进行了追击战。
For three years, there's been a running fight between the Tory and Labour members of the Housing Committee about raising council house rents. - 我给本地的报纸写文章只用半小时就可一挥而就。
I can toss off my article for the local newspaper in half an hour. - 他们轮流给对方施手淫。
They had been taking turns to toss each other off. - 她给病磨垮了。
She was totally worn down by the disease. - 你给我双翅,让我可以展翅高飞。你拉我的手,让我可以碰触天空。
You gave me wings and made me fly You touched my hand I could touch the sky .—Celine Dion:Because You Loved Me - 你给我双翅,让我可以展翅高飞。你拉我的手,让我可以碰触天空。
You gave me wings and made me fly You touched my hand I could touch the sky .—Celine Dion:Because You Loved Me - 旅游期间, 我把房子托给邻居照管。
I confided my house to the neighbor while I was touring. - 您可以打电话给旅游局,询问一下即将到来的节日和即将举行的仪式。
You can call Tourism Authority about upcoming traditional festivals and ceremonies. - 晴朗的天气给高尔夫球锦标赛提供了良好的环境
The clear weather was a plus for the golf tournament. - 你能给我一些你们经办的有关澳洲旅游的信息资料吗?
Could you give me some information on your Australian tours? - 厂商们在谈到这些网络装置时就要吹节约成本,这种节省必须按照需求进行测量,即在服务器上提供更多的处理能力和存储容量以及为支持网络应用程序和通信量对台式机给出更高带宽之需求。
The cost savings that vendors tout when talking about these devices must be measured against the need to provide more processing power and storage on the server and to deliver higher bandwidth to the desktop in order to support network applications and traffic. - 我的车抛锚了,能用你的车给我拖一拖吗?
My car's broken down; will you give me a tow? - 请给我两张去动物园的票。
Tow to the zoo, please. - 请给我一条毛巾。
Give me a towel please. - 请给我一条温毛巾。
Please give me a wet towel. - 这是给您擦手的热手巾。
This is the hot towel for your hands. - 侍者:我给您拿几条毛巾来吧?
Shall I bring you some towels? - 给孩子们彻底用毛巾擦擦,否则他们会感冒。
The children were toweled down thoroughly, or they might catch cold.